i am back and wondering where is all the wise living kupuna's to share the wise of old on this forum. i look forward to hearing from all of you very soon.....there is so much to discuss since we are now a Recognized Nation of Native Hawaiians in the eyes of this illegal fake state.......no die in silence our living kupuna's of the wise.....please share your wealth of knowledge to us the next generation that is eager to LEARN and KUKANAKA (stand tall) for our legal National Hawaiian Rights....mahalo Ke Akua for his correct Leadership.......mauruuru~~~~da princess of maui nui

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Email me when people reply –


  • mauruuru to kupuna kaohi and kupuna pono........mahalo for your information.......however......concerning kupuna tane.....he has a message like one (KUKINI) one messager from Ke Akua........his wonderful Wisdom is not only for me, but for all our future Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli........i have never met Kupuna Tane.....but his words of wisdom is what i was brought up with by my living Kupuna's and my Kupuna Kahiko (ancestors)........we need these true Voices of Truth to be revealed in our generation so we can ARMOR our minds and Mana (spiritual powers) for the unwanted Battles soon to meet face to face.

    we need our living Kupuna's to shine the light and Lead the Way..........this message is not to only our Kupuna Tane.....but it is an obligation to all living kupuna's in our generation......Please dont allow yourselves to die in silence.....speak out the truth for us the next aggressive and educated Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli's........mahalo Ke Akua for your correct Leadership and Guidance......mauruuru.....da princess of Maui Nui

  • you can reach Tane :  Tane_1@msn.com
  • I too am waiting for Tane's respons!  But if one wants to communicate with him directly one can write to him directly through Pono Kealoha. 
  • Aloha,
    I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, so much is going on even during the interim here at Representative Jordan’s office.  I intend to catch up with Uncle Black, but haven’t had a chance to stop by his house yet.  I’m sure you already know that SB 1520, SD2, HD3, CD1 was signed into law by Governor Abercrombie as Act 195.  The bill establishes a 5-member Native Hawaiian roll commission within OHA for administrative purposes only.  The Native Hawaiian roll commission has certain responsibilities as set out on page 7-8 of the bill attached.  The bill requires the governor to appoint the members of the Native Hawaiian roll commission within 180 days of July 7, 2011.  The Governor issued a press release setting the deadline of August 5, 2011 to submit an application for consideration to the Native Hawaiian roll commission.  The commission is tasked with preparing, maintaining, certifying, and publishing a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians.  The publication of the roll is intended to facilitate the process under which qualified Native Hawaiians may independently commence the organization of a convention of qualified Native Hawaiians for the purpose of organizing themselves.  The Native Hawaiian roll commission will be dissolved once its work is completed.
    The most difficult question for me to answer is your last question about how this works/not works in the native Hawaiian communities for 50% plus blood quantum (DHHL).  Based on the definition of a qualified Native Hawaiian, it does include an individual who is/was eligible in 1921 for programs authorized by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act or a direct lineal descendant of that individual.  There is no requirement that the Native Hawaiian roll commission comprise a native Hawaiian of 50% plus blood quantum or even a Hawaiian of any blood quantum.  The main focus was that the Native Hawaiian roll commission have a member from each County and one member will serve at-large.  Since native Hawaiian communities for 50% plus blood quantum comprises a minority group among the Hawaiian population, it would seem that their voice could be a minority in this process, but that would depend on whether a concerted effort is made to enroll in the native Hawaiian communities with 50% plus blood quantum.  Once the roll is completed, there is no guarantee that the voice of native Hawaiian communities of 50% plus blood quantum would be protected, but again it depends on the efforts made to encourage the participation of native Hawaiian communities with 50% plus blood quantum.
    Sections 7-9 on page 11-12 of the bill should protect the existing rights and privileges of native Hawaiian communities with 50% plus blood quantum.  On the other hand the section that concerns me the most with this bill is Section 3 on page 12.  Our office expressed concern with this section being included in the bill because it states that “The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, shall be amended, subject to approval by the United States Congress, if necessary, to accomplish the purposes set forth in this Act in a manner that is expeditious, timely, and consistent with the current needs and requirements of the Native Hawaiian people and the current beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920.”  In other words, if a decision were made to amend the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to lower the blood quantum requirement, this proposal could then be forwarded and considered through the legislative process.  The proponents of the bill and DHHL feel that the community will have a say because any amendments will need to go through a legislative process.  While this statement is true, our office still believed that this provision was unnecessary and would have preferred that native Hawaiian beneficiaries were consulted prior to enactment of this law.  The proponents of the bill feel that this issue has been under consideration for a long time and a first step was necessary in light of the failure of the Akaka bill up to this point.  Again, the position of our office as reflected in the House Draft 3 version of the bill was to recognize native Hawaiians and then go out to the native Hawaiian community to discuss the next step.
    I hope this provides some clarity on the bill.
    Lehua Kinilau
  • and where is Kupuna Tane????? i miss him so much......love you......no be silent...KUKANAKA (stand tall)......we need the voices of Truth by our living Kupuna's, especially in the outter islands.......we need to unite.........no more bickering, no more verbal bashing, no more fighting against each other.......be good examples living Kupuna's.........for we the next generation that is watching every step you make......and No forget Ke Akua is also Watching.......for one can be out there in the forces speaking out for our Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli, and at the same time Bicker among themselves.......on forums like these, hummmmm............i am one kupuna that will not die in silence.......it is the time Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli's to shine and speak out facts and findings in TRUTH.........No HIDE, come out our True Kupuna's of WISDOM, you are obligated to Lead and Guide our people to FREEDOM from this illegal fake state........REMEMBER, REMOVE, REPLACE, RESTORE AND SOON WE WILL ALL REJOICE.............mauruuru.........da princess of Moku'Ula, Lahaina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom~

  • I've experienced the Kupuna's in my generation to be Deaf, Dumb and Blind to the future of our next generation thats coming......they have relied on False Gods of the Christian Western Americans......they lost our cultural traditional ways of our Ancestors......Lehua may have good ideas, (mahalo nui Lehua for speak up and Expose the Hewa's) but is these kupuna's in our generation united to do what is Right for your next generation of Royal Mo'opuna's?.....No they are examples of bickering, complainers, bashers, and dividers......just read this forum alone.......you hear fake state Kupuna's.......why? are you Kaohi and kinny (pomai) fighting each other......unite as one Kanaka Kupuna's on Oahu.......i believe and think that we are the next generation of Royal Kupuna's that will make a difference because now we know good from bad and right from wrong......and most of all we Honor with RESPECT and this is what this generation is missing Respect for each other....(mainland foreign mentality).........Respect your Mo'okuauhau (genealogy) that will lead you to your Royal Ahupua'a (sacred royal lands), and always Mahalo Ke Akua for his Leadership and Correct Guidance........mauruuru.......da princess of maui nui 
  • One needs to read Lehua's Kinilau response, she wrote a response for the Na Kupuna so that they can know what is going to happen to their mo'opuna in the future. 


    The battles are still the same nothing has changed since 1974, 1978, 1979, 1980 and so on.  However, these Na Kupuna has been around in the trenches and on the streets.  But, never once did the OHA and other affiliated organizations that was on the payroll of Inouye have listened to the people especial those of us on DHHL.  Not even Jo Jordan that objected to the section 3...one needs to read!


    Or do a print out!!!!!

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