Army: Chemical weapons off Hawaii should stay put

Associated Press

POSTED: 01:53 p.m. HST, Jul 30, 2010

The Army believes chemical weapons dumped in deep water five miles south of Pearl Harbor after World War II should stay where they are.

Army officials on Friday said that removing the munitions may increase the risk of exposure to humans and the environment.

The University of Hawaii earlier said the weapons don't currently pose a threat but are deteriorating and should continue to be monitored.

The report was based on a three-year study of munitions found up to 2,000 feet below the surface.

Historic records show the Army dumped 16,000 bombs at the site through 1970. Each of the bombs contained 73 pounds of the chemical agent mustard.

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  • This was removed from this thread:

    am reposting the following:

    Surfkick Haleiwa

    * Posted by Surfkick Haleiwa on December 28, 2009 at 8:51am in Politics

    Mr. Obama - you represent a further danger to all of us (read the article below). Your continued EXTERMINATION PROJECT, WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Etc. is unacceptable. You gained votes because of the move to Stop Wars but have moved in a contrary manner, etc.'re Not Welcomed Here, your military is not welcomed here and was given an EVICTION NOTICE.

    Queen Liliuokalani did document that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations. Read on.


    from John Kaminski:

    > Merry Christmas, Hawaii – and Bombs Away!
    > By Cathy Garger
    > Nov 27, 2007, 17:47
    > It’s the end of the world as we know it. The US Military has
    > officially run out of foreign lands to bomb. Apparently out of
    > desperation to find a place to publicly ejaculate their huge, heavy
    > loads, the US Air Force has chosen the Big Island of Hawaii as its
    > bulls-eye target.
    > Unfortunately for Hawaiian paradise, however, this time it’s going to

    > take far more than a super size box of Kleenex to tidy up this
    > particular wad containing Uncle Sam’s latest hot, dirty, and
    > unquestionably most slimy mess.
    > According to a recent Associated Press article, “B-2 Stealth Bombers
    > Hit US Targets”, the United States government is using both Hawaii
    > Alaska to expand its war games and better train pilots to unload
    > mega-size Uranium bombs on – shhhh – unsuspecting North Koreans.
    > Meanwhile, Uncle Sam, convincingly playing the part of one mighty
    > sick, twisted Santa, is apparently reneging on his promise to make
    > nice and remove North Korea from his Naughty [State Sponsors of
    > Terrorism] List.
    > How considerate of Uncle Sam to give such a generous warning, months
    > in advance, of his impending blitzkrieg on one more unsuspecting
    > nation! But, for some strange reason, the citizens of Hawaii received

    > no such courtesy prior to being “cursed” with monthly bloody
    > not even the benefit of predictability enjoyed by women visited every

    > month by their “Auntie Flo.”
    > What harm would it do, if you really think about it, for the US
    > government to run a small ad in Hawaii’s federal mouthpiece, The
    > Honolulu Advertiser, in which they could announce for Hawaiians the
    > dates during which they should attempt to locate suitable bomb
    > shelters on “that” day of the month? Well, at least it would be a
    > mighty thoughtful touch!
    > One seriously wonders what horrible things Hawaiians have done to
    > become such bad little boys and girls that their very own
    > authoritarian Uncle Sammy – who they have, after all, permitted for
    > over one hundred years to play soldier upon their land and in their
    > sea - would sadistically “repay” them for their warm Aloha-spirit
    > hospitality by dropping bombs from stealth Air Force B-2 bombers on
    > them… ‘round Christmastime, no less!
    > No matter what the offense, no matter how bad Hawaiians have been to
    > merit domestic air raids by their own, one certainly suspects that
    > dumping many thousands of pounds of coal atop the Hawaiian Isle would

    > be a far more suitable punishment (not to mention an infinitely
    > eco-friendly gesture) than being forced into being sitting ducks for
    > bombing practice from the heavens above!
    > But times they certainly are a ‘changing! Why, once upon a time in an

    > era many US War Presidents ago, it used to be that attacks on Hawaii
    > were staged by other nations – Japan, for example. Now, in this
    > modern post-9/11 age, any nation is fair game for attack … even when
    > the people on the island you’re bombing happen to wave the very same
    > red, white, and blue flag as the other forty nine states!
    > No, this is no parody you’re reading. This news is so priceless I
    > could not make this stuff up! The United States Air Force has
    > started bombing its own country, in order to conduct what they claim
    > is necessary bombing practice for North Korea – or whoever’s up for
    > the next US “hit!”
    > Courtesy of the AP article, released as a gift to America on
    > Thanksgiving Day (when we were too busy wolfing down turkey and
    > stuffing to notice or even care), we now learn, quite after the fact,

    > that US B-2 “Spirit” Stealth Bombers have started routinely bombing
    > the US state of Hawaii.
    > According to the US Air Force website, the domestic bombing began
    > year on October 23. Reportedly, the first Bombs Away event, being
    > called Hawaii’s “October Surprise,” was part of an exercise called
    > “Koa Lightning,” in which B-2s flew from Guam to Hawaii, dropping
    > bombs on the Big Island’s Pohakuloa Training Area.
    > At least one dozen of these mega-bombs were dropped the first month,
    > at $1.2 million US Dollars a pop. Called “inert” and “dummy” because
    > they reportedly do not explode, the Air Force tells us, as if from an

    > ad for homemade jam, bombings are conducted, “the old fashioned way
    > too. No laser designating the target and no joint direct attack
    > munitions with global positioning system guidance. It was just the
    > aviators, their instruments, a deadly airframe and some Airmen on the

    > mock battlefield calling in the coordinates.”
    > As these are not your Air Force standard, computer-guided, “built in,

    > state of the art targeting system” drops, the aviators and their uh,
    > instruments, work on a “deadly timeframe,” relying on nothing but
    > gravity … and the capricious whim of Mother Nature’s tropical winds.
    > So don those hard hats and heads up, Hawaii, ‘cause where those
    > “old-fashioned ‘dumb bombs’ without precision guidance” land next is
    > anybody’s guess! And a 2,000 lb. bomb – make that a 2,000 lb.
    > anything… released from a point higher than the mountaintops that
    > even a wee bit off course is definitely going to cause some poor
    > Hawaiian one mighty colossal headache!
    > According to the AP article, the Air Force has “only started dropping

    > inert bombs on the Big Island's Pohakuloa Training Area [PTA] last
    > month.” One can not help wondering if this bombing that “only”
    > last month is not possibly payback for the work of outspoken
    > who recently opposed the permanent stationing of the 2/25th Stryker
    > Brigade Combat Team at PTA? Coincidentally [or maybe not?] Pohakuloa
    > is the same live-fire test training area where mega-bombs are now
    > getting dropped out of B-2 jets onto grounds where Depleted Uranium
    > was discovered in August.
    > With regard to the “Koa Lightning” bombing of Hawaii exercises, one
    > the B-2 pilots, Major Tim Hale, stated, “This particular mission
    > covers the full spectrum of what we can do.” With a nation so
    > desperate to practice dropping bombs that it chooses as its Ground
    > Zero the sacred, culturally rich, pristine paradise of Hawaii, there
    > is no question that the full spectrum of what we can do has indeed
    > been achieved … at the very lowest, bottom-of-the-barrel end of the
    > spectrum, that is.
    > With the bombing of Hawaii a jolly old ho (ho, ho) hum affair, not
    > just the United States but the international community, too, now gets

    > to witness the utter depths of just how low the United States will go

    > in order to wage its aggressive wars. For to depraved Uncle Sam in
    > role of Santa-Gone-Bad this holiday season, not even Hawaii –
    > considered by many to be the world’s favorite tropical vacation spot

    > is sacred.
    > On its own website, the US Air Force reminds us that the capability
    > the B-2 bombers (apparently considered the pinnacle of Air Force
    > prowess) must not be underestimated. "Strategic bombers in and of
    > themselves are huge force multipliers," according to Tech. Sgt.
    > Richard Setlock, a JTAC from the 25th Air Support Operations
    > Furthermore, according to Sgt. Setlock, "Fighter attack aircraft can
    > stay on station for 45-minutes and provide six to eight bombs. We can

    > have a bomber overhead for two to four hours and provide four times
    > the firepower that a fighter attack aircraft could."
    > The military’s orgiastic thrills and chills of “force multiplier”
    > capabilities aside, one wonders how the local Hawaiian school
    > are coping? What must it be like for these precious young ones,
    > learning their A, B, C’s, numbers, and colors, too, with not merely
    > jets overhead, but stealth bombers that provide four times the
    > firepower of fighter attack aircraft?
    > Distant memories of 1960s bomb drills hiding underneath kindergarten
    > desks suddenly come to mind. One wonders how Hawaiian teachers go
    > about explaining to tiny tots that the bombs, each weighing about as
    > much as four classroom pianos... are being dropped by their own
    > country, that is [gulp] by the “good guys”.
    > In correspondence with Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award winner and

    > weapons expert of The San Francisco Bay View, Nichols wrote of the
    > bombs,, "It is just a matter of time till the 376,000 lb heavy
    > hit a school playground or someone's house with the equivalent of a
    > small car at 160 mph and kill no telling how many people. Just chalk
    > it up to the annual required human sacrifice to keep the big Military

    > payroll in Hawaii. The city fathers made a bad deal with the devil
    > for a few dollars more."
    > The devil may have made them do it, but do the local officials even
    > know? According to Mayor of the County of Hawaii, Harry Kim, this is
    > apparently not the case. "I was not aware that they were dropping
    > bombs up there."
    > Mayor Kim also added that the public has a right to know about what’s

    > going on – and when Hawaiians can expect the 2,000 pound drops
    > them from up above. "They really need to be proactive about informing

    > us so we can inform the public," he said. "The public needs to know
    > when these types of exercises are going on, especially those who
    > Saddle Road."
    > Yes, there’s no doubt about it. These bombs are a threat to Hawaii,
    > and when even the local government’s top official is not made aware
    > the mortal danger his citizens face on a regular basis, one suspects
    > that Uncle Sam does a mighty lousy job as Federal Duck-and-Cover
    > Communicator for the oblivious residing in Pacific paradise.
    > As explained by the Air Force on its website, “The global reach and
    > long loiter time over a target is a unique capability of America's
    > bomber force. This makes the B-2 especially lethal to America's
    > enemies.”
    > Furthermore, as Col. Damian McCarthy, 36th Operations Group
    > elaborates, "Having the ability to stay over a target for extended
    > periods, especially in a stealth airframe, gives the combatant
    > commander the option to strike the bad guys at a time and place of
    > their choosing."
    > What none of these military load-dropping, macho-types explain,
    > however, is just whose bright idea it was to use the Big Island of
    > Hawaii for their bombing target practice fun. The island of Hawaii
    > after all, a place where 160,000 citizens live and work, and 1.5
    > million tourists from around the globe come each year to sun, fun,
    > play.
    > Can someone please tell me exactly when did the gentle, peace-loving
    > people from the Aloha state get placed on the list as America’s
    > declared “enemies” and “bad guys” in order to merit humongous, lethal

    > bomb drops by B2 stealth bombers?
    > One can understand why Hawaiians are a tad more than concerned about
    > the very real possibility of stray, off-course bombs being dropped on

    > their heads. What is even more disturbing, however, is the fact that
    > these bombs – weighing roughly the same as a Honda CRX model car -
    > being dropped from altitudes 18,000 feet above the mountains … onto
    > grounds contaminated with deadly toxic and radioactive Depleted
    > Uranium from years of live-fire training.
    > Can you just imagine how 2,000 pounds of concentrated dead weight,
    > dropped from the skies, will rustle up and render airborne the
    > Depleted Uranium in the soils on the Pohakuloa Training Area? And
    > how safe can this be, in terms of air quality, with lethal Depleted
    > Uranium being re-suspended in the air by these bomb drops …
    > particularly for those living in nearby towns?
    > According to the Army’s 2000 health fact sheet on Depleted Uranium,
    > “DU can also be inhaled when DU particles in the environment are
    > resuspended into the atmosphere by wind or other disturbances.” Is
    > there any question in anyone’s mind that such a heavy bomb, dropped
    > from the heavens and landing in radioactive soils, creates one hell
    > a “disturbance?”
    > Jim Albertini, of the Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-Violent Education &
    > Action says of the bombings, “This, along with other training at PTA,

    > is an outrage given the presence of Depleted Uranium (DU) confirmed
    > PTA. The full extent of the contamination is not yet known but the
    > military is taking action that risks spreading the stuff around. It
    > shows the complete disregard for the health and safety of Hawaii
    > residents and the military people who train on the ground there.”
    > Wouldn’t it make sense to remediate the contaminated soils at
    > Pohakuloa, as is required by Army Regulation 700-48 before even
    > thinking about dropping mega-bombs there? Is the Army in such a hurry

    > to “practice” bombing the hell out of North Korea that it simply
    > cannot wait another few months till it cleans up the mess it created
    > in Hawaii by playing around there with its nuke weapons (and
    > God-only-knows-what-other Uranium munitions)?
    > Has this grand US imperial Empire, in its zealous myopic dream of
    > waging wars at any cost, decided to totally waste the once pristine,
    > lush, exotic Hawaiian island - and its very own citizens to boot?
    > anyone know precisely when our nation made the decision to condemn
    > Hawaii for billions of years as a radioactive “national sacrifice
    > zone,” the “payoff” being the ability to wage continuous wars against

    > innocent civilians … in both Hawaii as well as in far-off lands?
    > Perhaps in lieu of being greeted in the future with flowered leis,
    > future visitors to Hawaii’s airport should, by all rights, be
    > appropriately welcomed with Army-issued gas masks and radioactive
    > gear suits instead. While the Hawaiian tourist industry admittedly
    > tank once photos get out depicting the rather, um, encumbered manner
    > in which Hawaiian tourists will now be outfitted, on the plus side,
    > troops would then be able to invade, occupy, and take as their own
    > private playground vacant Hawaiian hotels and resorts where tourists
    > and vacationers, fearing radioactive contamination, will no longer
    > venture.
    > So say goodbye, all ye citizens of the world, to the former tropical
    > paradise of the Aloha state! Please know you have been forewarned and

    > travel to Hawaii now at your own risk.
    > Vacation now on the Big Island and prepare to be greeted with the US
    > military’s own uniquely gracious brand of hospitality … the invisible

    > “gift” of inhaled Uranium aerosol blowing in the warm tropical winds,

    > bestowed upon unsuspecting residents and tourists alike, for all
    > eternity.
    > To learn more and find out what you can do to help keep Hawaii safe
    > from domestic bombing and further radioactive contamination, visit
    > folks at Protect Hawaii and say Aloha to them for me.
    > Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker, activist, and a
    > certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living
    > the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly
    > nauseated by the stench emanating from the nation's capital during
    > Washington, DC, federal work week. Cathy may be contacted at
    > .
    > © Copyright 2007 by
    > This material is available for republication as long as reprints
    > include verbatim copy of the article its entirety, respecting its
    > integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the
    > original source including a "live link" to the article. Thank you!

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    Once again, you and your military are not welcomed here.

    Our Hawaiian archipelago, Hawaiian Islands remains a neutral, non-violent nation, with evidence of premeditation by the U.S. who criminally usurped a friendly, neutral nation.


    Replies to This Discussion

    Kaohi Permalink Reply by Kaohi on March 8, 2010 at 11:04am
    Aloha Amelia,
    I took time out to read as much as I could today, I loved the Japanese songs--easyier to read the move from Okinawa to Guam.

    Leuren Moret's breast cancer article was not what I wanted to read but it was helpful because of her map overlay that shows Nuclear Plants and Breast Cancer.

    Because all of this is so inhuman as well as incomprehesible it seems almost only too crazy.

    I also did some research on the arsneic that Dr. Dodge told me about that exist in our limu. And white phrosphate. why are we not paying attention to these autrocities?

    I can remember my trip across Kahoolawe and came back home totally sick from it. I don't know why I was so stupid and gullible back then. I had a huge blister under both my foot and I didn't attrubited it to phosphrate, how nut's yes there was white powder everywhere. Because they used it to mark the different targets and it oozed out of the burning fire from bombing. Maybe I'm not seeing what I am suppose to see.

    We eat limu all the time and I don't understand how we can continue letting these military continue on with their dirty pollutions. Why do these sick evil people continue wipeing out whole populations?


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    Surfkick Haleiwa Permalink Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa on March 9, 2010 at 1:10am

    hi Kaohi,

    guess i'll use my son's account every now and then...........found out there are many people reading these posts and have asked me to ignore certain individuals and to keep posting information............have spoken with several today, and it appears there are many who are downloading the info and sharing it with their ohana as well on the outer islands.................our family friends are also keeping watch as's funny because certain individuals are now known by many and not in a good way either.

    shifting gears......on Kahoolawe, one of my sister's worked with Paglinawan formerly of OHA and they picked lots of opihi off the rocks and brought it home............i cut into one of them which was massive, larger than a size of a human face............made me sick like a dog........whoever ate the opihi from our family got sick as the time i had worked with the Air Force and several of my co-workers scolded me and said to never eat anything from Kahoolawe (or whereever the military bombs, etc. --- they hinted at the toxic conditions as well............

    then, when I met Leuren Moret, she verified the fact that KAHOOLAWE was used for NUCLEAR BOMB targets along with Arizona, Micronesian Islands, etc.

    since knowing Leuren Moret, have been feeling sort of/like a 'time bomb' of sorts with toxic wastes stored and who knows when some malicious growth will come about?......have that bit of worry but what is the most worrisome is the fact that a mere handful of us are actually opposing, defending our aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/Hawaiian nationals, foreigners (includes Amerikkkans/Americans) from belligerent occupiers documented as criminals now known to the world today.

    counting the days for them to leave..........of course, they will have to clean up their crap as well.

    speaking of crap, it appears there's more coming from the ocean as well due to the dumping of toxins:

    Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists
    McClatchy Newspapers

    Wild dolphin swims in the ocean near Mikura island, south of Tokyo Reuters – A wild dolphin swims in the ocean near Mikura island, 200km south of Tokyo, August 3, 2008 file photo. …

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    By Les Blumenthal, McClatchy Newspapers Les Blumenthal, Mcclatchy Newspapers – Sun Mar 7, 12:01 pm ET

    WASHINGTON — Lower levels of oxygen in the Earth's oceans, particularly off the United States' Pacific Northwest coast, could be another sign of fundamental changes linked to global climate change, scientists say.

    They warn that the oceans' complex undersea ecosystems and fragile food chains could be disrupted.

    In some spots off Washington state and Oregon , the almost complete absence of oxygen has left piles of Dungeness crab carcasses littering the ocean floor, killed off 25-year-old sea stars, crippled colonies of sea anemones and produced mats of potentially noxious bacteria that thrive in such conditions.

    Areas of hypoxia, or low oxygen, have long existed in the deep ocean. These areas — in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans — appear to be spreading, however, covering more square miles, creeping toward the surface and in some places, such as the Pacific Northwest , encroaching on the continental shelf within sight of the coastline.

    "The depletion of oxygen levels in all three oceans is striking," said Gregory Johnson , an oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle .

    In some spots, such as off the Southern California coast, oxygen levels have dropped roughly 20 percent over the past 25 years. Elsewhere, scientists say, oxygen levels might have declined by one-third over 50 years.

    "The real surprise is how this has become the new norm," said Jack Barth , an oceanography professor at Oregon State University . "We are seeing it year after year."

    Barth and others say the changes are consistent with current climate-change models. Previous studies have found that the oceans are becoming more acidic as they absorb more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

    "If the Earth continues to warm, the expectation is we will have lower and lower oxygen levels," said Francis Chan , a marine researcher at Oregon State .

    As ocean temperatures rise, the warmer water on the surface acts as a cap, which interferes with the natural circulation that normally allows deeper waters that are already oxygen-depleted to reach the surface. It's on the surface where ocean waters are recharged with oxygen from the air.

    Commonly, ocean "dead zones" have been linked to agricultural runoff and other pollution coming down major rivers such as the Mississippi or the Columbia . One of the largest of the 400 or so ocean dead zones is in the Gulf of Mexico , near the mouth of the Mississippi .

    However, scientists now say that some of these areas, including those off the Northwest, apparently are linked to broader changes in ocean oxygen levels.

    The Pacific waters off Washington and Oregon face a double whammy as a result of ocean circulation.

    Scientists have long known of a natural low-oxygen zone perched in the deeper water off the Northwest's continental shelf.

    During the summer, northerly winds aided by the Earth's rotation drive surface water away from the shore. This action sucks oxygen-poor water to the surface in a process called upwelling.

    Though the water that's pulled up from the depths is poor in oxygen, it's rich in nutrients, which fertilize phytoplankton. These microscopic organisms form the bottom of one of the richest ocean food chains in the world. As they die, however, they sink and start to decay. The decaying process uses oxygen, which depletes the oxygen levels even more.

    Southerly winds reverse the process in what's known as down-welling.

    Changes in the wind and ocean circulation since 2002 have disrupted what had been a delicate balance between upwelling and down-welling. Scientists now are discovering expanding low-oxygen zones near shore.

    "It is consistent with models of global warming, but the time frame is too short to know whether it is a trend or a weather phenomenon," Johnson said.

    Others were slightly more definitive, quicker to link the lower oxygen levels to global warming rather than to such weather phenomena as El Nino or the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, a shift in the weather that occurs every 20 to 30 years in the northern oceans.

    "It's a large disturbance in the ecosystem that could have huge biological changes," said Steve Bograd , an oceanographer at NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Southern California .

    Bograd has been studying oxygen levels in the California Current, which runs along the West Coast from the Canadian border to Baja California and, some scientists think, eventually could be affected by climate change.

    So far, the worst hypoxic zone off the Northwest coast was found in 2006. It covered nearly 1,200 square miles off Newport, Ore. , and according to Barth it was so close to shore you could hit it with a baseball. The zone covered 80 percent of the water column and lasted for an abnormally long four months.

    Because of upwelling, some of the most fertile ocean areas in the world are found off Washington and Oregon . Similar upwelling occurs in only three other places, off the coast of Peru and Chile , in an area stretching from northern Africa to Portugal and along the Atlantic coast of South Africa and Namibia .

    Scientists are unsure how low oxygen levels will affect the ocean ecosystem. Bottom-dwelling species could be at the greatest risk because they move slowly and might not be able to escape the lower oxygen levels. Most fish can swim out of danger. Some species, however, such as chinook salmon, may have to start swimming at shallower depths than they're used to. Whether the low oxygen zones will change salmon migration routes is unclear.

    Some species, such as jellyfish, will like the lower-oxygen water. Jumbo squid, usually found off Mexico and Central America , can survive as oxygen levels decrease and now are found as far north as Alaska .

    "It's like an experiment," Chan said. "We are pulling some things out of the food web and we will have to see what happens. But if you pull enough things out, it could have a real impact."


    The Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    Oregon State University's College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences


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    Asia -produced ozone making its way to U.S., study finds

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      102 users liked this comment Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 132 users disliked this comment
      Paul 22 hours ago Report Abuse

      This story needs to be widely publicized so the brainwashed hoards of Republican rednecks can see the truth!

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      Sal Minella
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      Sal Minella 20 hours ago Report Abuse

      Leave Al Gore out of this. The problem of global warming has been studied for decades by thousands of scientists, and it's going to be around long after he's out of the debate.

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      Mike 20 hours ago Report Abuse

      It's too bad we didn't discover global warming before it was too late to do anything about it. There's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop the warming of the earth, short of destroying civilization as we know it.

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      mai-yoh a
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      mai-yoh a 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      maybe Mayans calculation' s partly true!

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      my_world_lost_its_grip. 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      what was the mayan's calculation all about??..whoa..this is a major news!/..yeah i should be publiziced!!...we may not able to stop it but i think we can lessen it....

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      Kursi 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      Soon enough we'll be buying oxygen mask...But we can at least prevent that happening too shortly if only each one is responsible enough.

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      Blessing 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      I think we should all try to help it if people came together in tryed helping the earth it would work better than idiots swarming the earth in toxicating it and making polltution the only reason we have this stuff going on is becase people are lazy in dont know how to help in make good decisions these days!

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      Frederick 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      every nation has added to the pain the planet Earth has sustained...

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      shaylinm 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      Start by getting rid of all the white people in the world its the best step to to fix whats wrong with the earth

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      Jason 5 hours ago Report Abuse

      the mayans prediction is not a prediction the world will come to a end like the last 3 other times come on everybody its earthquakes everyday since 2010 started the weather is changing it snows in flordia texas and new mexico? but we all gotta come together and stop letting politics control the way we live and live are lifes to the fullfullest

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      Kaohi Reply by Kaohi on March 8, 2010 at 11:31am

      Thanks for all your research so that I could stay inform.

      My whole family was so concious of nuclear radioactive stuff that they named their babies to remain the future generation about the threat of nuclear. My cousins son is named Fat Boy and my brother his name is Marshall and my cousin is Kwajelin (sp). Good grief.


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      Surfkick Haleiwa Permalink Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa on March 9, 2010 at 1:32am

      COLLATERAL Damage much gold teeth in town now because they have no safe place to go.......(gold teeth is seen as a sign of their ruling class --talked with my dentist about that and she said that most of them ask for gold, even the young girls)

      admittedly, many are friendly, many are homeless, and ALL are drastically, desparately ill.......ever sat at shopping centers and notice how many of them ride in wheelchairs........or sit outside of Queen's Hospital and notice the Marshallese patients there.........they are the ones with bad burns, disfigurement, legless, ill, weak.................

      All can be blamed on the wretched, criminal, corrupt, United States who are in the business of WARS against all people of color, etc.

      Corporations do not abide by Constitutions ..........which means all Americans need to review and take back their government...................since the American Civil War, the U.S. has had Presidents who are moving towards the New World Order/One World Order momentum... see website: John Nelson's article (legal researcher, attorney, teacher)

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      Kaohi Permalink Reply by Kaohi on March 9, 2010 at 1:51am
      Parking Lot

      I can't believe that we are having such an atrocity not that the monk is sacred and needing protection or a 50,000 fine, it's because its a ploy against feeding ones families.

      First, the NOAA Scientist wants jurisdiction of all shore lines. The second thing is the moral authroity, monk seal ass holes that think these seals are from Toys are US. The third thing is Alexander Cole wants a case against local fishermen and to control their nets, fishing poles, and cultural practices. Kaohi

      Monday, March 8, 2010

      Hawaii Lawmakers To Discuss Criminalizing Monk Seal TakingsAssociated PressHONOLULU — State lawmakers are to discuss whether the taking of Hawaiian monk seals should become a felony.

      The House Committee on Water, Land and Ocean Resources will consider SB 2441, which would make the taking of the endangered seals a class C felony.

      Persons convicted of such crimes could receive a maximum fine of $50,000.

      Supporters say incidents on Molokai and Kauai show state penalties are far too lenient.

      But state Department of Land and Natural Resources officials oppose the bill because it also would apply the stricter penalties to illegal takings of other species. They say that language could dissuade private landowners from assisting species recovery efforts.

      The hearing is set for 11 a.m. Monday at the state Capitol.

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      Surfkick Haleiwa Permalink Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa 1 day ago

      Monk Seals are becoming rare similar to the Polar Bears..........same problematic people involved in both - Americans/Amerikkkans.

      That's because they have a new habitat, the new "land mass" made up of plastics floating out in the middle of the ocean.

      The young seals are dying and apparently feeding on their new diet of colorful plastics......just like babies putting anything and everything in their mouths and not being able to make out or discern what is good or not good.

      Because the Kingdom of Hawaii is here, and the entity State of Hawaii is Not the Kingdom of Hawaii/ the de jure government, the lawless occupiers are trying to get away from the focus that the immediate concerns over the monk seals habitat includes the toxic runoff from our Hawaiian Islands which also contributes to their demise ---- nuclear wastes dumped by the Navy, military around our Hawaiian archipelago which does not belong to the U.S., DU - depleted uranium, caustic substances, GMO's which pours into the seas.......

      Therefore, it can be stated that the monk seals, like the polar bears on the other side of the world, are really the gauges of our environment.

      The U.S., et. als. have done a swell job of mucking up the lands, and seas and by claiming conservation, etc. the underlying factor includes who is funding the research --- mostly insurance companies who are directly connected to the other words, the same groups under the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations - the U.S., England, and the bankers. The same ones moving towards One World Order/New World Order, eliminating people of color, etc.

      Local Fishermen's Observations

      Monk Seals are cute and are also vying for the fishes along with humankind..........fishermen in Haleiwa have described them as "vacuum" feeders.............they suck in oodles of fish.........leaving less fish in the ocean.


      As with our ancestors, by utilizing the ancient fishing traps which are still in place, fishing supplies for our population could be maintained - less cute Monk Seals who could be left alone to hunt for their wild fish.

      But, the containment of fish will be toxic filled fish caused by pollutions from the military, GMO's, etc.

      Ahupuaa konohiki and their families could help to assist and maintain the ancient fishing traps as well. Oh, haole/foreigners need not apply -------only descendants and heirs of the konohiki can do this.

      Removal of the fish and creating fisheries, hatcheries may be another way to go.

      It's truly wicked that the U.S. citizens criminal behavior in the pass has continued on affecting absolutely everything in what was once paradise...........our ancestors kept everything in harmony, taking care of the health of the land, seas, and then the rape of our people as a society occurred when the Americans, et. als. came here out of pure greed.........

      Many of our people have the secrets of our ancestors and that could be recaptured........once the American military cleans up and vacates our private properties!



      Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora on August 2, 2010 at 12:39am

      Kaohi Reply by Kaohi on March 9, 2010 at 2:15am
      I have a Marshallse calling me on my cell phone and I am having a problem with it because I know that it will add another layer to my already existing problem. But, will give him a call when I have the time or the resources.

      March 1st 19954, Downwinders are no different than Waianae Downwinders 1991 and 1998 bombs live fire of DU in Schofield and 2009-2010 truckers that are trucking in 900 tons of contaminated soil through Waianae. The same route our children breath in military poison dust as they walk or catch a bus on the same highway from Nanakuli to Makua where the soil was dumped.

      Military will again use DU in their live fire once they start bombing again in Makua. They will have the license granted by Oahu environmentalist. How mental can that be? Kaohi

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      Surfkick Haleiwa Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa 1 day ago

      The Military will have to vacate the premises..........because they have are wrongfully occupying Private properties of our Royal Families, they are uninvited occupiers in a neutral non-violent nation, they have no treaties with our Royal Families, the entity State of Hawaii is a corporation which has no rights to operate in our Hawaiian Islands - their corporation documents have been nulled and voided by Mahealani Asing et. als. a few years ago, they have no authority to treaty or do a convention with their own government's agents on foreign soil, etc.

      Ramifications are ongoing...........and yes, they are mental with the mindset of One World Order/ New World Order move......devious, demonic, raping, poisoning our environment with the intent to kill all in our Hawaiian Islands with disregard for the sea creatures as well.

      This just may be the final confrontation that has been documented by the Mayan Calendar, the Nostrodamus claims and part of his last entries................but all in all, God will be the deciding factor --- and God is NOT the Pope.....or the U.S. government....or the Queen of England....or the criminal bankers........etc.


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      Surfkick Haleiwa Permalink Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa 2 hours ago

      thanks to Pono Kealoha for his banner

      Posted in response to the "Attached is a Licensing Board Memorandum and Order (Denying Requests for Hearing) (LBP-10-04), US Army Installation Command (Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, and Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii), Docket No. 40-9083, served February 24, 2010." and posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk - last week:

      from Amelia Gora
      “Docket, Hearing” ,,,
      Web Japan ,
      cc Angela Rosa ,
      “Baratta, Anthony” ,
      Barbara Moore ,
      “Klukan, Brett” ,
      “Scott, Catherine” ,
      Cory Harden ,
      “Hawkens, Roy” ,
      “Isaac D. Harp” ,
      Jim Albertini ,
      “Tucker, Katie” ,
      “Kent Herring, LTC, JA” ,
      “Sexton, Kimberly” ,
      “Luwella K. Leonardi” ,
      “Kennedy, Michael” ,
      OCAAMAIL Resource ,
      OGCMailCenter Resource ,
      “Julian, Emile”
      date Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:54 PM
      subject Re: LB Memorandum and Order (Denying Requests for Hearing) (LBP-10-04) US Army Installation Command
      Images from this sender are always displayed. Don’t display from now on.

      hide details10:54 PM (1 minute ago)


      On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Amelia Gora wrote:

      Revised LEGAL NOTICE

      U.S. President Barack Obama, Linda Lingle, Attorney General, Daniel Inouye
      NRA/Nuclear Regulatory Agency; U.S. Army, military in our Hawaiian Islands
      Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2010-0006 EVICTION NOTICE REMINDER, REMINDER of Rents, Leases Due for land use of $500 Trillion dollars per year in gold coins retroactive to 1893 and ending through EVICTION December 2010;
      the entity State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, Inouye, et. als. are not related to our families, and perpetuate the frauds of those who conspired against our families, our people, and wrongfully/criminally assumed a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation; Oppositions to all the above discovered criminal activities are hereby documented, and all wrongdoing must cease, and are hereby nulled and void on this day, March 5, 2010
      from Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Amelia Gora


      Review by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)

      There are problematic issues caused by the U.S. belligerent occupation in the Hawaiian Islands in the world today, which leads to ongoing issues affecting 191 nations in the world today.

      A friendly, neutral nation headed by our Queen recognized as part of the Pacific Empire with Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands, and locked into permanent treaties, conventions, agreements with other nations, by the Law of Nations was criminally usurped by a belligerent, hostile, bankrupt nation called the U.S. (supported by England and the bankers) whose military acted on behalf of the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress, et.als.orders.

      They criminally moved to assume the private properties of our Royal families, assumed the assets, lands, resources, identities with the help of pirates, racketeers, bankers, sugar planters, American businessmen, treasonous persons working in the Hawaiian government positions, etc.

      In a concerted effort by 2,000+ Americans and supporters who were paid $50-$500 each, hundreds of Masons/Freemasons who arrived to celebrate a building two weeks prior and calling Honolulu their “home city”, the following is part of a trail of evidence discovered in research,

      *Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide.

      1893 Constitution

      Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the Constitution changing
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      the government or the Constitutional government back to a Monarchy.

      This negated the Bayonet Constitution and her own Constitution that she wanted to update.

      Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign right, her Royal decree, similar to the executive order used by the U.S. Presidents.

      The difference being that a Royal person can legally do as they wish, and are not subject to the laws. The U.S. Presidents use of an executive order is by “tradition” started by George Washington, and is NOT law or legal. A tradition is not law.

      (Note to Americans: This is one of the flaws, areas where the PEOPLE can make changes in government when the PEOPLE move to take back their government.)

      Genealogy Based Leadership

      Because Monarchy governments are based on genealogies, these are the reasons why our Queen could apply her Royal authority(ies):

      (1) her mother Keohokalole (female) was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

      This is How:

      Kamehameha (male) – he started the Monarchy government in 1810.
      Kaoleioku (male)
      Hanuna (male)
      Kapule (male) married Kini (female) (pio/close marriage)
      Nahuina (female)
      hanai: Keohokalole (female)
      Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Namakaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani

      2) Queen Liliuokalani attended the Royal School – with the intent that
      specific children would be leaders, etc.

      3) Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai/adopted child of a Kamehameha
      descendant. This is how:

      Kamehameha (male) – he started the Monarchy government in 1810.
      Kaoleioku (male)
      Konia (female) married Abner Paki (male)
      hanai: Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Namakaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani

      History Reviewed

      Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign status to change the laws at her leisure. The premeditation by the U.S. government, military, and American businessmen to dethrone her to some degree was foiled.

      Our Queen Liliuokalani basically locked up the Hawaiian Kingdom as a
      Monarchy government, purposefully with the intent to maintain Sovereign
      rights for our people as well which also limited the rights of the foreigners (including those who conspired, did treasonous acts against her, her subjects, others loyal to the Hawaiian Kingdom).

      Amidst the drastic changes, the standing orders of the U.S. Congress, government to dethrone her, and the U.S. military’s aggressive move against a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, the following are the event that occurred:

      1893 – January 9. U.S. Congress gave orders to assume Pearl Harbor and “to not mention the troops” in the NEW YORK TIMES newspaper article. (In the past, messages were passed through the news media.)

      1893 – January 15. American Minister Stevens and men left the steamship -of-war BOSTON “to protect American lives and property,” with their “three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 mean and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,300 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon.

      These forces were landed, on foreign soil, not at the request of the lawful Government – the Governor of Oahu promptly sent a formal note of protest to Minister Stevens – representing 88,000 of the population, but at the request of a committee of rebels representing 2,000 American residents.”

      “One company was left at the legation where the “American life and property” were to be found, while the rest of the force was marched to
      Arlon Hall, a structure close to the palace and just across the street from the Government Building, where, of course, the rebels would necessarily make their attack.”

      1893. January 16. The Rear Admiral reported that “Arlon Hall was ill=chosen for the professed purpose for which the troops were landed. “Naturally,” he adds, “if they were landed with a view to supporting the Provisional Government troops than occupying the Government Building, it was a wise choice.”

      1893 – January 17. The American “conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been “abrogated” and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council.”

      “They took this to the Government Building and there read it, within seenty-five yards of the point where the United States forces were stationed with their Gatling gun and small cannon.”

      “With only the Government Building in their hands, the Queen being at the palace and her troops in possession of the police station, and but for the overawing force of United States troops in possession also of the city, the rebels posted off to the American Legation with a request for recognition. They got it with extraordinary promptness. The Provisional Government was proclaimed between 2 and 3 o’clock. Two hours later the new Government had received the following document, which, to our shame, will live in history:

      United States Legation.
      Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Jan. 17, 1893.

      A Provisional Government having been duly constituted in place of the recent Government of Queen Liliuokalani, and said Provisional Government being in full possession of the Government buildings, the archives, and the Treasury, and in control of the capital of the Hawaiian Islands. I hereby recognize said Provisional Government as the de facto Government of the Hawaiian Islands.

      Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.

      Noted by author of the NEW YORK TIMES article, “The Story of a Crime”:

      “The Dole conspirators were not “in full possession of the Government buildings.” but of only one of them, which was occupied only by clerks and porters at the time of their raid………… was still too early to apply the word “recent” to the Government of the Queen, for the rebels did not wait on the Queen with their treasonable proclamation until after Minister Stevens had recognized their Government.”

      “The Queen yielded, of course,. She could do nothing else against a rebellion that was so manifestly backed up by the superior armed forces and by the Minister of the United States. She signed, under protest, a paper renouncing her rights.”

      Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 was forced to sign an abdication by conspirators, treasonous persons, pirates, Sanford B. Dole, et. als.


      Queen Liliuokalani returned the government to a Monarchy government when she destroyed the Constitution affecting King Kalakaua’s Bayonet Constitution which was signed at gun point, and a Constitution that she had put together which did not appeal to the Americans in the Hawaiian Islands.

      Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign authority based on the following:

      1. Hanai/adopted relationship to the Kamehameha line, a leader who formed the monarchy government.
      2. Attending the Royal School – a School for Hawaiian leaders – based on genealogies for a monarchy government.
      3. Hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant, part of a monarchy government.

      and another reason taken as an excerpt from above:

      The American “conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been “abrogated” and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council.”

      4. The American’s at the time of the wrongful dethronement did proclaim and announce that the Hawaiian monarchy was “abrogated”.

      In other words, the recognition of a monarchy form of government, not a Constitutional monarchy



      NEW YORK TIMES articles (1) The Story of a Crime; and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station – Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession; AFFAIRS IN ASIA, 1st Qtr 1897 – The Republic of Hawaii, an aged article purchased off the internet which came from GREECE! THE LIBERAL newspaper, January 28, 1893, genealogy, history researches, etc.
      • - Hide quoted text -


        The following was posted by Tane on This is his take:

        It’s simpler to refer to the Constitution of 1864 which is still basically in effect. The reason being that the 1887 was never ratified but implied; Legislation was out of session at the time; the Queen attempted to restore it; it was still a Constitutional Monarchy whereas the Bayonet Constitution of 1887 was done under duress which makes it null and void; 1887 stripped her powers which means her veto power was nil.

        She proposed the new constitution to restore the rights of the citizens and redeem the powers of the monarch enjoyed by Lot. Her muhe’e cabinet had double-crossed her once she intended to promugate the illicit constitution and told her to hold off. When the people gathered, she told them to be patient as she could not promulgate the Bayonet constitution and introduce the new one which she felt had to have the approval and support of her cabinet to go through the proper protocols as was done in 1864.

        As far as the Kawananakoas, they are collateral relations to Queen Kapiolani who was not head of state. Queen Regnant Lili’uokalani had the Crown Princess Kaiulani confirmed by the legislature as as successor dictated by the constitutions. Under the Constitutions, the criteria was established on succession and eligibility of successors. Today there would be an election as the two previous Kings were elected to the throne.

        There is a catch-22 we are faced with today. The marriages had to be approved by the Monarch; if not, the eligible would be cut from the line of succession as if he/she were dead. One could not be an idiot; and it was important for the candidate to be above reproach and groomed as well as educated through the proper process of schooling befit for a monarch.

        Kauikeaouli had set up the pool of eligibles. None had direct descendants except for Abigail Maheha whose decendants are still living. Nonetheless, the pool would then be open to ALL colaterals of high birth; Hawaiian system relied on who is the mother and who is the father which determined the rank of the offspring.

        On top of that, illegitimate/bastard children under the Christian guidelines that influenced the “legitimacy” of successors as written in the constitutions, would be cut from the line as if dead and become ineligible.

        So, do we set a precedent?

        - Show quoted text -

        To answer your initial question, we can refer to the treaties ratified by over 20-25 countries including the U.S.A. which establishes within their Constitution that ratified treaties are the Supreme law of the land. The U.S. have admitted to their complicity by invading and conspiring to unlawfully takeover the Kingdom of Hawai’i.

        Under International law, such admittance deems the invasion, a belligerent occupation with a civilian arm to govern. The U.S. continues to violate the laws of occupation and the laws of neutrality. International law experts have declared that the Kingdom still exists.

        The Queen’s formal protest, the memorial along with the Ku’e Petitions of 1897 led to the treaty of annexation to be rejected by the U.S. Congress. Within the Turpie Resolution of 1894, it allowed the people to determine and maintain their own governance and political policy, hence the petitions that was given to U.S. Congress in 1897.

        The U.S. joint resolution, considered not binding but a declaration, is null and void in a foreign country since it is outside of their jurisdiction and any other subsequent action within that foreign country has no standing according to international law and the laws within the U.S.A.’s constitution.

        While the U.S. government considered Hawaii as a U.S. territory, the world including U.S. Americans recognized us as a foreign country and under NGO status. I knew I was a Hawaii national/citizen since I was about 8 years old.

        The Constitutional Monarchy of the Kingdom of Hawai’i still exists but in rem.

        Third Point…………

        There are problematic cases affecting our Royal families:

        * Estate of Kekauluohi (1876) – Flaws in genealogy(ies)/heirs, etc.
        Reference: Volume 6 Hawaii Reports

        * Thurston vs. Bishop (1888) Opinions of the Court on land, konohiki laws, etc.
        Reference: Volume 7 Hawaii Reports

        * Bishop vs. Gulick (1889) Bishop Estates trustees become heirs.
        Reference: Volume 7 Hawaii Reports

        * Estate of Brenig (1889) Samuel Maikai claimed heir and Estate of Bernice Pauahi
        Bishop case used as precedence.
        Ref: Volume 7 Hawaii Reports

        * Hawaiian Government vs. Cartwright (1890) Government lien on private lands of Kamehameha IV, etc.

        Reference: Volume 8 Hawaii Reports

        * In Re Sheldon (1893) Discussion of changeover from provisional government to Republic because provisional governments last only 2 years

        Reference: Volume 9 Hawaii Reports

        * Rooke v. Queen’s Hospital (1899) Note: TCB Rooke’s heir C Rooke, a nephew and his heirs forever

        Reference: Volume 12 Hawaii Reports

        * In the Matter of….Pa Pelekane (1912) Note: Territory as successor the Hawaiian Kingdom

        Reference: Volume 21 Hawaii Reports

        *also see the Corporation Documents for the Queen’s Hospital which documents Kamehameha IV as the perpetual trustee allowing free health care to our kanaka maoli, sailors, and others. Note: This is the reason(s) why a change was made eliminating sailors and others – issued a null and void order previously as a descendant of Peke Davis, whose mother was Grace Kamaikui and both were the hanai/adopted children of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III.

        Reference: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

        *also note that the Bonds of the Hawaiian Kingdom is criminally utilized currently by the entity State of Hawaii to pay for the Judges salaries, homes for many including foreigners discovered by some of the Sovereignty groups.

        Additionally, kanaka maoli/aboriginal Hawaiians/Hawaiian nationals prisoners are released from prisons/jail if they sign an interest over to the entity State of Hawaii in exchange for their release.

        Reference: Credible sources.

        Fourth Point……….

        Is it true that the Hawaiian Kingdom government lies in the Royal Order of Kamehameha?

        I leave you with these questions:

        Why did the military approach the Royal Order of Kamehameha for approval to use depleted uranium/DU?……………and did you know they accommodated and approved?

        Why did Daniel Inouye/Senator Daniel Inouye, one armed bandit, invite all of the Royal Societies….the Royal Order of Kamehameha, the Kaahumanu Society, the Sons and Daughter of Hawaii (a Missionary society), etc. to a meeting and asked for their approval in claiming all of downtown Honolulu, Nuuanu, etc. as a Memorial?…..and did you know they accommodated and approved?

        Well, this article documents oppositions to the U.S. Military, Daniel Inouye/Senator Daniel Inouye moves to gain approval from the Royal Societies without the approval of the descendants and heirs of the lands.

        Lastly, the entity State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, Inouye, et. als. are not related to our families, and perpetuate the frauds of those who conspired against our families, our people, and wrongfully/criminally assumed a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation.

        Eviction notices have been served to the U.S. military via U.S. President Obama, entity State of Hawaii Governor Lingle, Attorney General, NRA/Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Jim Albertini, Isaac Harp, Luwella Leonardi, and to all whom it may concern.

        Oppositions to all the above discovered criminal activities are hereby documented. All wrongdoing must cease. Fraud/deceit/criminal malfeasance, criminal moves/claims promoted and perpetuated by the U.S., Congress, military, entity State of Hawaii, City and Counties (Honolulu, Maui, Molokai, Hawaii, Kauai, Niihau, etc.) current claims are without jurisdiction/ legal jurisdiction. Continued claims by pirates, occupiers, belligerent occupiers are without jurisdiction/legal jurisdiction, including further claims made by conspirators, treasonous persons since 1893 are null and void on this day, March 5, 2010.


        Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of
        Foreign Affairs, Royal families House of Nobles,
        Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian
        Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/He Mokupuni Pae
        Aina o Hawaii, a living human being

        Revised LEGAL NOTICE
        ****************************** ******************

        On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Docket, Hearing

        Attached is a Licensing Board Memorandum and Order (Denying Requests for Hearing) (LBP-10-04), US Army Installation Command (Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, and Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii), Docket No. 40-9083, served February 24, 2010.

        Nancy Greathead

        Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff

        Office of the Secretary

        ****************************** ******************



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        By Amelia Kuulei Gora (about the author) Page 1 of 1 page(s) Permalink

        For OpEdNews: Amelia Kuulei Gora – Writer

        I have a problem with news from a girlfriend who was given a call a few hours after “9/11″ and said that her good friend was in a meeting in a nearby building………the telephone rang and her boss answered and said as they all looked out at the planes passing, “yeah, here they come now……….”

        They watched in horror as the planes crashed into the buildings……….then the boss told them ‘leave the building!’

        go to:


        The buildings were owned by the EXXON Corporation headed by the Rockefellers who are the permanent heads of the corporation interested in OIL in the Middle East.

        The EXXON Corporation is formerly the Standard Oil Company and operates as an umbrella corporation over many such as the Electric Companies (using oil), Oil companies such as those with GWBush, Cheney, Candoleeza Rice all tied to oil companies, etc.

        Then there’s the bankers under the umbrella corporation ……….of which Inouye who’s pushing the Akaka Bill, along with OBAMA affiliated with Bank of Hawaii ……giving out corporate welfare, perpetuating WARS and continuing his compadres works while working with his handlers…………

        The Rockefellers are part of the group that purchased stocks in the Federal Reserve making monies off the backs of Americans………….and OBAMA and friends benefit off of the assets of the Corporations feasting off of ‘people of color’ in the Middle East, Hawaiian Islands/archipelago/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii, etc. and disregard the respect for life, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness.

        Contributions to the world is in the form on the United Nations which departed from the Law of Nations as documented by our Queen Liliuokalani…..with the United Nations, the move towards One World Order/New World Order continues with LIES being told about 911, Middle East’s TRUE History, Hawaii’s TRUE History, Liberia’s TRUE History (they are made up of transplanted American slaves as well as many other nations (Cuba, South America, etc…………).

        Yep, much can be found out through an intense study of the TRUE History of America. And, much can be found out by studying each President, their backgrounds, their finances, their affiliations, etc………..the story of WARMONGERING through Corporation affiliations are at the roots of the ongoing evils.

        Queen Liliuokalani did say that if the U.S. fails to make corrections, they will fall apart.

        Everyone, including all nations can continue to watch.


        Take action — click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
        Review All Aspects of the 911 Issues Resulting in Wrongful Plundering Upon Innocents

        Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers


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        Kaohi Permalink Reply by Kaohi 1 day ago
        Tane and I went to Waikiki last night to meet his lady friend and some of her friends. Two cats too! He sang for his Lady friend and it was just enchanting, Tane has a beautiful voice as well as a great Hawaiian Song writer.

        Any how I was driving home around 12 because I had visited a little bit with Pono and his son which is why it was so late. I saw cops harrassing people on the beaches that late at night so sad, but I'm going to check to see what they are feeling and thinking after work. The eviction's going to happen on the 15th. Lots of pain and suffering going on with Hawaiians on our shores in Waianae.

        Much love and aloha for all your hard work. Kaohi

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        Surfkick Haleiwa Reply by Surfkick Haleiwa 49 minutes ago

        hi Kaohi and everyone,

        Eviction Issues - being worked on from this end........

        Wanted you to see what I presented in the Burial Council meeting yesterday..........actually VERY IMPORTANT STUFF .............many weren't very happy.

        Kawaiahao Church - Kawananakoa went into court to validate her claim to Queen Kapiolani, et. als. burials.

        Normally, the process is to go through the Burial Council steps and verify genealogies through the DLNR people.

        However, Kawananakoa sidestepped that which held off some of the descendants/heirs claims to their tutu.

        Asked them about that because I too wanted to claim the Kapiolani, et. als. burials because Queen Kapiolani was the hanai/adoptive daughter of my great grandfather which made her my grandmother's sister/hana/adoptive sister.

        the Question asked was, "do I file in Court OR DLNR process?" Answer given: both. (Talk about rule breakers - and how the entity State of Hawaii is currently in a state of confusion.)

        The Rail System will be cutting through a number of ahupuaa's, and the Burial Council has a group to help accommodate the process......and Mufi Hanniman, Mayor of Honolulu, City and County of Honolulu, entity of State of Hawaii had his representative Kaleo Patterson (former minister of Kaumakapili Church, currently ?) who has put together a group to accommodate the burial finds.

        After watching this activity, the Burial Council vs. the Mayor's group, and noticing a failure in properly accommodating all, I spoke out for the rights of the konohiki. The konohiki of all of the ahupuaa will need to be consulted, therefore, there are many person who will need to be involved, including our families and many more..................because of the 1888 Supreme Court Case Lorrin A. Thurston, Minister of Interior vs. Charles R. Bishop - et. als. Trustees pertaining to the Act of Nov. 7, 1846, "on the subject of rights in land" (p.70, Ib,), defines the rights of the occupants, (hoaaina,) of the landlord, (konohiki), and of the Government, saying that "the Government shall also have the right to lease land at discretion, though not without the knowledge of the konohiki, and he shall receive half the rent;...."

        These are VERY IMPORTANT ISSUES which needs to be shared with VERY IMPORTANT Persons such as yourself Tane, and a few others.

        As you know, there are some babies here who think they know it all........and they really don't.

        So, any of your out there who have connections to the KONOHIKI please contact me at because you need to 'go to the source' or in this case the researcher, another descendant of KONOHIKI for more information.

        In a little room with about 20 people, it was truly a SHOCK AND AWE experience for many, including the Attorney General's representative who requested that the meeting be closed because there was no quorum!

        Kaohi, I'll zap you the case at your private e-mail, and Tane too..........KONOHIKI descendants requests to zap the case to them will be taken after responding here or to my e-mail posted above.

        btw - i too have many cousins around the outer islands as well, and many here can operate as KONOHIKI on our families properties too.........

        (Note: this case will not be sent out to individuals who have been contrary to my former posts even though some claim to have some Konohiki process going on....., etc.)

        WE ARE KONOHIKI! lol. another "Shock and Awe" that made our Konohiki descendants/Hawaiian /aboriginal Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli in the room smile widely and holding back their laughs.

        Much love and aloha for all of your hard work too Kaohi. =)




  • Mercy mercy me
  • In the late 70s we had many on going meetings on Nuclear Free Pacific. I was fairly new the movement at that time and in any meetings we had a lot of haole's speaking about the military dumping nuclear as well as other toxic chemical weapons just off shore.

    I don't know if this is related--we also had a fifteen mile offshore which changed until it reached 3 miles.

    In January of this year, Pono and I flew up to big Island and we stayed with Soli. I begged Soli to join us at the contention hearings with NRC and AEC--knowing he wasn't feeling well. Soli was part of Nuclear Free Pacific in the 70s. So his presence brought us status. I spoke with his daughter yesterday and explained, she was in agreement that he attend.

    Isaac Harp is the Kako for the Depleted Uranium, I believe he works well as the lead person in this problem.

    The Pentagon insist that they are right to pollute our ocean.

    Much Mahalo for the attention you have given to this matter.
  • The U.S. is in breach of the law of occupation and the law of neutrality. The U.S is responsible in cleaning up its mess; it put it there and they can certainly remove it. Didn't their mother tell them to pick-up after themselves? They never learned.

    It's disingenuous for them to leave it there and endanger the lives of the residents in Hawai'i and the Pacific. What many forget are the currents that run throughout the Pacific Ocean and there's no telling where the toxic dump will spread. Our Polynesian cousins are the closest in proximity of Hawai'i.

    Senator Inouye was instrumental in nuclear dumping on Johnston Island. He is pro-military and should be booted out of office.

  • ALOHA Kakou, Off course, the United States' Army would want the Chemical Weapons that they dumped in the water off of Pearl Harbor after WWII to remain there. To the Army it's the same as leaving their Land Mines all over the world in countries like Viet Nam. A Reminder to the people that War with United States remains after they leave those countries.
    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
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