Graffiti Maoli

For da new dictionary: Cultural Graffiti: an ephemeral manifestation of the perpetuation of the ancient practice of ki'i pohaku, utilizing modern substrates and materials in da expression of mana'o through creation of symbolic messages within a given spatial context, as moved by inspiration and the spiritual forces of creation and ancestral knowledge. Also a way of saying, "Eh, if you no like your water tank redecorated, try no go steal da wai first place!"


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  • When I'm driving down the freeway and see one big empty wall, I always think it would be nice to see some Hawaiian murals on those walls. Something depicting our culture, ali'i, history, gods/mythology/heroes, values, etc. like Maui fishing the islands from the sea or whatever. Anything to help preserve our culture and reminds people, you in Hawaii!! I know the "state" supposed to be in charge of things like that, but obviously they ain't doin' shit.
  • I remember a little while back someone had stenciled silhouettes of Kalākaua and Liliʻu with their dates of reign on the columns of an overpass before the pali offramp on H-1. It was so artistically done and made such a clear statement that from that moment I saw the potential power of such an art form to be both poignant and widely viewed. Of course it was covered up, but just imagine if there had been an organized campaign around it--once they had painted one over another would mysteriously surface.
    • I have not hit a wall in a while........... but it sure is enjoyable!

  • Very Very interesting since my brother, kui, has the dopest maoli grafitti ive ever seen.
    I'm sure there are many many talented peeps out there with loads of this genre...

    Let's see if we can get some up.

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