$48 million appropriated by the federal government for exploratory energy resources availability of and/or for the fake State of Hawaii. Puna Geothermal Venture to receive $5 million for developing exploration of energy resources availability on Maui...Hawaii Tribune Herald (October 30, 2009)!!! Feds are willing to provide money for research & development of our cultural resources & its' critical habitat for energy (under-sea cable & such) for private corporations financial benefits & gain. How does this address the eminent potential harm & danger of the keiki o ka aina who now suffer...why not give$ for clean up of toxic waste in the Hawaiian Archeapelago; $ for rehabilitation/housing/shelters/pu'uhonua for families with dependant children; $ for alternative health care/la'au la pa'au; $ for education...no child left behind...another example of misappropriations of $. Got any ideas? S. Kanaka'ole

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  • It doesn't address any of those issues you bring up. It only serves to further the progress of the death machine we call civilization.
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