ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
The "GREEN LIGHT" has been given to begin the construction of the Rail!
It is a very sad day that spoils the hope that change will happen with the election of Governor Abercrombie.
The Billions of Dollars that will be spent on the Rail should be spent on maintaining the present roads that needs repairs! Implementing the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act! Making Public Education in Hawaii the Best as it was under the Hawaiian Kingdom! Not the Rail!
Remember, it was a Kanaka Maoli who gave the "Green Lite" for the Rail!
FREE HAWAII, o Pomaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993
Aloha Pono,
Mahalo for the work you and Pomai do.
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
How much Lands and Iwi will the RAIL run over before it is put to a STOP?
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
Like the Super Ferry, the Rail needs to be STOPED!
As the People of Hawaii can not afford the building and future up kept of the Rail!
FREE HAWAII, o Pomaikaiokalani