If there is one thing we all can agree upon, whether you are a "Hawaiian National" or if you are someone that claims to be a "Native Hawaiian," is we all wholeheartedly believe that we all should be "Ruled by Law." But the next step or phase that we take, whether as a "Hawaiian National," or a "Native Hawaiian" is where conflict, division, and disagreements take place. Even though we all agree to be "Ruled by Law," this is where we all need to see why there is a huge gap between the "Hawaiian Nationals," and the "Native Hawaiians," even though we all agree to be "Ruled by Law."


The "Hawaiian Nationals" "Rule of Law" that they depend and rely on is one that makes them one with one another and one with nature that is all around us. That "Rule of Law" stems from the "Law of Nations."  The "Native Hawaiian's" "Rule of Law" that they depend and rely on is one that is dictated by a department of a corporation that is almost 5,000 miles away from Hawai'i called the "Department of Interior." The "Department of Interior" is a department located in Washigton D.C. that is founded on doctrines that support "White Supremacy" and one that you have to negotiate with and ultimately have them tell you what you can and can not do, think, and be.


With that being said, can all of you leave a post stating if you are a "Hawaiian National," or a "Native Hawaiian?" After we get as many people from Maoliworld participating in this poll, the next discussion we will have is to share why you chose to be a "Hawaiian National," or a "Native Hawaiian?" Mahalo Nui to all of you on Maoliworld!!! 



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  • I was born a Hawaiian National of the Hawaiian Kingdom. At two years old I became a U.S. citizen by default. My children knows that I am for Hawaiian Independence and if I die before the restoration of our Hawaiian Nation I want to die as a Hawaiian National citizen and not a U.S. citizen.

    The Hawaii State Attorney General Mark Bennet clearly states that there is no room for Independence under the Akaka Bill since his oath of duty is to America.

    Uncle Pomai said it right, we are imprisoned in our own country as Hawaiian Nationals.

    Once more of our lands are sold by the State, it becomes very difficult for restoration of our Hawaiian Nation.

    Aloha no,
  • I am Kanaka Ma oli a Native of these Islands the Haole call Hawaii I was Born here I am not malahine the one who came from far other countries I was born here as were my ansesters
  • The Western World Civilization is in a habit of labelling people and trying to define them under their concept; yet will play with the definitions and alter connotations to fit their agenda. It's their way fo trying to make some sense of it as it fits their perception and interpret it to further conform to their comprehension.

    Therefore, for their benefit and the rule of international law, we, Hawai'i nationals are subjects to the Kingdom of Hawai'i as defined by universal definition of citizenship. We are living descendants of the still existing Kingdom of Hawai'i of which about 85% were of na iwi/kanaka maoli and 15% were of foreign/multi-ethnic origins born or naturalized. The rest of the residents back then were foreigners living, working, and residing within the Hawaiian Kingdom. Under Occupation, the U.S., violating the laws of occupation, encouraged their citizens to be hostile occupiers. These U.S. settlers even those born in Hawai'i are still U.S. citizens and not Kingdom subjects. Other foreigners that resided in the islands from various parts of the world were granted U.S. citizenship and NOT Hawaiian Kingdom citizenship. Some of them were barred from entry or reentry into U.S. territory, especially the Chinese. Descendants of these people that were granted U.S. citizenship and those that naturalized to become U.S. citizens, are U.S. citizens and NOT subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once the Kingdom is returned, those that want to remain in Hawai'i must apply for Hawaiian citizenship as prescribed by Kingdom laws. There is no such thing as dual citizenship since that was granted only to those commisioned by the monarch to serve in the Hawaiian Kingdom's government. A bona fide Hawaiian national never loses its citizenship no matter where they end up residing because the Kingdom had no expatriation laws whereby one would lose his/her citizenship of the Hawaiian Kingdom; the only way would be due to treason whereby one would lose their rights and property as a Hawaii national or any foreigner who commits the same crime while residing in Hawai'i. U.S. laws do not apply within the Kingdom of Hawai'i that has its own laws. All these are an understanding and acceptance of countries that were members of the family of nations and under the circumstances it is still preserved unless we lawfully update our laws. Thus this is a national issue and not an ethnic issue which the U.S. tries to obfuscate and confuse the residents of Hawai'i today. I the hostile occupiers feel injured in the U.S. fraud; then they have a right to sue their own country for the deception and not blame the Hawaii nationals who are also the injured party.

    Forever a Hawaii national and subject of the Kingdom of Hawai'i,

  • 'Ano 'ai Ohana,

    THE OHA CLAIMS JURISDICTION UPON THE NATIVE AND PART NATIVE PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT NATION BY CONSTUCTIVE FRAUD. OHA does not want our ohana to COME HOME. Native and part, we were never a nation which defined our ethnicity but simply acknowledged our citizenship(s)(LOYALTY TO GOVERNMENTS RULED OF LAW). We belong to a nation RULED BY LAW that gave us our BIRTHRIGHTS and in OUR SOVEREIGN OCCUPIED NATION, We Hawaiian Nationals, never relinquished our inherent, inalienable BIRTHRIGHTS which are granted to us by ke akua. NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or any CONSTITUTION. Reference the World Court case, Section 4 of the Organic Act and Section 19 of the Admissions Act (BOTH US CONGRESSIONAL LAW, NOT APPLICABLE IN OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY, NO TREATY OF ANNEXATION-NOTE: Already "LAWFULLY ACQUIRED" NATIONALITY in SEC.19). We must understand that Her Majesty Queen Lili'uokalani protects our BIRTHRIGHTS and provided us with the path, ONIPA'A, for she lived with honor and destiny. OUR COUNTRY IS HERE, WE JUST HAVE TO COME HOME AS HAWAIIAN NATIONALS. Whether we decide to or not, we know who we are and we must survive. As long as we acknowledge them, who will acknowledge our QUEEN? For me, there is only ONE LEADER, OUR TUTU LILI'U, she has provided me with a path to explore and a way home, to our country. Mahalo no ohana for your sight and initiative to read this. I'O LAKO.

    Robert Joseph Oliveira Jr.
    Hawaiian National, Lineal Descendent
    PO Box 86-0181
    Wahiawa, O'ahu, Hawaiian Kingdom (96786)
    (808) 673-9393
  • Aloha Kaleo,

    Your are a great market'eer, sorta like the Russians from California in the late 80s that messed up the medical insurance that America as a whole are now dealing with. The injustice here is that America is too greedy to call out the black market and the blue market on the carpet in Congress. And this origin of what I am talking about comes out of the LA riots as a result.

    "On June 12, 1991, Yeltsin won 57% of the popular vote in the democratic elections for the post of president of the Russian SFSR, defeating Gorbachev's preferred candidate, Nikolai Ryzhkov, who won 16% of the vote. In his election campaign, Yeltsin criticized the "dictatorship of the centre", but did not suggest the introduction of a market economy. Instead, he said that he would put his head on the railtrack in the event of increased prices. Yeltsin took office on July 10."

    It's like comparing blue tarps with flowers. A withering away of the quality of life which in fact is exactly what is happening on native Hawaiian Homestead. I for one I do no step aside from the blood quantum nor do I frivolously take leadership in my community on a whim of signage. Although I support two different Hawaiian Civic Club creative thinking on signage, I cannot step away like Russiaians from my land, my house, and generations of pure Hawaiians that squatted on their lands no different than Indians on reservations==the American Lua.

    As I said, the potty 'talk' is like comparing Blue tarp city to Flowers.
    Or, Jan 17, 1993 and Jan 17, 2010
    Throwing out the bath water with the baby in it!

    Russian Mother Country and Hawaii's 2050 sustainable plan
    Depleted Uranium and Monsanto
    Turning the kukui nut bowl over for oil in the Middle East

    Getting million grant monies on teen suicides in Waianae
    Building a two story building on our ancient graves
    Definition of a wall, Jon Van Dyke

    As my grandson would say "grandma can you wipe my butt"
    But yeah, if we design houseless with a tarp with somewhat walls
    It's like reconstructing 'Mamalahoe' as "Is your mama a Llama?"

    All joking aside, this fruitless bowl sounds more like poop in potty.
    Similarity paper in hand as in Akaka wipes
    Swipes the credit card, oops and say I'm bankrupt!

    Ai nho opala can
    Turn in my bottles for nickle
    Where is my piko?

    Thanks for the 3 am spew, Kaohi
  • ALOHA Kakou, Since I renounced my citizenship to the United States in 1993, I am a Hawaiian National of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani. I am a Hawaiian National without a government of my nation.
    Like Queen Liliuokalani who was imprisioned in her own Palace, I am imprisioned in my own country as a Hawaiian National.

    • I feel like the slaves of africa that had been taken and forced to become americans only we were not taken we were over taken!!!
      • oh the Queens Story The Gun says it all thats how they treatened her with the guns and said to her if you don't sign then these six and you will be taken out side and lined up and shot!!!
    • Ditto, mahalo Pomai
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