I'd like to understand more

Aloha e, I had an experience one day, with the ocean, which gave me some insight (perhaps) into one aspect of lomilomi. I'd like to learn more, please. Thank you!

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  • Though our hands may massage, it is the intent with which we exemplify that causes trust in one another, sharing the experience. So as my reverence for the ocean causes me to enjoy it's beauty safely, healing me, my hands may massage carefully, lovingly, also allowing, inviting, sharing, and receiving.
    • Yeah. Thank you!
      A few years ago I was privileged to join a Huaka'i on Hawai'i island. One particular day was very, very hard. We ran out of water, lost radio contact with the folks with the truck, and so on. Pretty intense. So the next day we just stayed put for most of the day, didn't hike at all. We were at Kapua beach, down the Kona coast. Early that morning, day after the grueling hike,
      I felt like I'd been run over by a truck. Real sore all over. I went into the water before anyone else was up, and for about 45 minutes was in shallow water, holding on to a little rock at the bottom, just letting the ocean pull me around like seaweed. The water gave me a healing as I surrendered to its movement. I felt as if I'd come across one of the original teachers of lomilomi, and it wasn't just the water movement, it was the FEELING in the water. Does that make sense?
    • Oh! Your story makes me happy!

      Perfect sense. Im no expert, but I think your feelings guided you to trust the ocean, which allowed you to benefit from the situation. Sometimes all the strength we need is already inside of us. Love and trust. Coupled with a few other strengths and anything can be accomplished, healing, and what else?

      It wasnt so much the physical movement of the kai, but perhaps the way you resonated with it. It felt soothing to you, so you let it soothe. If someone approaches you with reverence, and you return the gesture, a circle of energy begins to flow....

      I have had many massages, and many more healing experiences.


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