This group is for all the Kamehameha Alumni and students who have gone away or just want to keep in touch.
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  • This is where Abercrombie will take everything we have - Land, Money, and Assets.  Already he's given our lands, so what's next?  Our Identity, our culture, then our lives.  Look what he's done to us already, he's carrying the torch right from Linda Lingle.  So no let the serpent deceive us like he did with Jehovah.  ONIPA'A, participate in this November 5 elections because every vote WILL count.  Remember, our children and our childrens children will depend on it.
  • This was sent to me from the Aha Kiole, I don't know why but this is what Ambercrombie the Zombie is doing to our people that is still with the Defactos Government.  Is this the kind of sh%t that we want from this Defactos Government?  Do we still want this kind of abuse and mis-treat from this so called State of Hawaii?  OR do you think that it's about time we Govern our selves an Independent Country?  Think about it Nationals and non nationals cause we might not have a tomorrow if we still have a rat in the kitchen.
  • Aloha kakou,

    As many of you know, since 2005, the Native Hawaiian lawaia and mahiai, as well as many other resource practitioners of different disciplines have endeavored to halt the dwindling course of our natural resources both on land and in the ocean through the restoration of the ancient and proven Aha Kiole, a system of ahupua’a / moku working together to malama their own ‘aina. This is a system of traditional resource management that dates back to the 9th century prior to the arrival of Paao; that is site-specific; employs the ahupua’a practices and gives the people of the ahupua’a community the voice and power to advise the governor, the legislature and the Department of Land and Natural Resources on resource issues and management of their lands and oceans.

    In 2007, the people, through the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, took this issue to the legislature who voted unanimously to “ initiate the process to create a system of best practices that is based upon the indigenous resource management practices of moku (regional) boundaries, which acknowledges the natural contours of land, the specific resources located within those areas, and the methodology necessary to sustain resources and the community.” Governor Lingle signed the process into law through Act 212. Since then, through the efforts of kupuna and resource practitioners throughout the state, and with no support from the DLNR, the “process” has been integrated through the Aha Moku System, and these efforts to formally recognize this system was unanimously passed and supported by the 2011 Legislature as S.B. 23. In spite of all efforts and widespread support from Hawaiian organizations, the legislature, government agencies and the general public, Governor Abercrombie has indicated his intent to veto this bill. He has not listened to the appeals of the Hawaiians who have been involved in this endeavor. But one non-Hawaiian, Mr. Keith Robinson who owns Niihau Island, has effectively and courageously stated to the governor what we all feel. With his permission, I would like to share his communication with the governor with you. It is attached, and for those of you who cannot open attachments, I have pasted it below. I encourage everyone to share this message. I apologize for any duplicate postings.

    (Email to Governor Neil Abercrombie, State of Hawaii dated July 1, 2011)

    Dear Governor Abercrombie

    May I respectfully request that you take a few moments to consider a matter which I believe might possibly be potentially serious?

    This e-mail is a follow-up to a telephone call I made to your office a few days ago, urging you to sign Senate Bill 23 (which I am told was unanimously passed by both houses of the Hawaii State Legislature).

    As I understand it, SB23 was intended merely to establish a Hawaiian advisory council, which would enable the native Hawaiian people to give their advice and opinions to the state government, whenever it is necessary or desirable to seek their counsel or input in matters of state government.

    Several background facts about this matter should be carefully noted.

    First, the Hawaiian people were the original inhabitants and possessors of these islands; they created a legitimate independent nation which was recognized by the rest of the world; but that Hawaiian nation was destroyed in a revolutionary overthrow in which Americans, most regrettably, played a very dubious role.

    Second, Senate Bill 23 was created to give those descendants of the Hawaiian Kingdom an advisory input into the workings of the present day state of Hawaii. I believe that this is a very modest and reasonable request. Those Hawaiians are not even asking for any legislative or executive powers in the state government. Instead, they are merely asking politely to be allowed to give their advice and opinions to this government which has forcibly replaced their own nation in these islands.

    Third, these Hawaiians are not a bunch of nuts who want to secede and re-create a stone age banana republic. Instead, they are ordinary citizens who are merely asking to be allowed to work within the present system of state government, by giving it advice and information.

    Fourth, if and when you veto Senate Bill 23 (which I understand is your intention) you will in effect further disenfranchise the native Hawaiians: this will inevitably reinforce the feelings of many Hawaiians, that they are unwelcome in the state government, and are being deliberately excluded from any kind of participation in it, even on a relatively minor advisory level.

    This may considerably increase the feelings of anger and alienation now felt by many native Hawaiians throughout Hawaii.

    Fifth, your veto won’t look good racially. Regardless of whether or not such perceptions are merited, a widespread feeling does exist, that you first came here as a radical mainland haole hippie or semi-hippie, during the 1960s.

    And your rhetoric and hair length since then have done little to dispel this impression: on the contrary, you seem to relish and enjoy creating and maintaining a radical, iconoclastic public image.

    But consider how this may look to many native Hawaiians throughout Hawaii: a radical, mainland haole hippie or semi-hippie comes to Hawaii, eventually becomes Hawaii’s governor, and then vetoes a bill passed by a legislature full of “local” people – a legislature which clearly intended to give the native Hawaiians the courtesy of having an advisory input into Hawaii’s present government.

    Actions speak louder than any words. I am already hearing it bitterly said among some Hawaiians, that a radical, mainland haole hippie in the governor’s office, has thwarted the will of the legislature, and has single-handedly prevented the Hawaiian people from having even a minor advisory input into the present government of a land their ancestors possessed and ruled.

    And there is also starting to be talk of a statewide meeting of representatives of the Hawaiians, to discuss the best way to deal with this slap in the face.

    In view of all these facts, including the different views held by the various parties to this situation, may I very humbly and politely ask you to carefully re-consider this matter, and (if possible) to sign Senate Bill 23, instead of vetoing it?

    I honestly believe that doing so might help to defuse a situation which (in my opinion, at least) could otherwise result in a lot of grief and trouble and frustration and anger and alienation.

    There is in my opinion absolutely no point in either deliberately or accidentally giving Hawaii’s native Hawaiians any further reason, to believe that they are being shut out of Hawaii’s state government, and prevented from having even a minor advisory input into it.

    And very last of all, may I thank you for taking the time to read and consider this e-mail. There is no need to respond to it – I understand full well that you were already extremely busy, even before receiving it.

    Very respectfully submitted,

    Keith Robinson

    Owner, Ni’ihau Island

    Privatization & Development Of Public Lands To Ignore Zoning & Land Use Laws - 
    June 22, 2011

    DBEDT director Richard Lim’s recent speech at a meeting of the Hawaii Economic Association spelled out his view that public lands represent a significant resource and opportunity for private development.

    Now a bill signed into law by Governor Abercrombie provides muscle to move Lim’s vision towards reality.

    Here’s what Lim had to say about development of public land.

    "The State has vast land resources which currently represent a drain on the State’s coffers due to heavy maintenance costs. We cannot afford to pay for adequate upkeep so facilities are in disrepair and, consequently, become underutilized. Most residents don’t use them which often results in them attracting undesirable elements.

    By engaging in public-private partnerships, we hope to turn this situation around. We will find private sector partners who are willing to make the requisite investments to renovate and revitalize our underutilized lands.

    There are a number projects that can improve our infrastructure and provide improved facilities for the enjoyment of locals and tourists. And, partnering with the private sector minimizes the need for State funding or additional personnel.

    Of course, there will always be the vocal minority that will object. Think of theSuperferry. And, there have been other projects that have been derailed by well heeled NIMBY’s and special interests.

    While I am all for protecting the environment, we need to strike a balance. We can do responsible and sustainable development."

    SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim’s strategy for privatizing public resources.

    Lim will sit on the 5-member board along with the director of Finance and the Land Board chairman.

    Two additional members will be appointed by the House Speaker and Senate President, and those members must have “sufficient knowledge, experience, and proven expertise in small and large businesses within the development or recreation industries, banking, real estate, finance, promotion, marketing, or management.”

    Conservation? Environment? Public interests? No seat at the table.

    The new PLDC is charged with selecting land from the state inventory and promoting private development for projects that but are not “limited to office space; vehicular parking; commercial uses; hotel, residential, and timeshare uses; fueling facilities; storage and repair facilities; and seawater air conditioning plants.”

    The PLDC is broadly empowered to guarantee loans for developers, issue bonds to finance projects, and take other steps to push for development. It looks like a piggy bank for private investors and developers.

  • As I know under International Law, ONLY Natives from there mother land can vote and no other ethnicity CANNOT participate in that particular election.  How America gotten there votes is HEWA because they was not to participate in that election with the Kanaka Maoli people.  ONLY the Kanaka Maoli PEOPLE was suppose to vote for Statehood, that's why the petition was made, that was to warn the rest of the kanaka's along with the world on telling them that America did an illegal act against Hawaii.  Did the world comply with that, no they didn't but to perpetuate the fraud that America committed against Hawaii.  So Kanaka's, open your Maka's and your pepe au's cause this will happen again if we no watch out and not participate in the up coming elections on November 5, 2011.   So please watch for the signs and register to vote cause this will make a difference with Hawaii, nationals, and the rest of the people.  Remember if the cook islands are taking that responsibility to govern them selves, then why can't we.  So I erg you to register and vote, our keiki's are depending on it.




    Representative:  Bronson Duke Keali'i Kalipi


    District 1


    Moku Puni O Molokai 

  • yes, but 2008's he 'olu still brings tears to the eye lol
  • sophomore won...haha. sorry! i have to represent my class. 2010 baby... ;]]]]]
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