Hawaiian Kingdom Record No. 2010 - 01780 from Amelia Gora - Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Fwd: PARASITES IN PARADISE

Amelia Gora
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM
To: president@whitehouse.gov, comments@whitehouse.gov, "Cc: Vietti-Cook,
Annette" <governor.lingle@hawaii.gov>, moca-info@honolulu.gov, Web
Japan <webmaster@web-japan.org>, john.maguire@rfi.fr



The following is being sent for your information.

Note that an article was found pertaining to Queen Liliuokalani being given back Hawaii by President Cleveland. 
See:  http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9406E5D6153AE733A25752C2A9649C946597D6CF (also see below)

Am awaiting Mr. Jones, Attorney General/Parens Patriae meeting due to our ancestors being on the Bernice Pauahi Will and we are owed monies
through Kaaumoana (w) and Kealohapauole (k).

Kaaumoana (w) and Kealohapauole (k) were also the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's
Trust..........which means our families are the true trustees of Queen
Liliuokalani's Trust.

Please contact us:  hawaiianhistory@gmail.com hulagirlmonica@gmail.com bkgora@yahoo.com cdexk@yahoo.com

Mahalo and aloha,

Amelia Gora, a Royal person, a living human being, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

see:  www.paradise808.wordpress.com for article below

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 2:52 PM
Subject: PARASITES IN PARADISE (sent to only a few - posting at Oped news soon)
To: hawaiianhistory@gmail.com


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Email me when people reply –


  • Amelia, my line is of Hanakahi my mom is violet Hanakahi to hide the real blood line of my mom and i we are there al blood line to Queen Liloukalani back and back. The only difference is my grandmothers side is the Line of Harriet kapu kawahaea , Kapu is keawe families and kawahaea is my families to nahau kapu direct descendant of Likelike nahau kapu bore Princess Like Like who is the sister to Princess Lilioukalani and David King Kalaukaua, My blood stems from here and to my great grandfather who is Joesoph Kawaha Maikai Sr on my My grandfather who is Daniel Hanakahi his grandpa. I also have my great grandmother who is my grandfathers mom hannah kane her real name is hannah kawelo and her line is direct to Piikoi and Cheifess Kapaakea who is the dad to Queen liloukalani. My great families are ulumaheiheiwahineea who married a james n gilman. My grandfathers great grandmother is sarah kekoa kulaula kawaha she married joesoph kawaha maikai and she married a papoko she had two lines that represents The Queens families line too.
  • Maika'i loa!
    • hi Piilani,

      thank you!

      Aloha Nui loa!

      p.s. a song to remember our ancestors Piilani of Maui, Kekaulike, et. als.


      • Amelia ran through one's posting again. As I breeze on through I see patches of mixture from my side of the view point. Thanks for being there!
  • amelia,

    Thanks a bunch, you and Pono are on the same tracking trail. I'm a bit in your face with OHA and DHHL and yes, how dare they!

    After work half day, I went to CNHA to see if I could meet up with Kapu instead, I had an after conversation with NOAA at one of their booths. Gary Kerr, young haole guy was a bit disturbed when Kapu showed him Pono's work on youtube which was on a few hours after the forum was over. That was funny, I also stopped at the booth where as the Hawaiian Geographic Society that create maps and bought their maps for a few dollars.

    I also had a 30 seconds with Neil and told him when he becomes governor I would like it if he would have a office with in his office of marine Spatial planning, and not just the feds and white house relationship. We need to keep track of this guys.

    Did you know your last youtube music was Christian with scriptures?

    Any how I enjoyed the peaceful music.

    You are absolutely right on about the british president connection and now Kenya. I believe that satisfies the"Gospel of Salvation' charity and the capitalism---huh?

    Thanks so much for all your reasoning, research, and tolorence for your work is in depth and warranting to the larger picture of world war three or globalization.
    • Oops not in your face Amelia,

      I meant in 'da' kine face with DHHL and OHA. My apologies hope you understood!!!
    • hi Kaohi,

      http://uhviceversa.wordpress.com/revillaart/ gotta watch.....kinda reminds me of kid time....... aloha.


  • Morning,

    Read emails, thanks! Not sure how we are going to get through this mess between OHA and DHHL a short cut brings on genocide without any conciousness or remorse to what one does. It was a real Alice In Wonderland tea party...off with their heads!
    • hi Kaohi,

      the questions to ask are:

      How can OHA and DHHL support their reasons for existence? How can they validate their claims to lands especially when the true bloodlines are here?

      How can they explain the fact that our Queen's issues were never resolved, that they are a part of the criminal moves, the usurpers, and are parties to the crimes of supporting bankrupt nations and their moves to WAR with everyone for claims of peace?!
      at our Hawaiian Kingdom's expense?
      PARASITES IN PARADISE exposes much of those who move towards One World Order/New World Order.

      The citizens of the U.S. needs to clean house and remove all of those associated with the Masons/Freemasons organizations, etc....they must do background checks on their representatives/Congress/leaders including Obama, remove/ impeach them, eliminate the protection of corporation activity abroad, imprison those who utilize SLAVES to work their businesses, etc.............then they'll soon find that the road to WAR will be unnecessary because the WAR DOGS/WARMONGERS will have been left on the roadside..........and soon there will be peace.

      PARASITES IN PARADISE is not yet complete........there's more..........



  • PARASITES IN PARADISE - MASONS/FREEMASONS, American Missionaries/Mercenaries, et. als. in the Hawaiian Kingdom
    > A Overview of research by Chris Roses, Amelia Gora, et. als. -

    > review by Amelia
    Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha's, et. als. descendants, a Royal person not subject to the laws (2007), a living human being with Sovereign Immunities (revisions 2010)
    > The following is a different view of history. It is from the
    eyes of researchers, focusing on Masonry/Freemasonry and their activities in Hawaii.
    > The main researcher in this article is Chris Roses, who is a long
    time history, legal researcher who befriended many kanaka
    maoli/aboriginal Hawaiians in Hawaii. His research focus was on the
    bankers, the Masons and Freemasons. He has helped many kanaka maoli
    in their court cases and has been a helpful guide for some.
    > Chris Roses has an interesting background including having
    friends in Waco, Texas.
    > He's a very private person. He's a teacher, a philosopher, a
    truth seeker.
    > Chris Roses work proves that Masons/Freemasons are indeed 'set in
    place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide'.
    > The Masons/Freemasons focus validates that Hawaii's history does
    indeed affect the World today.
    > Hawaii's Chronological History with a focus on Masons/Freemasons:
    > 1778 - Mason Captain James Cook claimed he discovered the
    Sandwich Islands.
    > - "Masonry came to, sovereign territory, the Kingdom
    of Hawaii, ...Captain James Cook, ...member of the Grand Lodge of
    England, discovered the islands January 18, 1778, naming them the
    Sandwich Islands after his patron, the Earl of Sandwich, also of the
    Grand Lodge of England. Others followed and settled..."
    > 1810 - Tamehameha formed a Monarchy Government.
    > 1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria, France,
    Prussia, Russia supported by the Vatican, Great Britain and the U.S.
    > 1826 - Oct. 5 - a 299-year lease was claimed to have been made
    to Richard Charlton, British subject, and signed by
    Karaimoku/Kalanimok u, brother of Boki, Keoua, etals.
    > Note: Karaimoku was married to Akahi (our
    > ancestor). Karaimoku's kaikaina/ younger sibling
    > was Keoua (k) (our ancestor) whose son Luluhiwalani (k)
    > married Kalola (w). His son was A.Z. Kahekili/
    > Kahekili/Alapai and his stepchildren were Kaaha/ Kamaile's (k)
    > sons Kuluwailehua (k) and Hiram Kahanawai (k), and hanai/
    > adopted daughters were: Kamamalu (w) who married Liholiho/
    > Kamehameha II; and, Kapapoko/Kapooloku/ Abigail/Kapooloh u/
    > Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani who married Ioba aka's,
    > son of AZ Kahekili aka's, JWE Maikai, Kuluwailehua,
    > Hiram Kahanawai Kaaha, Kekai/Kekoi, Mana, etals.
    > Kapapoko/Kapooloku/ Abigail/Kapooloh u/ Poomaikelani/ Princess
    Poomaikelani' s children were:
    > Samuel, Alapai (w), Luisa/Luika (w), Haili (w), and her
    > stepchildren: Liliana (w), Abraham Kekai, and a hanai/
    > foster son, a nephew.
    > Karaimoku's last wife was Akahi (w) who married Kikau/Kapukui/
    > Kikaukapu/Pukui/ Kapukui (k) and had Nahuina (k). Nahuina (k)
    > married Kaili/Kamaliiwahine /Kailihou( w) and had Kaluakini (k)
    > married Haili (w), the daughter of Princess Poomaikelani.
    > Akahi (w) also married Kahope (k); Waha/Wahawela/ Wahahee (k);
    > Kaiama/Kaaua (k); Kepaa (k), etals.
    > Kaluakini (k) and Haili (w) had six (6) children who they
    > their interest to before going to the leper colony, a penal
    > Kalola (w) was the documented heir of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
    > Bernice Pauahi Bishop's, haole husband was Charles Reed Bishop,
    > PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC, banker, investor, early spy in Hawaii, who
    > was also a Mason/Freemason. Bishop had only a life interest
    > in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate which he deeded over
    > to the trustees during the Kingdom of Hawaii.
    > The Trustees along with the PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC Charles
    > Reed Bishop were conspirators, treasonous to the Royal families,
    > the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/government, the Queen,
    > the subjects- most of whom were kanaka maoli/aboriginal
    > Hawaiians.
    > The Trustees to this day are riding on FRAUDULENT, criminal
    > claims, conspiracies, conspirator/ Terrorist acts, deeds,
    > without legal authority nor granted authority.
    > The Trustees are documented criminals because the bloodlines
    > of Kamehameha's, Queen Liliuokalani' s, etals. families exist and
    > have evidence of the conspiracies at work with PIRATES Charles
    > Reed Bishop, Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, etals. in
    > supported by nations who breached the Law of Nations, the U.S.,
    > Great Britain (with France), Germany, etals.
    > All of the Trustees are no different from car thieves, and
    > appear to have the same status as War criminals due to their
    > actions resulted in the financing/funding of WARS by
    > bankrupt nations (U.S., Great Britain, France, etals.) at our
    > families expense over time.
    > Reference: Foreign Register Volume 2, page
    > 115-117, Archives, Oahu, Hawaii; history research,
    > genealogy research, etc.
    > 1840 - December 26. Richard Charlton, subject of
    > the Brittanic Majesty transferred his interest to John
    > Dominis
    > Reference: Foreign Register, Volume 2, page
    > 115-117, Archives, Oahu, Hawaii
    > Gerrit Parmele Judd questioned
    > Kalanimoku's signature.
    > Reference: Foreign Testimony Volume 2, pages
    > 257-259, Archives, Oahu, Hawaii

    > 1843 - "on the barque and ax, Monsieur F. Le Leldier 18
    degree Master, out of be Hovre France, early in 1843...second with an
    open dispensation from The Supreme Council of France, organized Lodge
    Leprogres de'l'Oceanie No. 124 in the Captains quarters on his
    whaling ship in Honolulu Harbor April, 1843...armed with an open
    dispensation from The Supreme Council of France, organized Lodge Le
    Progres de'l'Oceanie no. 124 in the Captains quarters on his whaling
    ship in Honolulu Harbor, April 1843. The Lodge opened upon the
    Entered Apprentice degrees"...chiefly (?) in whaling and sandalwood
    running and merchants who applied the needs of the ships. Among them
    such as these he Tellier Amod this first masonic organizers, all
    members of Lodges elsewhere,"
    > "From the beginning the understanding between the blue
    lodges and teh Scottish Rite was exemplification of the best in
    masonry. This was also true of relations with the York Rites Bodies,
    older brothers in the islands."
    > "So Captains Cook and Vancouver were both of the York
    Rite, as was is the Earl of Sandwich. Le Tellier began the Scottish
    Rite in Hawaii from the chartering A Lodge le Progres in 1843 by the
    Supreme Council of France to the chartering of the Honolulu Bodies in
    > "So the Mason were here "first", then the Masonic Roman
    Catholic Church and then the Missionary Protestants of 1820, orders
    of Masonry."
    > "The Sandwich Islands "upon the International Law of,
    Principle of Discovery, became the first step in the "apparent take
    over" - "over throw" of the kanaka Islands: Since the Earl of
    Sandwich was - is a York Mason, Cook assigned, to his name -
    Masonically, the New ruler ship government at over the Islands.
    > "Also Cook was under license contract as agent for the
    King of England, and the Prince of Wales, both York and Scottish Rite
    Masons. "The Prince of Wales," Grandmaster "mason...Freemasonr y of
    the world" (p 161-162) HAWAII'S STORY BY HAWAII'S QUEEN.
    > 1859 - Richard Charlton, British subject deeded lease lands to
    John Dominis, Mason, citizen of the U.S.
    > Reference: Liber 12 page 163, Bureau of
    > Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
    > 1873 - "In testimony whereof, in the Gr. Orient aforesaid in the
    first day of September 1873 V.E. The Sovereign Grand Commander doth
    set his hand after the seal of his Arms of Office and doth cause the
    Great Seal of the Supreme Council to be here take affixed, and thes
    presents to be undersigned by the Secretary General and the Grand
    Chancellor of the Holy Empire".
    > Albert Pike, 33
    degree Sr. Gr. Commander
    > Albert G. Mackey
    33 degree Sr. Gen, H.E.
    > Henry Buish
    > Gr. Chancellor, HE.
    > To E. Sgr. John O. Dominis
    > ....To organize 2d establish and install bods in the Sandwich
    Islands (P.5) One hundred years....
    > When John Owen Dominis was a Knight in the Scottish Rite, while
    also an early member at the Sandwich Island York Rite, early days,
    and by the time of 1891, John Owen Dominis was a 33 degree Mason.
    > 1847 - Mrs. John Dominis claimed title through
    > husband.
    > 1865 - Kamehameha V, in April 11, 1865 established the Order of
    Kamehameha I"....shortly after - several persons, among them Charles
    Reed Bishop were apopointed Grand Council, oder of Kamehameha V. The
    Grand Council and ExecutiveCouncil were the media through which
    Kamehameha V and the succeeding rulers were to announce their
    appointments and .... procedures of the Order". (Masonic Government
    Within the Shell of a "Constitutional Monarchy")
    > 1873 - John Owen Dominis begins to structure the Scottish Rite
    in the Sandwich Islands, selecting, "fourteen" Masons from those
    already on the Islands to be the First formal bodies of the Ancient
    and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, in these Islands, and the
    Pacific..." (P.7) ONE HUNDRED YEARS. Remember Captain Cook first
    landed int he South Pacific Islands. Discovering and (?) then under
    The York Rite Mason in c Lineage and the (?) offspring - England>
    Great Britain under the King in Commerce.
    > 1874 - Charles Reed Bishop promoted to Knight Grand Cross, Order
    of Kamehameha V. The Grand Council and Executive Council were the
    media through which Kamehameha V and the succeeding rulers were to
    announce their appointments.
    > John Owen Dominis then selected from the Masons to begin. A few
    > Sir Kt. A. Francis Judd
    > Sir K. John S. McGrew
    > Bro. David Kalaua
    > Bro. Wm L. Wilcox (p.7, 10) ONE HUNDRED
    > in "coming as it does from the parent Masonic Bodies of the
    World" (p.7, ibid)
    > "Legate and deputy, Pitkin C. Wright arrives in Honolulu, 1874 to
    begin with John Owen Dominis and David Kalakaua to structure the
    Scottish Rite."
    > "Per Order of Ill. Su. Pitk - C. Wright KCCH Gen Representative
    and legate at the Sup. Council of the 33 degree for the Southern
    Jurisdiction of the United States of America..." meeting July 15th,
    1874, Honolulu (p. 5) - Same Ref: and in Relation to the Grand Ridge
    of the District of Columbia" (p.2, same ref.)
    > So here we see John Owen Dominis, David Kalakaua, A. Francis
    Judd, and John S. McGrew as members of the earliest First Scottish
    Rite Mason Lodges in Honolulu, and see former York Rite Masons on p.
    9 of the Court document specifically point out the Honorable A.
    Francis Judd (first name is Albert) who was a
    > 2nd Asst Attorney General Jan 13, 1873 - Oct. 17, 1874.
    > Justice Feb. 18m, 1874 - Feb. 1, 1887,
    > Promoted First Associate; Feb. 1, 1877 - Nov. 5, 1881
    > Promoted Chief Justice; Nov. 5, 1881 - May 20, 1900 district
    office, (Digest of the Decision of the Supreme Court of Honolulu -
    Volume 1...1916, P. viii, ix, xiv)
    > * A. Francis Judd and Kalakaua, because the former was the real
    organizer of the Scottish Rite in Hawaii...during the Dominion record.
    > * Archibald Scott Cleghorn,Governor of Oahu, brother in law of
    King Kalakaua, Father of Princess Victoria Kaiulani,
    > *Abraham Fornancer, historian, author, master Hawaiian lodge No.
    21, 1864,
    > *Charles Thomas Gulic, Minister of Interior
    > *A. Francis Judd, Justice of the Supreme Court; Master Hawaiian
    lodge No. 1 1870-1891
    > *Alexandere McDuff - Police official 1869-1870
    > *Samuel Parker, cattle ranch, Hawaiian Island, Foreign Ministry
    under Queen Liliuokalani
    > *Frederick August Schaefer, sugar(?) dean of the Consular Corps
    (also consul to Italy under Queen Liliuokalani)
    > *William Luther Wilcox, Hawaiian Interpreter to the Supreme Court
    and Judge, ref p.27, ONE HUNDRED YEARS>>>)
    > A. Francis Judd was also the first witness to give testimony
    against Queen Liliuokalani in her trial (ref HAWAII'S STORY, by Queen
    > "Together with civilization, the whites would also bring
    Christianity to the Indians. A tight partnership between the
    government and missionary societies to promote the goal lasted
    throughout the nineteenth century.
    > The annual "Civilization Fund appropriately by Congress beginning
    in 1819 - for Indian education, for example, was not spent directly
    by the (U.S.) government but was divided among the missionary groups
    working with the Indian tribes...Jeremiah Evarts, Secretary of the
    American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions...The removal
    set, signed by Jackson, 28th May 1830" - Ref: Encyclopedia of
    American Political History.
    > "The American Missionary Companyh's (some of the names), Third
    Company, Arrived March 30, 1828, aboard ship "Parthian".
    > Dr. Gerritt P. Judd and wife, Rev. Peter Gulick and wife, etc.
    Rev. Lorrin Andres and wife...
    > Fifth Company, Rev. Richard Armstrong and wife, etc. (arrived May
    17, 1832 - ship "AVERICK:)
    > Eighth Company - Samuel N. Castle and wife, Amos S. cooke and
    wife, etc. (around April 9, 1837 - ship "Mary Frazier")
    > Ninth Company - Rev. Daniel Dole and wife, and William H. Rice
    and wife, arrived May 21, 1841 - ship "Gloucester" )
    > First Company - Rev. Asa Thurston and wife (Ref - The Story of
    Hawaii and Its Builders", p. 46)
    > Rev. Daniel Dole, taught at Punahou College, is father of Sanford
    B. Dole.
    > Dr. Gerritt Judd was father of A. Francis Judd's.
    > Rev. Asa Thurston links to Lorrin Andrews Thurston.
    > Rev. Lorrin Andrews - Attorney General Feb. 1, 1903-1905; 1st
    Assistant Justice, Jan. 10, 1848 thru August - Supreme Court of
    Hawaii, 1916).
    > "...They soon resigned their meagre salaries from the American
    Board of Commissioners American Foreign Missions, and found positions
    in the council or cabinets of the Kamehameha's more lucrative and
    because it was more satisfactory to them" (Ref. Hawaii's Story by
    Queen Liliuokalani, p.232)
    > "The Hawaiian Kings....had acquiesced in the course laid down and
    then by the missionaries, the government established by these prime
    adventureers was the government of the day (same ref. P. 232).
    > "I remember that when G.P. Judd, W. Richards and R. Armstrong
    were cabinet members, a deficiency so inexplicable occurred that the
    cabinet was required to resign immediately. .." (same Ref. p. 233.)
    > Abraham Fornander, May 1t5, 1864 - Feb, 1865, 2nd Circuit Court -
    Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe May 123-1871 - Dec 27,
    1886 Fourth Associate Justice 1886 - Nov 1, 1887.
    > Sanford B. Dole "born on April 23, 1844 at Punahou, Honolulu,
    Hawaii "the son of Daniel and Protestant Missionary and
    educator...educated in Missionary Schools and Punahou, Koloa and
    Oahu...1866 to 1868..others Williams College in Massachusetts and
    studies had in the Boston Office of William and Brigham (Another Ref.
    says "in Wash.D.C"). Passed the Massachusetts bar in September
    1868...Returned to Honolulu, begin Priv, Paradise, edited "Planter's
    Monthly"...elected Hawaiian Legislation in 1884 and 1886. One of
    evidence of the Revolution group which free King Kalakaua to grant a
    new Constitution that reduced his Monarchy's rights. (lead reform
    party and author of the Constitution) . Dec. 1887 (?) Associate
    Justice of the Hawaiian Supreme Court (Ref: Biographical directory
    of American Territorial Governors)
    > Dec. 28, 1887 - April 29, 1890 - promoted third Associate
    > April 29, 1890 - April 11, 1892 - Promoted Second Associate
    > April 11, 1892 - Jan 17, 1893 - Resigned
    > (Ref: A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Hawaii,
    > The First person to pay his respects to Her Majesty when she
    arrived in Washington was the Honorable Daniel Nash Morgan, treasurer
    of the United States who was himself a Mason of high degree. He
    having noticed the Jewel the Ystic Shrine which the AQueen always
    wore, she told him its history. It had been presented to her by
    General Powell a high official of the Mystic Shrine. He told her, as
    he pinned it on her with a blessing that should she ever find herself
    in difficulties she would find it of great assistance to her...She
    had witnessed the inauguration of President William McKinley also.
    Evidence of Modern day Masonic Idolitry and foretelling her future
    (?) Mason (?))
    > The Queen's husband, John Owen Dominis, was a Mason of the thirty
    third degree...accompanie d...Queen Kapiolani and his wife, Princess
    Liliuokalani to England at the time of the Jubilee of Queen
    Victoria...ten thousand Masons...He was honored with a seat which was
    third from the right of the Grand Masters at the Freemasonry of the
    World, H.R.H. Prince of Wales (His Royal Highness)... Queen
    Liliuokalani always held the Mason Order in the highest esteem...
    (such an honring was a way of rewarding a Mason for Masonic work, his
    Masonic work in the "Kingdom of Hawaii of Free Masonry, with his work
    with King Kalakaua.
    > The Jubilee was three months prior to Revolution of 1887 -
    forcing the Bayonnet Constitution (see Hawaii's Story by Queen
    Liliuokalani) .
    > The Masonics Way of foretelling a future event...her Majesty
    always wore her jewel at the Mystic Shrine presented to her by
    General Powell...he assured her that, in wearing it, she would be
    protected in time of difficulty. It was, therefore, a great
    dissapointment to Queen Liliuokalani that Sanford Dole had allowed
    himself to be drawn into the Provisional Government movement since,
    once soon after the death of her husband (August 27, 1891), Governor
    Dominis, Sanford Dole had come to her, consoling her withthe
    assuarance that, as a brother Mason of her husband, he would protect
    her in time of need, according to the Masonic Pledge." (Ref: I KNEW
    QUEEN LILIUOKALANI by Bernice Piilani Irwin, p. 57 and 60-61)
    > Herein is the first bit of evidence linking Sanford Ballard Dole
    with Masonry in the period. Such evidence Dowmen & (?) isand in the
    > The Masons have kept it SECRET. He knew what was to occur before
    very long; his statement is evidence of such, why else would he give
    her the Masonic pledge, like a "Kiss of Death" amongst secret
    societies, e. "the Mafia".
    > Another note: "Under which President was "the Hon. Daniel Nash
    Morgan, Treasure of the United States" is now unknown since his name
    is not under the Secretary of the Treasury an either Harrison,
    Cleveland or McKinley. Also, The Treasury of the United States
    differs from the Department of the Treasury of the United States.
    > The Treasury Department of the U.S. is with the Federal Reserve
    Bank, a private corporation, began in the 1830's under President Van
    Buren is the predecessor to the Federal Reserve Bank, since the
    Termination of the 2nd Bank of the U.S. by Andrew Jackson.
    > Lorrin Andrews Thurston, Acting Attorney General of Hawaii -
    November 22, 1889 - Born in Honolulu July 31, 1858, son of Asa G. and
    Sarah (Andrews) Thurston - a Lawyer. (Ref: A Digest MEN OF HAWAII.a
    Leader in Committee of Thirteen.
    > Henry Ernest Cooper - 33 degrees Third Deputy, (?) of Hawaii in
    1889 age 32 migrated(?) to the Kingdom of Hawaii. Judge First
    Circuit Court (March) 1893 - 1895 Minister of Foreign Affairs (Rep of
    Hawaii) 1895-1899, Acting President of Republic of Hawaii, and part
    of 1898 Minister of Public Instruction 1896-1899, Attorney General of
    Republic of Hawaii 1899, Minister of Finance 1899, President Board of
    Health q1899, and First Secretary Territory of Hawaii 1900, (Ref:
    ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF GOVERNMENT in Hawaii pg. 33) First Circuit
    Court - 1st Judge March 22, 1910 - March 7, 1914. (Ref: Digest -
    Supremet Ct. of Hawaii - 1916).
    > "...the Cooper Regime an unusually larger number of blue lodge
    members applied for the degrees of the Rite. Among these were
    leaders in business, the professions and government as will go the
    order," (i.e) Wallace Rider Farrington" (p.34, 100 YEARS...HAWAII)
    > Sixth Governor of the Territory of Hawaii - 1921-1925, 1925 -
    Reappointed by U.S. President Calvin Coolidge. (p. 46 - The Story of
    Hawaii and its Builders)
    > "Henry Ernest Cooper member of the "Committee of Safety" -
    "Committee of Thirteen and Chairman"
    > Ames S. McCandless former Imperial (?) with the Ancient Arabic
    Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North America.
    > King Kalakaua, through Samuel G. Wilder, then Minister of the
    Interior, in San Francisco, 1880, brought McCandless to the islands
    the same year...Imperial (?) and etc. at the Convention in Washington
    D.C. June 1923, when the late President of the United States, Noble
    Warren G. Harding, took active part in the ceremonies. (Ref. Story
    of Hawaii and its Builders, pg. t622-23)
    > John A. McCandless - capitalist. The leader of Mary of
    theForjest Business enterprises of Hawaii - a member of the Committee
    of Thirteen, Brother of James S. McCandless 1894 - 1898 members of
    the Senates (Republic of Hawaii), came to Honolulu in 1881 is a Mason
    and a Shriner. Founded his fortune in Hawaii 1877..." (same ref. pg.
    > "Lincoln Loy McCandless ...arrival in Hawaii in 1882 to team with
    his two brothers..A. ..court held in the Territory and Senate 1903,
    then established the right ....prove title to their holdings (etc.).
    (same refs)
    > In the Cabinet Samuel Parker and Cornwell were holding out
    against Peterson...Colburn refusing to capitulate with the Queen's
    consent, the following mere were to consider the situations:
    > A.A. Schaefer, Jo Carter, Sm Damon, W.M. Gifford, SC. Allen, E.C.
    MacFarlane," (Evidence Ref "BETRAYAL OF LILIUOKALANI, pg. 287) Names
    with under line are Masons) FA Schaefer arrived 1857 . worked - (MEN
    > Charles J McCarthy - Governor Territory of Hawaii, 1918 - 19231
    appointed by President Woodrow Wilson June 22, 1918 ...member of
    Knights of Pythias.Assistant Supreme, Chancellor, I.O.O.F, Past
    Grand, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Past; B.P.O.E., past exalted ruler-
    Honolulu, 1881 March, arrival. He was a member of the House of
    Nobles, Kingdom of Hawaii, 1890; August legislature 1892.) Senator,
    Territorial legislature 1907 - 11 (etc.), (Ref. Evidence, MEN OF
    HAWAII, p. 277.)
    > Woodrow Wilson, 1932, Accept order of the White Eagle, to
    establish government; 1921, Admittance to Bar, Washington, D.C., and
    New York City (Ref: Biography of Presidents)
    > Castle, George - Pamell, Financier and Philanthropist, second
    generation of Castle family in Hawaii. Active in the change of
    government from a Monarchy to an American Territory;.. .father is
    Samuel N. Castle...during the revolution in 1893; WCastle was a
    member of the Honolulu Rifles Association and of the Citizens
    Guard...Advisory Council...Rep of Hawaii...Active member of the
    Hawaiian Board of Mission and a member of Excelsior Lodge, I.O.O.F,
    (mason) (Ref: Evidence MEN OF HAWAII, p. 127)
    > Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Grover Cleveland (one of 11
    Presidents who were members of "Phi Beta Kappa".
    > Martin Van Buren, President, 1837-1841, March 3rd. Dutch. Dutch
    Reform Church; submitted to Bar, New York City, Nov. 1803, 1825, Gov
    of New York; third of 11 Presidents who were members of Phi Beta
    Kapa; Appointed Minister to Great Britain, June 25, 1831. Received
    by William at Windsor Castle, then France, Germany and Netherlands;
    > September 4, 1837 suggested investigation be made of the
    Independent Treasury on (?) Treasury plan; July 4, 1840 signed
    independent Treasury Act, Sub Treasuries were established in New
    York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, New Orleans, St. Louis, and
    Washington D.C. (forerunner of the GED. Res. Bank) - lasted to 1913
    when F.R. Act passed Congress, thus became a F.R. Bk) (from The Book
    of Presidents) surfacing Masonic relations in Presidents is very
    > Start with Queen Liliuokalani' s name: according to researcher
    Chris Roses, it is a Masonic name.
    > Lili'u Kamaka'eha: (Liliuokalani) name given in birth September
    2, 1838.
    > born of Kapaakea - blood father Kapaakea and Keohokalole - blood
    mother, named by Kinau: Full name: Liliu (?) Walania Kamakaeha.
    > Liliu was baptized - "Lydia", her Christian name (p. 40)
    > Officially became "Lydia Paki", adopted daughter of Paki and
    Konia - hanai (pg. 40)
    > The name "Liliuokalani" was "given" her by her brother "David
    Kalakaua", after, as elected King named her heir apparent in 1877 - a
    name which she said in 1891 was "noname at all>" (pg.41) (Ref.Evid.
    from "The Betrayal of Liliuokalani" by Helen G. Allen)
    > 1856 - Hawaiian Lodge No. 21...From the beginning the
    understanding between The blue Lodges and the Scottish Rite
    wasexemplification. ..also true with the York Rite Bodies, old
    brothers in the islands...since Damons, McDuff, Kalakaua and others
    were the organizers of those bodies...(p. 19, Evid - 100 hundred
    > So David Kalakaua was a Mason long before becoming King and
    giving his blood sister Liliu Kamakaeha -kanaka lineage name The
    Masonic longer name upon becoming heir to the throne - Princess
    Liliuokalani in 1877.
    > Each step was a step away from the original lineage and hanai
    adoption to the Westerm system of heritage. What does change of name
    mean in law - Western wise - or even Hawaiian wise-as "property"
    goes? Who has Title? The Masons - "Free Mason" - "Entitlement" to
    > Note and comments: What does "brotherhood" mean when in reality
    it is not blood brother? It appears the intent to maneuver claims,
    or access to Masonic connections. Research incomplete.
    > Queen Liliuokalani seems to never have openly said she is a Free
    Mason; but she married a Mason, accepted all of the Masonic
    courtesy's - benefit, and privileges - without context and protest.
    However "...Mr. Josepa Kahoohihi Nawahi of Kalaniopuu.. .was twenty
    years a legislator.. .withy Mr. William White...maintained a strict
    fidelity to the wishes of the people by whom (they) had been
    elected. The two Patriots "never compromised principles;. ..the true
    patriotism and one of country of these men had been recognized by me,
    and I had decorated them with the order of Knight Commander of
    Kalakaua" (p. 300, Hawaii's Story by Queen Liliuokalani) , Queen
    Liliuokalani could decorate them Masonically only, if she had been a
    Mason for the decoration to have meaning - "Validity" otherwise its
    an empty gesture; The vesting of such authority to confer decorations
    in Orders items (?) a Grant of Privilege from another 33 degree
    Mason - such as King Kalakaua was prior to his "death"
    > from the Grand Sovereign Commander - Albert Pike; and King
    Kalakaua could only so act if he had been "given"such authority by
    Pike; So one sees that Queen Liliuokalani was a Free Mason, but
    unwilling to openly state so - lived in private, secrecy not so;
    which is typical for a "Free Mason". So then who "created the
    Semblance of Acquisition of Adverse Possession" by unconsionable
    consent to the "Sandwich Islands"? Does each change in name give
    rise to a change not only in sgtatus, but also "Title Holder" -
    > "David Kalakaua". In Queen Liliuokalani' s Genealogy (P. 399 -
    Hawaii Story by Queen Liliuokalani) She uses the names "Kalakaua"
    and "Liliuokalani" as blood sister of "Kapaakea" and "Keohokalole" .
    > However, Keohokalole daughters name is Liliu Loloku Walania
    Kamakaeha" and not "Liliuokalani" ; So what was David - non-Masonic-
    non-Christian- Name (Keoni Kapu). Such, if true, one can conclude
    that "David" is the Christian name, Like "Lydia" (Paki) for Queen
    Liliuokalani given prior to entry into the "Royal School" run by the
    Cookes; and Kalakaua is either the hanai name, God/ or the Masonic
    Name and Title, heir of Masonic Curtesy's status, etc. allegiance,
    and therefore not of "blood lineage" any longer, even if "David" had
    been the name in the beginning, unless David Kalakaua explicitly so
    states otherwise, in the record's somewhere.
    > King Kalakaua's wife was known as "Madame Namakeha" after she
    married Free Mason King Kalakaua.
    > Editors note and comments: "Madame Namakeha" also known as Queen
    Kapiolani was the sister of Princess Poomaikelani and Princess
    > Queen Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini (k),
    husband of Kaakau (w);
    > Kaanana (w); Kawahineahanui (w); and Haili/Kaili/ Kalama (w) the
    daughter of Princess
    > Poomaikelani.
    > Queen Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted sister of Kaluakini's
    children, including Elizabeth
    > Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora, son of Matsugoro
    Takeshita/Joe Jap aka's
    > and Hawaiian descendant Maria,(Kamehameha School student in 1910.)
    > Queen Kapiolani and Princess Liliuokalani went to Great Britain-
    England to Queen Victorias Jubilee and was given Masonic honors and
    courtesy's just prior to "The Bayonnet Constitution" Revolution.
    > John Owen Dominis husband of Princess Liliuokalani was a 33
    degree Mason. He was given the highest honors Masonically by the
    Prince of Wales, Grand Master Mason in the World.
    > The following are documented Masons:
    > 1. Wm. C. Parke
    > 2. Archibald Cleghorn - brother in law of King Kalakaua and
    Princess Liliuokalani
    > 3. Abraham Fornander
    > 4. Charles Thomas Gulick
    > 5. Albert Franciss Judd
    > 6. Alexander McDuff
    > 7. Samuel Parker
    > 8. Frederick Shaefer
    > 9. William Luther Wilcox
    > "David Kalakaua, Liliu's blood brother (p.47) "same parents"
    Kapaakea and Keohokalole (p. 15) and yet, it has been said
    that "neither by birth nor hanai did he (David Kalakaua) qualify as a
    Kamehameha but neither did Lunalilo, although he was of lineal
    descent. The Kalakaua (Keawe) line was not...but Kalakaua had
    not ...but Kalakaua had not been by birth nor by hanai, a
    Kamehameha. It was a great obstacle to his succession" (p. 128, The
    Betrayal of Liliuokalani) .
    > editors notes and comments:
    > King Lunalilo was an heir of the Kamehameha's. His mother
    Kekauluohi /Auhea was married to both Kamehameha I and Kamehameha
    II. His mother descended from Kaheiheimalie and Kamehameha's older
    brother. His father was Charles Kanaina. Kekauluohi/Auhea had been
    married to Kaheakulani before she married Charles Kanaina.
    Kaheakulani descended from Puali who was close to Kamehameha I and II.
    > There appears to be no disputes as to his assuming the role of
    the King because he was the oldest of the widows of Kamehameha I and
    Kamehameha II.
    > Both King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani were the children of
    Keohokalole who was the hanai/adopted child of Nahuina (w), a
    Kamehameha descendant.
    > King Kalakaua's children and Queen Liliuokalani' s children
    married into the Kamehameha families.
    > So, the "brotherhood of Masons/Freemasons" was and was always
    less than the status of the Royal families in Hawaii and elsewhere in
    Monarchy/ Constitutional Monarchy governments.
    > 1882 - D. W. Pauahi aka's, son of Peke Davis and Keawe, stepson
    of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/ Makaeha/Liliuokalan i/Queen Liliuokalani was
    married to Wahinealoha (w).
    > Wahinealoha (w) was the widow of John Booth, son of Joseph Booth,
    whose family appears to have been a family of Masons/Freemasons:
    > John Booth's siblings were: Sarah A. Booth married to Henry
    > Grace Booth
    > Alice Booth married to
    James Dodd
    > Emma C. Booth married
    William Maertens
    > Ida E. Booth married to
    Enos Nordborg
    > John Booth's mother was Annie who remarried and became Annie Long.
    > The witnesses: Sanford B. Dole
    > William Maertens
    > Emma C. Maertens
    > Sarah A. Berger
    > Henry Berger
    > Editors note and comments:
    > Sanford B. Dole was an attorney who appears to have had his claws
    in the Royal families claims, associations, etc. and appears to have
    been the PIRATE at work, and assuming the position of Provisional
    government head.
    > Sanford B. Dole was an attorney for DW Pauahi's aka's mother-in-
    law Princess Poomaikelani as well.
    > The Dodd name appears to be affiliated, executive of the Bank of
    Hawaii, the Berger's name became affiliated with Sears, Roebuck and
    Company. Research incomplete.

    Barack Obama's grandmother is from the line of the Booth family, who also
    claim to descend from Robert E. Lee, American Civil War General, and
    descendants of the Royal family of England.
    Wahinealoha (w) married to John Booth was heir to her husband, who was a
    descendant and heir of Joseph Booth. He was also related to Obama's family.

    Wahinealoha (w) married the hanai child of Peke Davis, daughter of Isaac Davis,
    grandaughter of John Young, later adopted and was also the adopted daughter of
    Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III. His name was David Waihoioahu Keawe/Kalua opio.

    His adopted father was D.W. Pauahi who was thrown into the penal colony, Kalaupapa, Molokai. There are many land issues and the Booth's family claims are highly
    questionnable. Research incomplete.

    Also note that Barack Obama, George W. Bush, George Bush (Sr.), Sarah Palin (former
    Presidential candidate from Alaska) are related with their roots going back to the Royal
    families from England, etc.

    > Reference: Liber 76 page 246-247, Bureau of Conveyances,
    Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; yahoo news (see Exhibit A below)

    > 1888 - Kaluakini (k) and wife Haili/Kaili/ Kalama (w) gave their
    six (6) children to his mother Kaili/Kamaliiwahine /Kekainui/ Kailihou
    (w) and King Kalakaua's son Kaopumomona/ Kaopu/ Kolomona Kaopumomona
    > The four parties (Kaluakini (k), Haili/Kaili/ Kalama (w),
    Kaili/Kamaliiwahine /Kekainui/ Kailihou (w), and
    Kaopumomona/ Kaopu/Kolomona Kaopumomona (k) ) deeded all of their
    interests to the six (6) children.
    > Kaluakini (k) and wife Haili/Kaili/ Kalama (w) were sent to the
    Leper Colony, Kalaupapa, Molokai. Haili/Kaili/ Kalama (w) was
    a "kokua" a helper.
    > Editors notes and comments:
    > "kokua", helpers were given the opportunity to remain with their
    loved ones ONLY if they submitted to leprosy experimentation. Many
    were innoculated with the leprosy disease, etc.
    1892 - Premeditation to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani documented.
    - General Schofield et. als. mapped, planned the takeover.
    - Robert Wilcox and Volney Ashford tried to overthrow the Queen in 1892. Wilcox had also tried to dethrone King David Kalakaua. They were minimally punished.
    - Benjamin Tracy in Makua with Lorrin Thurston
    - The U.S. President/Benjamin Harrison sent secret mail to their contacts in the Hawaiian Islands who helped to dethrone the Queen in 1893
    - Conspiring/treasonous persons including aboriginal Hawaiians were paid $50-$500 to assist the American treasonous persons
    - Members of Queen Liliuokalani's families helped the PG's /Provisional Government players.
    - Queen Kapiolani's nephews Kuhio and Kawananakoa helped the PG's/Provisional Government players.
    - Dr. Mott Smith, Thomas Akaka et. als. were in Washington, D.C. planning the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892
    - Masons/Freemason arrived, held a parade, commemorated a building, and called Hawaii their "home city"
    - Five men's travel expenses to Washington, D.C. was approved by the 1892 Legislature, the funds were released on January 5, 1893 - the travel of the treasonous persons took place after they dethroned Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
    - Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article - gave standing orders by the President and Congress to take over.
    > 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani wrongfully dethroned.
    > She was "deposed", "overthrown" by Mason Sanford
    Ballard Dole.
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