Foreigners dont like it, tourists dont like it and even the so-called State Lawmakers dont like it...the issue at hand? Homelessness...

The so called state lawmakers say that the sweeps "must continue", but there needs to be an alternative place to put them. Okay...who's them? Are they refering to the Kanaka who have rights on our own soil? Also, this pilau person, State Representative Rida Cabanilla said,"You take them out of Waimanalo Beach, you'll se them in Makaha, in Maili, Ala Moana Park, underneath freeways...homelessness sometimes is a life style, some people feel sorry for them, but those are homeless, alot of them dont feel sorry for themselves, they feel its the way to go...its destiny". Destiny huh?  What a load of crap!

Let me remind you  Rida of your job...the oath of office that you took and swore to. In 1959, under the guise of the so-called "Statehood", your job is to protect the rights of the Native Hawaiians at all costs. It is ...and I quote, your "Fiduciary Duty" to do so. So with that in mind, answer these questions:

1. Since when did the Kanaka Maoli need permission to live on our own beaches?

2. Can you, as a State Representative provide "Clear Title" to these beaches?

3. Who is at fault for the high cost of living that forces those of low income or median income out of their houses and into the beaches...the State Law makers who increase taxes as well as everything else that is unnecessary? or is it the average person?

4. Did you or did you not swear under oath to protect the Native Hawaiian people?

5. As a foreigner born in the Philippines....what and who gives you the right to determine the fate of the Kanaka Maoli?

I can guarantee that this is not over between you and I rida...I will fight for the rights of ALL Kanaka Maoli that has the right to live on our beaches and in our mountains. This is our right, our land and as you said it...our destiny.

And by the way...there is a big difference between Homelessness and Houseless...the Kanaka have survived thousands of years without 2x4's and who are you to determine that we cant....Ayesoos!!!!!!

*this has been forwarded to her email at:

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 442
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
phone 808-586-6080; fax 808-586-6081

Send her a letter and or a response to her crap!

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Anne,

    Cabanilla has lots of supporters in Waianae especially when it comes to $56 million dollars projects dotting all along the Leeward Coast like fly shit. And connecting the dots is almost useless or absolutely useless.

    But first, my main concern is DU (depleted uranium) and demilitarizing Hawaii which I believe is the crox of our poverty for women and children.

    Thanks for being on the forum!

    We have a person named Princess on this forum. She is irritating for me, but also does great work with homeless and coalitions. She has a beautiful daughter that loves her dearly. So watch out for her, I believe she is on Maui.

    Here in Waianae, unfortunetly, the environmentalist (punks) did a yellow journalism on our houseless on the beach and the Leeward community college joined suit to build her character. Every meeting concerning environment and houseless they are there. Together they deal and spin the pay check wheel. It never goes further than that, in otherwords their pay check matches their activisim which isn't much. There is a pattern of deals, spins and shutting down of the Na Kanaka ancestoral voices. That means konohiki rights, access, gathering...

    Poverty and environmentalist are tied together with policy. Across the nation as well as the UN ties this to spheres together. The McKinley Veto Act information are weak in understanding, in otherwords, keeping up with the 'act' is like keeping up with the Jones's.

    But, at the heart of this is our Na Kupuna Iwi at Naue and Wainiha?

  • I have been a homeless and Housing advocate for a liong time now. I have a coalition called "Kauai Fair Housing Law Coalition". At first, I was working with Mizuno and Cabanilla on the issue of getting the social workers back to work. But, when I arranged a meeting on Kauai, and many people came there, Cabanilla did a complete 180 on me, slamming housing residents, and the homeless., Her current plans are to form legislation to evict all housing residents that have been there in her opinion too long, and put in the current homeless thus making the current residents homeless. Becasue I am a resident of public housing, KI have been fighting her on this. I continue to fight this issue. I have told her that if I have too I will work to bring a class action lawsuit against her, and the state. I have told her that if she tries to evict law abiding poeple, she will have lawsuit after lawsuit on her hands. Her statements, much like Mufis have bordered on the insane against all of the people. I ghave also scolded Mizuno, who p-ledged to back off on this but I will beleive it when I see it. The only way to fight these guys is in court, with money and lawsuits it is all thehy understand. They really do NOT care about the peolple. Warehousing Hawaiians is EXACTLY right. I have likened it to Auschwitz, where herding and the cattlecars are just the beginning. It is so incredibly makauu, and hewa. But I am NOT going down without a fight!! Let us stand together on this one. SOmething we can all agree on and unite on.

    Earlier this year, I started my canpaign, under the banner of our coalition, Called "Stop the War against thbe Poor". We need help. We are trying to get all islands to cooperate, and join together, againstst this legislation now forming in Januyary, to state exactly that. Term limits for public housing residents, and forcing the homeless to do what they say or suffer.

    It is partucularly appalling, since the majority of local homeless are Native Hawaiian Kupuna, and mothers with kanaka keiki. Shame and Hewa. If u want to help our coalition and our fight, please email me and let me know. ALso, Cabanilla pushed through a peice of legislation that I helped to write several years ago to prevent discrimination in Housing against HUD renters, where on our islands landlords put out advertisements in the newspaper preventing HUD recipients from applying for thier housing. We lost the fight. Now I know how truly disingenuous this lady is. In her district, every voter should be made aware of how she is, and dont vote her back in. The amazing thing, is she is a democrat What a JOKE!!!

    ALoha nui
  • July 19, 2010 for guardrail houseless in Waianae is right around the corner, sadly, my partner is ill and unable to attend to his feeding with his aloha. So, we lost some communications as to how they are doing, we will be going out to the houseless before hand--keep us in your prayers.
  • Kai Landow,

    Forgot to mention, we Pono and I went to Iolani Palace today and they were cutting down two tall palm trees. Through Pono's quick action we gathered up several pieces to make pahu's. Yesterday, was okay we accessed Iolani Palace without an incident by DLNR and the Police for a non celebration. Pono will be posting the events.
    • The Worse Traitor to any people comes from within their Own Blood. Like Kaohi who lives on Hawaiian Home Lands and talks HEWA of Prince Kuhio. DLNR is not with the Blood of our people. Many native Hawaiian Traitors like the 'Incidents by DLNR" so that they can do their HEWA Show for Queen Liliuokalani for the T.V. Camera of Show and Tell. With native Hawaiians like Kaohi, who needs Enemies? Look deeply into her record and what she's been doing for the past many, many years.
      Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993
  • I say they are houseless and are used as pawns. Ten years ago, many settlers came to Waianae and up'ed the rent and or purchased private properties for pittence. In fact, was speculative and profit making for these settlers. The only social changes in Waianae are real estate signs. Now these come-late'er's are pissed off! They have so much hate for our houseless and are willing to push the issues to the point of a gun.

    The mayor has a private unit that are capable of that usage.

    Almost every City Council have a military base in their district. There is a need to raise property taxes in Waianae and this is 'private land' owner's selling point for more 'enforcement tactics'. Our houseless are now considered animals to be disposed of on July 19, 2010.

    If we have been paying attention from Northwestern to Big Island our shores are being leased out to international and national corporations.

    Where guardrails are (houseless-animals), the science community wants that spot for their ocean research labs. The private-residence on the mauka side of guardrails want their dog parks.

    Judge Richardson will be on view at the UH Manoa Law School moot court, he kept the access opened--now that is possibly gone. Much love to you all
    • Aloha

      Access is limited in the State of Hawaii, in the Kingdom only protocol limits the people access to their birthright. The State has a right to limit its citizens and it should limit them strictly from sacred sites, burials and Hawaiian private property. They are failing to enforce Hawaiian law and using thugs to oppress Hawaiian sovereign rights. Criminal behavior is not acceptable in either country so lets insist on justice [unfortunately its not free]

      • Yes let's insist on justice!

        I posted by post on the access in 1979, before I read your posting. Mahalo
        • I liked you post Kaohi, Hope all is well with you, ke aloha nui

  • Maika'i bruddah YOU TELL 'EM DOWN DEA! {smile}
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