chur for you MANA'o ae!!! no im not takin a class!! i jus like to do thiz kind of thingz ae!!!
wll i like to take mo'olelo that my tipuna told me wen i waz small and try to bring it to life!!!
sum my tipuna made up and sum waz past on!!!!
the 1st pic waz a of a boy named Manakauakoko from makua'ula in a cave deep in makua. Manakauakoko waz knw to grind sand tll it waz in almost a powder form and us it wen he got in a fight to blind his enemy!!!
2nd pic same boy gettin ready to fight a shapeshifteri sorry i kindah forgot the ingoa to this kanaka ae!!! but it wll come back to me one day... he waz half man half shark!.
3rd iz Manokauakoko!!!
so the story iz there iz a girl named lanikeao who waz in luv with the shake boy and not with Manakauakoko who waz her ipo. she told the shake boy if Manakauakoko waz killed that he would have to eat her!! but Manakauakoko didnt knw that so Manakauakoko waited for shark boy to come and visit her one day. Manakauakoko hidez on the top of the rock then seez the shark fin in the surf so he clim down and tryz to ambush the shack boy but failz to do so. the shark boy waz watchin Manakauakoko the whole time! so the shark lele out of the water and turnz into a boy and then they get into a fight and Manakauakoko flyz the sand into the shark boy eyez and blindz him but, waz to late the shark boy pull Manakauakoko in to the surf and killz him!!! then wen Lanikeao goes to look for Manakauakoko blood red water fall like rain on the her and she knw Manakauakoko waz killed... then az you can guess she lele in the surf and iz eatin but her once lover!!!!
im not to shua how old the mo'olelo iz but , my tipuna 4 generationz back told it!! it waz frm Tutu hina, a old hoa of my whanu....
but im tryin to make a short mo'olelo that i can shw one day!! usin the mo'olelo and the photoz i do to keep the mo'olelo goin so we dont lose it!!!!
wll sorry if u got a hard time readin this ae!!! hahaha... i i try...hahaha kia ora heapz ae!!!!
Overall I enjoy all of these pictures!!! I’m curious if they are for a class or for something else? They all seem to have a purpose.
What I find most intriguing about the first picture is the lighting, it doesn’t look natural yet is doesn’t look like a flash, giving it this plastic effect in good way and yet does not look commercial. I like and I don’t like the composition. I like it because you have all these visually interesting elements, you have Makua in the background with the road, the texture of the pohaku, the central figure and the texture of the water with another layer of the sea spray over it, everything put together creates this kind of symmetry, this lokahi. At the same time I kind of wish the foreground would be a little more exaggerated creating not just a meal for the eyes but a feast. I am also curious about the mo’olelo of this ki’i. Why is this kanaka dancing on the pohaku? Is it in tribute to someone, something, somewhere? Why is this particular motion captured and being shown to us?
For the second ki’i I find myself torn on the shutter speed. On one hand I’m glad you chose a relatively fast shutter speed because it gives you all these rich textures for the eyes to feast on but at the same time I wonder what it would look like if you had gone with a slower shutter speed and created all this softness around the dancer. I like where you placed the dancer his stance creates this beautiful line with the edge of the reef. The composition as a whole is visually exciting because you have the breaking wave in the background, the water running off the reef and then finally the dancer in the foreground. My only complaint is the lighting. The dancer looks a little dark, this is a common issue when the majority of your image is light reflecting off the water, this is easy to fix by opening your aperture. Again I am curious about the mo’olelo behind this ki’i. He appears to be somewhat confrontational with the ocean, almost angry yet still respectful.
I absolutely love the last picture!!!! I love everything about it. I love the composition again there is a symmetry in this image but it doesn’t fall flat. You have all this rich texture in the rocks and this beautiful play with light in the reflection of the sky on the water, the lei po’o, and the light brushing his shoulder. And of course there is the expression on his face which is awesome. He’s kind of saying “What?” but it’s like he doesn’t have to prove anything, it’s just “What?” And I like that it’s in sepia which of course references a time past and gives it more of a timeless classic beauty.
i ku’u wahi mana’o wale no.
damn that was long, it's just me being a photo dork, sorry about that :)
wll i like to take mo'olelo that my tipuna told me wen i waz small and try to bring it to life!!!
sum my tipuna made up and sum waz past on!!!!
the 1st pic waz a of a boy named Manakauakoko from makua'ula in a cave deep in makua. Manakauakoko waz knw to grind sand tll it waz in almost a powder form and us it wen he got in a fight to blind his enemy!!!
2nd pic same boy gettin ready to fight a shapeshifteri sorry i kindah forgot the ingoa to this kanaka ae!!! but it wll come back to me one day... he waz half man half shark!.
3rd iz Manokauakoko!!!
so the story iz there iz a girl named lanikeao who waz in luv with the shake boy and not with Manakauakoko who waz her ipo. she told the shake boy if Manakauakoko waz killed that he would have to eat her!! but Manakauakoko didnt knw that so Manakauakoko waited for shark boy to come and visit her one day. Manakauakoko hidez on the top of the rock then seez the shark fin in the surf so he clim down and tryz to ambush the shack boy but failz to do so. the shark boy waz watchin Manakauakoko the whole time! so the shark lele out of the water and turnz into a boy and then they get into a fight and Manakauakoko flyz the sand into the shark boy eyez and blindz him but, waz to late the shark boy pull Manakauakoko in to the surf and killz him!!! then wen Lanikeao goes to look for Manakauakoko blood red water fall like rain on the her and she knw Manakauakoko waz killed... then az you can guess she lele in the surf and iz eatin but her once lover!!!!
im not to shua how old the mo'olelo iz but , my tipuna 4 generationz back told it!! it waz frm Tutu hina, a old hoa of my whanu....
but im tryin to make a short mo'olelo that i can shw one day!! usin the mo'olelo and the photoz i do to keep the mo'olelo goin so we dont lose it!!!!
wll sorry if u got a hard time readin this ae!!! hahaha... i i try...hahaha kia ora heapz ae!!!!
What I find most intriguing about the first picture is the lighting, it doesn’t look natural yet is doesn’t look like a flash, giving it this plastic effect in good way and yet does not look commercial. I like and I don’t like the composition. I like it because you have all these visually interesting elements, you have Makua in the background with the road, the texture of the pohaku, the central figure and the texture of the water with another layer of the sea spray over it, everything put together creates this kind of symmetry, this lokahi. At the same time I kind of wish the foreground would be a little more exaggerated creating not just a meal for the eyes but a feast. I am also curious about the mo’olelo of this ki’i. Why is this kanaka dancing on the pohaku? Is it in tribute to someone, something, somewhere? Why is this particular motion captured and being shown to us?
For the second ki’i I find myself torn on the shutter speed. On one hand I’m glad you chose a relatively fast shutter speed because it gives you all these rich textures for the eyes to feast on but at the same time I wonder what it would look like if you had gone with a slower shutter speed and created all this softness around the dancer. I like where you placed the dancer his stance creates this beautiful line with the edge of the reef. The composition as a whole is visually exciting because you have the breaking wave in the background, the water running off the reef and then finally the dancer in the foreground. My only complaint is the lighting. The dancer looks a little dark, this is a common issue when the majority of your image is light reflecting off the water, this is easy to fix by opening your aperture. Again I am curious about the mo’olelo behind this ki’i. He appears to be somewhat confrontational with the ocean, almost angry yet still respectful.
I absolutely love the last picture!!!! I love everything about it. I love the composition again there is a symmetry in this image but it doesn’t fall flat. You have all this rich texture in the rocks and this beautiful play with light in the reflection of the sky on the water, the lei po’o, and the light brushing his shoulder. And of course there is the expression on his face which is awesome. He’s kind of saying “What?” but it’s like he doesn’t have to prove anything, it’s just “What?” And I like that it’s in sepia which of course references a time past and gives it more of a timeless classic beauty.
i ku’u wahi mana’o wale no.
damn that was long, it's just me being a photo dork, sorry about that :)