Tune in to Truth & Justice in Hawaii
Live informative shows on every other Monday Night
7 PM on Channel 52, Akaku television
Talk with host, Mahealani about topics like development, national issues and racial economic regimes
Call in live: 808-871-3430
April 28, 2008, May 12, 2008, June 9, 2008, June 23, 2008, July7, 2008, July 21, 2008 and every other Monday in this manner.
DVD's available upon request by contact below
Ka hale kakau hoike ana, ka waihona palapala pono i (Registry)
* Secure your kuleana (all of it), privately register (NO de facto), and declare your de jure (lawful) national status
* All live human beings welcome!
* reserving all rights and without prejudice
Protect Your Kuleana With An Irrevocable Trust
Lock your wealth out reach from unscrupulous lawyers and over ambitious creditors
Keep your private information from being sold to the highest bidder
it is time to finally keep your kuleana safe from de facto groups (OHA); (DHHL) and de facto state affiliates that barter with greedy developers
all lulu (your unconditional gifts) goes toward the paepae loa o Hawaiiloa [foundation] helping to make Patent, Law and Financial literacy a reality
next project: books on the mahele for keiki, need desk top publishing & binding help
we are looking for eleu (quick) people who would like to form a "think tank" to help others on their sovereign journey
Aloha me ke aloha
me ka mahalo nui ia kakou pakahi a pau loa
(every bit counts, thank you for helping us to keep the lights on!)
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