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  • Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Moves Forward in 2011 Legislature
    Senate Bill 1520, which formally recognizes Native Hawaiian people as “the only indigenous, aboriginal, maoli people of Hawai’i,” was approved today by a joint conference of the Hawai’i State Senate and House conferees. The bill will now move to both houses of the State legislature for a final vote. If passed, it will then go to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
    Senator Malama Solomon (D/Sen. Dist.1 – Waimea, Hamakua, North Hilo, portions of South Hilo), who has been a lead negotiator for Native Hawaiian recognition in the 2011 session, said “this is a historic and positive step in the reconciliation process between the State of Hawai’i and the Native Hawaiian people. By having the formal recognition by all of the people of these islands, this bill serves as strong evidence and testimony for our case pending before Congress for federal recognition of the Native Hawaiian people.”
    Sen. Solomon, who represents a large portion of the Island of Hawai’i, has been working on the issue of Native Hawaiian recognition for more about three decades. “I well remember meeting with kupuna in the 1960s and ‘70s, and hearing stories of how they felt mistreated or discriminated against because of their ancestry,” she said. “Some progress towards reconciliation has certainly been made since then, but there is still much more to do and hopefully this Bill will move things forward.”
    Senator Brickwood Galuteria (D/Sen. Dist 12 – Iwilei-Downtown-Kaka’ako-Waikiki), another lead negotiator of the legislation, echoed Solomon’s remarks. “Native Hawaiians are the original people of this land,” he said “and it’s only right that they be recognized as such and receive the same rights and benefits that are now given to all other native peoples in this country.
    In addition to formal recognition by the State of Hawai’i, SB 1520, if passed and signed into law, also formally begins a process of creating a list of people who are of Native Hawaiian descent. Funds will be set aside to create a commission that will collect and register such names.
    “We are the native people of this land,” said Sen. Solomon. “Nonetheless, we need to create a roll, a verified listing, of who we are by name and status, so that the whole world will know who we are … and that we stand up to be counted.”
    Submitted by Hawaii State Senate communications office
  • Aloha no e Hawaii au,

    This morning April 30 edition of the "Star-Aggravator" continues its
    "in-direct" assault on Hawaiian Nationals just as Lorrin Thurston did
    in the late 1800's. This time they validate their obsession with
    Legislators of none other than Hawaiian blood. Since January 19th, I
    have sat and testified in Legislative Hearing concerning the "welfare"
    of Hawaiians. No truer word, welfare, describes this ordeal that goes
    back to the year 2000 when U. S. Congress came to Honolulu Hawaii. On
    page A-6, B. J. Reyes reports on the current 2011 actions of the
    Legislature. Specifically, Senate Bill 1520 that would have the Office
    of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) fund and administer the program and work
    toward the continuing development of a native Hawaiian governing
    entity with a five-member commission and a "registered roll of
    Qualified Hawaiians". I use the term "in-direct" because it is
    designed so that you do not realize you are the target. In some
    campaigns it is also labeled a "victim of friendly fire".

    "This gives the native Hawaiian people the standing---in terms of
    recognition---by the state of Hawaii", said Sen. Malama Solomon (D.
    Hilo-Honokaa), one of the key backers of the legislation. "It mandates
    a roll call so that the native Hawaiian nation is actually

    This no different than the old adage of what came first, "the 'Chicken
    or the Egg"? Well, no legislations of the The Fake State of Hawaii had
    anything to do in creating then and now the Hawaiian Nation. Nor did
    its parents, the Territory of Hawaii, or its grandparents the Republic
    of Hawaii. Certainly, is there anyone who believes the Hawaiian Nation
    was created by the manifest destiny of the Committee of Safety? The
    Hawaiian Nation of civilization and culture is at least 1000 recorded
    years before all of these "claim-jumpers" came ashore to these
    Islands. In fact, there are Hawaiian records that date a Hawaiians
    existed an additional 1,000 before those "claim-jumpers" could speak
    and communicate.
    Hawaiian Nationals have never left the Hawaiian Nation. There are
    Hawaiians who like all docile natives have traded their Nationality
    for thirty pieces of silver to become anything but a Hawaiian
    National, just as those who have traded their Hawaiian Archipelago Ko
    Hawaii Pae Aina for a homestead. Recognition is bilateral. It is not a
    "their-way" street.

    Hawaiian Nationals do not need legislation or resolution to be
    recognition, for we have never left or traded our makana of
    Nationalism. Only "Legislative Hawaiians" have terminated. Take a
    close look at the 1900 Organic of Hawaii Section 4, and the 1959
    Admissions Act of Hawaii, Section 19. You are not Hawaiian Nationals
    because you have assented or acquiesced to their unilateral
    legislations. A'ole, before you think these sections were included to
    protect you as a Hawaiian National, you are in a dilemma. It was
    included up front to protect the 'Invader" of fraud and confuse you,
    just as Senate Bill 1520 and the Akaka Pill is designed to do.

    Hawaiian Nationals know "what they are". Who you are has nothing to do
    with your Nationality. By the makana of King Kamehameha III,
    Kaui'keaouli and the Grace of God Almighty, we have our identity,
  • Then I suggest that you need to be more educated cause this is happening right under your nose and your lack is their gain, mission accomplish.
  • it wouldn't surprise me. over 80% of the world population will have to drop once the resources that made the human population boom possible are gone. and they are already nearly depleted. thats just the law of nature, for any species. but i tend to doubt they would use the method you describe.
  • Here's the kicker my braddah, they poisoning the food so there plan to deplete the people from 8 billion to 5 hundred million works. There terminology for that type of killing is called soft kill. That is when they poison the food and slowly the human race die. All your pharmaceuticals, can foods, drinks especially diet soda's, they are putting Aspartame in it. There doing this for the reasons you said, all about the control of the market and the control of the people.
  • How I know, I use to work for them and quite just because I felt that it wasn't pono and that company MONSANTO is a hewa to our islands.
  • im most worried about the state and decline of the environment and the GMOs. it seems the oligarchy is poised to render the environment inhospitable for any subsistence plants, then force us all to turn to them for their seeds genetically altered to cope with the inhospitable conditions. essentially monopolizing food its self. 


    i fish, and forage and such for a lot of my food these days. i plant and hunt. but i fear eventually even people like us will be enslaved by the oligarchy.


    i can only hope that these horrific plans never come to fruition. i can only believe that nature cannot be defeated, that she will ALWAYS find a way. but that fear is ever present nagging at the back of my mind.

  • My Uncle Billy Kalipi was one of the pioneers that fought for our gathering rights.
  • To all you the kanaka's that wants to stay ignorant.  Maybe your not suffering but your children will.  Everyone thinks that I'm just trying a scare tactic, but did you ever thought about America saying that they going to shut off all there government agencies in the state and federal levels!!!!  Have you ever thought about that?  Have you ever thought about Abercrombie  plans is to take our lands, monies and assets only for the state of Hawaii who is the defacto government.  Politicians out there, have you ever thought of your future generation when they don't have the status you do as a state of hawaii government official, how they'll be treated if they have the koko.  People, there is one thing that you have to understand and that is freedom.  Every Kanaka's freedom will be taken away and we will be treated as dogs.  The Kanaka's that are worriers will be put away as political prisoners and kept there until they die just to stop them from spreading the truth.  How much more can we take from this defacto government?  Have you ever thought of us being held as political prisoners today when we reinstated our government and the state is still trying to perpetuate the fraud for over 118 years.  Where is our dignity and pride as a Kanaka.  You kanaka's no shame on how the defacto is treating your kupuna iwi and you kupuna, makua, and the keiki's.  They out there telling us Kanaka's what to do and how to do it when we have learn from our kupuna's on how to do it the old ways.  When we want to sell food, the state tells us that we have to BUY a permit or BUY a license which is the General Excise Tax license.  Now they like raise the general excise taxes up by one.  Why we don't give our people the chance to govern our own people.  Our queen saved us that right and we not exercising that inherit right which is to govern our selves, not have a f#%king bone head  from the defacto do it for us.  Come on people, we not getting any younger and our numbers not exploding with more Hawaiians.  Wake the f@%k up cause your dumb f%@*s are not paying attention to our future if we ever have one.  We would be just as good as dead Kanaka's if we let them govern us period.  THINK ABOUT IT HARD.


    E Kala mai aunty, I no mean any harm cause this is a frustrating issue and our Kanaka's not even trying to seek justice and truth.  I mean no offense to you personally.





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What gathering protocols have you been taught?

It seems to me that in a group such as this, there will be a range of training and protocols that have been learned, not only the pule that go with gathering, but the edicts and guidance on gathering so as not to harm the plants being gathered from. I am sick of seeing maile vines stripped bare, 'awa plants taken entirely out without replanting, truckloads of iliili taken from one island to another, sometimes in the name of "Hawaiian rights" - it angers me that too many evoke rights without…

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12 Replies

Permits, "Licensing", and Alternatives

I would really like to hear everyone's mana'o on this subject, which is very "hot" right now. In my opinion, at this particular moment in time, a little really good mana'o could go a long way. I want to see positive solutions that address all the issues at once and I think it can be done. I've been working on this a long time, and talking to many people. I have my own feelings about what should be done, but for now I just want to put out the issues that have been identified (I'm sure I've…

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