New "Hawaii 50"

     Hmmm. I am not a real television viewer, but I saw today in  the newspaper, that they remade that televison programme "Hawaii 50"( airs on 20 Septembre at 10:00PM, EST)  as I read the review, I realised that once again, this is a Hawai'i as seen from an outsider's view. Not one of the lead characters is Maoli Hawai'i.  One of the officers is named either Kona or Kono Kalakaua. Maybe its just me, but I felt offended that our last King's name was/is being dishonoured. I believe that maybe the creators of this new programme saw his majsety's name on the street signs in Waikiki ( and more than likely, 60% of their stay was there, the other 40% being in the Hollywood enclave on Mau"i, or maybe the other way around, and very little if any real contact with the locals Maoli and non Maoli),and said "Oh, what a neat name! It sounds Hawaiian, let's name a character after that street." Never taking into account, that the name has real meaning.

  I realise that its for entertainment purposes,and that I may be making something out of nothing, but its our homeland, and its about time they presented our home as a real place, not some exotic location, where all our women are hula dancer models, and our men as surfer, laid back lazy guys. Why couldn't one of the leads be a local person ? Who knows Hawai'i better, than the people who actually live there ? I say shame on the local talent in Hawai'i. for not making a big noise to include more of our own into that programme, to truly represent Hawai'i as the diverse land that it is, not tokens in our own land. Hawai'i's people know how to tell a story, and tell tell it well.While I'm at it, use real pidgin , instead of that stereotype Hollywood island talk.

My mahalos for all of your patience bearing with my little rant.


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  • You voiced my sentiments exactly! I watched it last night and wasn't impressed at all. It's primarily about Asians and Whites and the military. They could have filmed it in Hong Kong or Indonesia or Haiti or Jamaica and have gotten the same effect. I doubt I'll watch another episode. It's too similar to the many programs on TV = Crime and Military are a bit overdone.

    • I too watched IT last night and had the same mana'o on IT. Centering on the military here was a Big Turn Off for me and insulting. The person that I am in that I always look for the positive I'll watch for the next episode. Got to know what the Enemy is doing.
      KUE, No Treaty of Annexation, o Pomai
  • Haole~wood is what was used to help USA fill our sovereign nation with Tranzgrantz to gain control while pumping up our lands prices to resort robbery and forcing the kanaka to move. Its Genocide
    Google 8 stages
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