Omnibus Spending Bill Pulled
The Omnibus Spending bill, which contained the Akaka bill earmark, is now dead.
The Akaka bill would have turned native Hawaiians into a US indian tribe, legitimized the illegal US takeover of the sovereign Hawaiian Kingdom over a century ago and sealed the theft by the US of Hawaiian lands.
US Senate majority leader Harry Reid pulled the bill completely from consideration last evening after thousands of people angrily called Capitol Hill from all across the US as well as Hawai`i and complained about the numerous earmarks in this fatally flawed bill.
The Inouye native Hawaiian Governing Entity earmark, as well as the Akaka bill itself is now dead and gone.
Mahalo to all who took the time to call and make your outrage known.
It might now begin to dawn on Inouye and Akaka not to mess with the people who love their land…
Now let's work to have the U.S. de-occupy our country, the Kingdom of Hawai'i; No treaty - No annexation!
To de occupy Kingdom of Hawaii will be another slap in their faces , I am from both Hawaii and from kingdom of hawaii and we are not subject to do these things , I am sure the Queen would never do this to both sides of the kingdoms she would show peace and love to both kingdoms. Peace to all rights is good to fight for a treaty that is democratic in a proposition of an akaka bill that been out stated because the truth has now been revealed. This is wrong to lock up any one who is in justice and never to be wrong. I beleive in stepping in to what the cause and effect were happening and i too wrote letters to akaka them and the president and also to the Linda lingle administration . By prayers and the will of god our savior he has the choice not us so he answers our prayers not remove people. No annexation should never been written at all . TO my Queen Lilioukalni AND MY LORD BLESS OUR PEOPLE AND LET YOUR WILL BE DONE NOT OURS. I am sure the united states will not do this de -occupy our lands because we still have others in the kingdom of hawaii and hawaiikingdom who is still with the state and they work for the United states of America . so this is a hard bargin i thank Keanu sai to going out with the truth and pono and all of you folks like bumpy them and pomai who really is a true activist . The truth always win
ALOHA Kaua, e Tina, Happy Holiday Days to you and your Ohana. o Pomai
This year is to celebrate the risen King our savior and he is in all of us this year , I thank jesus for all of his decesions of goodness and his blessings to you and the people of in hawaii and everyone in the world, may god shine upon the righteousness of our people not the evil and the wickedness , may we remove what is not pono and bring back what jesus wants. MERRY CHRISTMAS POMAI AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993