We prayed for People Pono and our prayers are being answered. But prayers
are two-fold, Ke Akua's part and that of ours. The only time the Lord does
not need us is when He takes us home or ends everything.
We people of pono are so fortunate we don't need to create targets! The 10K
He'e has such an enormous appetite of arrogance it gives us all the targets
we need. Our problem is in our intellectual state of mind we may not
recognize these targets as a threat while we watch Oprah or the Super Bowl.
The "Next Action" is before us, on Monday January 31, 12:30 PM at Honolulu
Hale (City Hall) there is a "Rally to De Rail". Make signs, bring banners,
flags, comb your hair and mana'o. FreeHawaii paraphanalia would be very
appropriate. Dr. Keoni Dudley and Keoni Agard published one of the first
two-book issues on Sovereignty, and they have been Warriors for decades.
Recently, Keoni Dudley tried to replace Pluto T. Apo but the people did not
read the smoke well..
Additionally, another leg of the 10K He'e is the travesty of "Burial
Rights". I must reiterate and go back in time little to 1492, Christobo
Colon, aka Columbus and his mandate of Genocide, promoted as the Doctrine of
Discovery. The mission of Colon was to discover new lands and resources in
the name of Church, aka Christianity. First, was secure the Lands under
these non-Christian tribes, nations, or countries by discounting that
natives or Indians are heathens, aka non-Christians, and as such have no
rights to God's creation. Secondly, was to convert these natives to
Christianity. Lastly, those that refused conversion had a option, slavery or
death. Today, that Doctrine has been fine tuned to be known as "Manifest
Destiny", known in some parts of the Empire as "Federalisim".
Under the "civilized world" of International Law, a Sovereign Nation
qualifications is based upon:
a.) Declared Geographical Boundaries; b.) Culture of First Peoples; C.)
Constant Population; D.) Internal governance and ability of International
Relations. There is no requirement for a Religious Doctrine. Remove one or
two of this criteria may be grounds of not recognizing the claim of a
Sovereign Independent Nation or that Nation's People Inherent Rights. The
desecration of Burial remains of the First People to these Islands is like
removing a leg of a three-leg stool, it will not stand, as so its
Sovereignty. Some years ago, there were in the confines of the great
Smithsonian Institute the remains of (150) Hawaiian Iwi. Why were they
there? These Iwi were there for one reason and that was to dispel the claim
of the Kanaka Maoli as being the First People to the Western discovered
Sandwich Islands in 1778. The Islands were named after the business venture
expedition of Captain Cook who represented the private venture of Lord
Sandwich. These Iwi were in storage for that purpose until the Science of
DNA was perfected or could be be altered.
I know Ka'anohi attended January 26, 2011 Burial meeting "of" Kawaiha'o
Church, who themselves have become the perpetrator of the People Pono. I
just picked a copy of this weeks, January 26 to February 1, 2011 Volume 21
Number 4 of the Honolulu Weekly, and I am appalled at the response of the
Kawaiha'o's leadership and hewa that its Congregation condones against the
People Pono of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, only for their purpose of comfort as Mr.
Kekuna (Kahu?) stated' "Kawaiha'o needs to complete the facility in order to
fulfill its mission". This hewa ranks far above the Inauguration travesty of
Abercrombie just across the street on December 06, 2011. They are not a
Congregation of God, they are a Corporation of State that allows them to
legally lie. Now we confirm why Queen Liliu'okalani left the Congregation of
To some degree there is truth in Mr. Kekuna's statement in the article as,
"without the new facilities Kawaiha'o will no longer be a church, and only a
historic site, a museum". o' Kawaiha'o, you became a Museum the day Queen
Liliu'okalani left your flock.
Please run to your closest Honolulu Weekly stand and read Joan Conrow
article, "Cultural Grounds". God answers prayer so be careful what you ask
for we have the duty to do our part. These are the two immediate actions for
Hawaiian Nationals. Pray some of you will be at Honolulu Hale on January 31,
12:30 and we know God answers prayer. Dr. Dudley is asking all factions for
truth to come. Let us come as FREEHAWAII , wearing our T shirts. Leon,
please bring the two FREEHAWAII banners and copies of our Hawaiian National
Welina Message. I believe there will be media there, but if not, we will
create the media.
Hiki no!
Hawaiian National (1936)
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The "Act of War" of January 16, 1893 continues on Hawaiian Nationals today!
The American Military are here to make sure Hawaii remains under the their Occupation!
On Dec. 6, 2010 the American Military was at Iolani Palace to perpetuate their Occupation of my nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom!
Not the State of Hawaii, Not the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Not Hawaiian Homes, but my country that my loyality remains as a Hawaiian National of the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani and my ancestors!
The RAIL will run on Lands and Iwi that belongs to the Hawaiian Kingdom nation of Queen Liliuokalani.
I view the RAIL as the U.S.S. Boston sailing into Honolulu Harbor on January 16, 1893.
This is why I say, Man Your Battle Stations to STOP THE RAIL!
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom! o Pomaikaiokalani
ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,
On January 16, 1893 thru an "Act of War" United States Invaded and has Occupied our nation since that day. That "Act of War" continues with their building of the RAIL.
Staying home and praying to Jesus does not help to end that "Act of War". As our enemies loves for our people to stay home and pray.
Stay Home and Pray and send their Loves Ones to their Wars around the World.
While at home in our nation, the "Act of War" of January 16, 1893 continues on Hawaiian Nationals.
How much Lands and Iwi will the RAIL run on before the "Act of War" on Hawaiian Nationals ends?
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingedom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993