U.S. President Barack Obama
Governor Neil Abercrombie
Many Interested Others
Re: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2001 Opposition to S.B. No. 1520, etc. and Denying Occupation entities/OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs/ the entity State of Hawaii//the U.S. Federal government et. als. from claiming themselves to be the Hawaiian Government, claiming land ownership, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, In Esse, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Royal Families House of Nobles, One of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, a living, human being / Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2001 Opposition to S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, as amended herein, S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1., etc includes SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim’s strategy for privatizing public resources, etc. and Denying Occupation entities/OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs/the entity State of Hawaii/the U.S. Federal government et. als. from claiming themselves to be the Hawaiian Government, claiming land ownership, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, In Esse, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, One of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, a living, human being
This is to inform you of the continued opposition to S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, as amended; S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1, etc. includes SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim’s strategy for privatizing public resources, etc. is hereby documented, along with all or similar bills, laws similar or likened to, the Akaka Bill, etc.- This is also a notice denying that OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the entity State of Hawaii is the Hawaiian government and I, Amelia Gora, hereby step forward to claim, maintain that the descendants of the Hawaiian Monarchy existed at the time of the treasonable activities of Americans, treasonous, conspiring Americans supported by the U.S., et. als. in their desire to defraud, disenfranchise, fraudulently, deceptively claim our families interest, hereby state this for the records that I, Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs affirm this as the fact, the truth, and recognizes that our Royal Families ownership supercedes, overrides all claims to our families properties, etc.
- The following information is also entered for the records, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, as a Royal person, one of the many descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, et. als., I hereby enter the following evidence for the records:
- Posted on the forums http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/oppositions-to-sb-no-1520-etc theiolani.blogspot.com opednews.com etc.:
From the bestselling author of The Wordy Shipmates, an examination of Hawaii, the place where Manifest Destiny got a sunburn. Many think of 1776 ...
by RiverheadBooks | 3 months ago | 28,327 views
Many people are reading this...........IMPORTANT.....
Special Notes:
Use of the Term “Indigenous” under the International System
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The United Nations system started using the term “indigenous people” rather than. “tribal people” as early as 1982. In that year, the Working Group on ...
siteresources.worldbank.org/INTINDPEOPLE/.../Legal%20Note.pdfNote: The term was used by the WORLDBANK.******************************************************FIRST NATIONS CHILD AND FAMILY CARING SOCIETY OF CANADAGlossary
This glossary is intended to assist with discussions about the past and present. Many terms have been ascribed to Indigenous peoples, cultures and society with little understanding. These terms may provide common understandings, but they cannot replace authentic dialogue about what is meaningful and representative of the many nations and communities that Indigenous peoples identify with.
This glossary is not comprehensive and does not reflect the diversity of Indigenous communities around the world but it is intended as a place to begin.
Aboriginal Nations The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) used this term in its final report. RCAP defines Aboriginal nations as a "sizable body of Aboriginal people with a shared sense of national identity that constitutes the predominant population in a certain territory or collection of territories." The term has gained acceptance among some Aboriginal groups. Aboriginal peoples This is a collective name for all of the original peoples of Canada and their descendants. The Constitution Act of 1982 specifies that the Aboriginal Peoples in Canada consist of three groups - Indians, Inuit and Métis.
First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples have unique heritages, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs. The term Aboriginal peoples should not be used to describe only one or two of the groups.Aboriginal title A legal term that recognizes Aboriginal interest in the land. It is based on Aboriginal peoples' longstanding use and occupancy of the land as descendants of the original inhabitants of Canada. American "Indian" American "Indian" is a commonly-used term in the United States to describe the descendants of the original peoples of North America (see also Native Americans). Some people are dissatisfied with this term because it retains the misnomer "Indian" in its name and covers peoples who consider themselves distinct from "Indian" Peoples, namely the Inuit, Yupik and Aleut Peoples in Alaska. The term is not popular in Canada. Band A band is an organizational structure defined in the Indian Act which represents a particular group of Indians as defined under the Indian Act. Band council This is the governing body for a band. It usually consists of a chief and councillors who are elected (under the Indian Act or band custom) for two or three-year terms to carry out band business, which may include education, water and sewer, fire services, community buildings, schools, roads, and other community businesses and services. Comprehensive claim Comprehensive claims are based on unextinguished aboriginal title. They arise where Aboriginal title has not been dealt with by treaty and other legal means. Comprehensive land claims negotiations address concerns raised by Aboriginal people, governments and third parties about who has the legal right to own or use the lands and resources in areas under claim. They include such things as land title, fishing and trapping rights and financial compensation. Eskimo Eskimo is the term once given to Inuit by European explorers and is now rarely used in Canada. It is derived from an Algonquin term meaning "raw meat eaters", and many people find the term offensive. The term is still frequently used in the United States in reference to Inuit in Alaska. Extinguishment A term used to describe the cessation or surrender of aboriginal rights to lands and resources in exchange for rights granted in a treaty. Fiduciary duty The legal obligation of one party to act in the best interests of another. Canada has a fiduciary obligation with respect to Indians and lands reserved for Indians under Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act of 1867. First Nation(s) The term First Nations came into common use in the 1970s to replace Indian, which some people found offensive. Many communities have also replaced "band" with "First Nation" in their names. Despite its widespread use, there is no legal definition for this term in Canada.
Indian The term Indian collectively describes all the Indigenous People in Canada who are not Inuit or Métis. Indian Peoples are one of three peoples recognized as Aboriginal in the Constitution Act, 1982 along with Inuit and Métis. Three categories apply to Indians in Canada: Status Indians, Non-Status Indians and Treaty Indians.
Indian Act This is the Canadian federal legislation, first passed in 1876, which sets out certain federal government obligations, and regulates the management of Indian reserve lands. The act has been amended several times, most recently in 1985. Indian status An individual's legal status as an Indian, as defined by the Indian Act. Indigenous There is no official definition of Indigenous peoples. In part, the term "Indigenous" is described as follows: "Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them..." Its meaning is similar to Aboriginal Peoples, Native Peoples or First Peoples. It is often used to refer to Aboriginal people internationally.
Inherent right The authority given to Aboriginal people by the Creator for self-determination, including the right to govern themselves. Innu Innu are the Naskapi and Montagnais First Nations Peoples who live in Quebec and Labrador. They are not to be confused with Inuit or Inuk. Inuit Inuit are the Aboriginal People of Arctic Canada. Inuit live primarily in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and northern parts of Quebec and throughout most of Labrador. They have traditionally lived north of the tree line in the areas bordered by the Mackenzie Delta in the west, the Labrador coast in the east, the southern point of Hudson Bay in the south, and the High Arctic islands in the north. The word Inuit means "the people" in Inuktitut and is the term by which Inuit refer to themselves. The Indian Act does not cover Inuit. However, in 1939, the Supreme Court of Canada interpreted the federal government's power to make laws affecting "Indians, and lands reserved for Indians" as extending to Inuit. Inuit live in communities and settlements. Inuit never lived on reserves, therefore the terms on-reserve or off-reserve do not apply to Inuit only to First Nations. There are four Inuit comprehensive land claims regions covering one-third of Canada: they are Unuvialuit, Nunavut, Nunavik and Labrador. Nunavut has three subregions-Kitikmeot, Kivalliq and Qikiqtaaluk.
Inuk Inuk is the singular form of Inuit. Use Inuk when referring to one person. When referring to two people the correct term is Inuuk while three or more is Inuit. Inuktitut Inuktitut is the Inuit language and writing system. Inuinnaqtun and Inuvialuit are also languages and writing systems for Western Arctic and Kitikmeot Region; Qaniuyaapiat for syllabics and Qaliuyaapait for Roman orthography or Inuinnaqtun. Land claims In 1973, the federal government recognized two broad classes of claims - comprehensive and specific. Métis This is the French word for "mixed blood". The Constitution Act of 1982 recognizes Métis as one of the three Aboriginal Peoples. Historically, the term Métis applied to the children of French fur traders and Cree women in the Prairies, of English and Scottish traders, and Dene women in the north, and Inuit and British in Newfoundland and Labrador. Today, the term is used broadly to describe people with mixed First Nations and European ancestry who identify themselves as Métis. Note that Métis organizations in Canada have differing criteria about who qualifies as a Métis person. Métis Settlements: in 1938, the Alberta government set aside 1.25 million acres of land for eight Métis settlements, however, Métis never lived on reserves and the terms on/off reserve do not apply to them. Native This commonly used term in the United States describes the descendants of the original peoples of North America. The term has not caught on in Canada because of the apparent reference to U.S. Citizenship. However, some Aboriginal Peoples in Canada have argued that because they are descendants of the original peoples of the Americas, the term Native American should apply to them regardless for their citizenship. Native North American has been used to identify the original peoples of Canada and the United States.
Non-Status Indians Non-Status Indians are people who consider themselves Indians or members of a First Nation but are not entitled to be registered under the Indian Act. This may be because their ancestors were never registered or because they lost their status under former provisions of the Indian Act. Non-Status Indians are not entitled to the same rights and benefits available to Status Indians. Reservation A reservation is land set aside by the U.S. government for the use and occupation of a group of Native Americans. The term does not apply in Canada. Reserve The Indian Act describes a reserve as lands which have been set apart for the use and benefit of a Band, and for which the legal title rests with the Crown in right of Canada. The federal government has primary jurisdiction over these lands and the people living on them. Section 35 Section of the Constitution Act, 1982 that states that aboriginal rights and treaty rights are recognized and affirmed and makes it clear that treaty rights include rights that now exist by way of land claim agreements or that may be so acquired. As a result of this constitutional protection, government has an obligation not to infringe upon aboriginal and treaty rights without justification. Section 91(24) Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867, allocates jurisdiction to the Parliament of Canada to enact laws regarding "Indians and lands reserved for Indians." Self-government The internal regulation of a First Nation by its own people. Sovereignty Sovereignty is an internationally recognized concept. A basic tenet of sovereignty is the power of a people to govern themselves. Tribal Sovereignty American Indian tribal powers originate with the history of tribes managing their own affairs. Case law has established that tribes reserve the rights they had never given away. Specific claims Specific claims arise from the breach or non-fulfillment of government obligations found in treaties, agreements or statutes. Status Indians Status Indians are people who are entitled to have their names included on the Indian Register, an official list maintained by the federal government. Certain criteria determine who can be registered as a Status Indian. Only Status Indians are recognized as Indians under the Indian Act, which defines an Indian as "a person who, pursuant to this Act, is registered as an Indian or is entitled to be registered as an Indian." Status Indians are entitled to certain rights and benefits under the law. Treaty A negotiated agreement between a First Nation and the federal and provincial governments that spells out the rights of the First Nation with respect to lands and resources over a specified area. It may also define the self-government authority of a First Nation.
The Government of Canada and the courts understand treaties between the Crown and Aboriginal people to be solemn agreements that set out promises, obligations and benefits for both parties.Treaty Indian Treaty Indians belong to a First Nations whose ancestors signed a treaty with the Crown and as a result are entitled to treaty benefits. Treaty right Treaty Rights are special rights to lands and entitlements that Indian people legally have as a result of treaties. Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 recognizes and affirms, the "existing Aboriginal and treaty rights of the Aboriginal people of Canada." Tribal Council A tribal council is a group made up of several bands and represents the interests of those bands. A tribal council may administer funds or deliver common services to those bands. Membership in a tribal council tends to be organized around geographic, political, treaty, cultural, and/or linguistic lines. Tribe A tribe is a group of Native Americans sharing a common language and culture. The term is used frequently in the Unites States, but only in a few areas of Canada. Definitions sources and legend
National Aboriginal Health Organization
Assembly of First Nations
American Indian Policy CenterOther terminology links:
Indigenous Australia
Agreements, Treaties and Negotiatied Settlements Project (Australia)****************************************************************************
Think they left port..........but did send the following messages out.............forgot to send our flag/official headings...........so, I'll send it again........
Sending the following message for your information: Caution Advisory.
Please forward accordingly.
Thank you and Aloha,
Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
To: info@codepink.org
Sent: Thu, June 30, 2011 9:28:00 AM
Subject: Hawaiian Kingdom /Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Document No. 2011 - 2002 Caution Advisory Re: Let Hope Sail!
Hi Medea and friends,
another article out from the Arab News and see Caution Advisory below:
Arab News:
Gaza flotilla organizers: 2nd ship sabotaged
Published: Jun 30, 2011 18:34 Updated: Jun 30, 2011 18:34
JERUSALEM: Organizers of a flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists seeking to break the blockade of Gaza say Israel has sabotaged a second ship.
An activist tells Israel’s Army Radio that the engine of an Irish ship was damaged while in port.
Earlier this week, activists said Israel damaged the propeller of a Swedish ship in the Greek port of Piraeus.
Israel has not commented on the allegations.
About 10 ships are due to set sail this week from Greece.
It is not clear whether the damage to the boats will hold things up.
Israel imposed a naval blockade after anti-Israel Hamas militants overran the Palestinian territory in 2007.
Last year, an Israeli raid on a similar flotilla killed nine activists on a Turkish vessel. Each side blamed the other for the violence.
Post a comment
Caution advised.............due to Turkish peace people conflict with the Israeli's.
Seems that connections with the Irish and Swedish is of utmost importance.
Take Care all of you, Aloha,
Amelia Gora,
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
Royal Families House of Nobles -
Hawaiian Kingdom
From: Medea Benjamin <info@codepink.org>
To: hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, June 30, 2011 5:59:22 AM
Subject: Let Hope Sail!
Tell the US State Department to let the flotilla sail to Gaza!
Hear Medea live from Greece on NPR and Democracy Now!
Read more flotilla blogs and news coverage here
Join or organize an emergency flotilla action in your city!
Find actions here
Tweet this
June 30, 2011
Dear Amelia,
As you may know, I am in Greece with a group of international activists who are trying to set sail on the Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza. The US boat, the Audacity of Hope, was scheduled to sail last weekend, but we are still anxiously awaiting permission from the Greek government, which is being pressured by Israel and the United States to prevent our departure. Will you call on the US State Department to stop impeding our mission?
Earlier this week, we learned that the Greek/Norwegian/Swedish boat’s propeller was damaged in port, and yesterday the Irish boat sustained crippling damage to its propeller shaft in a Turkish harbor; both of these incidents are suspected to have been calculated sabotage. Two other ships have left for the meeting point in international waters, but it is unclear when and whether the other boats will be able to join them.
The goal of the flotilla has always been to shine a light on Israel's inhumane siege of Gaza, and that, we have already accomplished. The Israeli government has felt so threatened by our little flotilla that it has unleashed its propaganda machine, spies, saboteurs, diplomatic clout, and economic might. We are feeling, in small measure, what the people of Gaza deal with every day.
The eyes of the world are on the drama unfolding with the flotilla, and we have massive popular support—except from our own government. The Obama Administration has deemed the flotilla a "provocative act." The State Department gave Israel a green light to attack the flotilla under the guise of “self defense,” and issued a specific travel warning against American citizens traveling to Gaza by boat. Senator Kirk (R-Ill.) even suggested yesterday that the US should provide Special Forces for a joint US-Israeli operation to deter the ships from breaking the blockade!
The flotilla participants have been heartened to hear that across the seas, in Washington, DC CODEPINKers set up an overnight vigil at the Greek Embassy to pressure the beleaguered Greek government to allow us to sail. But we must put the pressure on the true impediments: the US and Israeli governments. Will you send an email to the US State Department today?
It is time for the US to recognize the illegality and inhumanity of the Gaza blockade, and support the safe passage of the Flotilla.
With gratitude from Greece for your support,
Medea Benjamin
PS Thanks to all who have already supported our delegation. You can continue to donate to this voyage here here.
(Behold the terrorist cargo of The Audacity of Hope [Credit: twitpic user @myaguarnieri])
'Freedom Itself Is
a Constant Struggle'
"Without the international community coming to the aid of the South African
people they may very well still be under apartheid, and [without the support
of progressive white people] we might still be under segregation in the
United States." – Alice Walker in Greece, preparing to travel
to Gaza on The Audacity of Hope
'First I Laughed, Then I Got Mad, and Then Laughed Again'
Video hoax claiming gay people aren't welcome on Gaza flotilla may be
funniest Israeli propaganda yet
Israeli government wins mighty victory over food, medicine and toys by
successfully sabotaging the MV Saoirse, Ireland's contribution
to the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
But Food and Medicine Are Wily Foes
While Israel apparently also sabotaged Swedish ship the Juliano, damage
can be repaired in time for flotilla to sail
'Hysteria, ‘Hasbara’ and the Flotilla'
"Freedom Flotilla 2, even without making much progress toward Gaza, is
playing hell with Israel’s image – or, rather, inducing Israel to show off
its worst self." – Larry Derfner, Jerusalem Post
Sen. Mark Kirk
Has Weird Priorities
Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) ignores three wars we're fighting, calls on U.S. military to
provide "all necessary special operations and naval support to the Israeli
Navy" to stop Freedom Flotilla boats filled with food and medicine
He's Always Been a Weird Guy
Kirk has long history of making up things about his own military record,
including claiming that he received an award he never got
VIDEO: 'Stay Human'
"I know there are pilots and sailors and Navy SEALs and commandos who
are now training and preparing to attack us. Don't do that. This is wrong.
Don't be part of another massacre. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look
at your kids' eyes. Look at my eyes. And refuse to be part of something
so wrong." – Yonatan Shapira, musician, former Israel Air Force pilot
and refusnik, now traveling onboard the Audacity of Hope
VIDEO: 'Numu Numu – Lullaby for Pilots'
"So come to us, airplane / With a one-ton bomb / Little children will
go to sleep now" – written and performed by Yonatan Shapira
May 12th, 2011
Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden
"The Nazis killed tens of MILLIONS. They got a trial. Why? Because we're not like them. We're Americans. We roll different." – Michael Moore in ... Continue Reading
June 30, 2011
Greece Passes Austerity Plan as Protests Continue
ITN: The Greek parliament has voted in favour of a drastic package of austerity measures as violent protests continue on the streets of Athens
Would Much Rather Prefer the following than WARS............aloha.
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y RAMZY BAROUD | ARAB NEWSUS foreign policy invigorated at the expense of Gaza
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made a series of stern and fiery statements recently, giving the impression that war is somehow upon us once again. Oddly, Clinton’s sudden reappearance onto the Middle East diplomacy scene was triggered by the brave attempts of peace activists to break the siege on Gaza.
In recent months, as Arab nations settled old scores with their insufferable dictators, US foreign policy started taking a backseat. Attempts at swaying Arab revolts teetered between bashful diplomatic efforts to sustain US interests — as was the case with Yemen — and military intervention, as in Libya, which is still being marketed to the US public as a humanitarian intervention, as opposed to the war it actually is.
The indecisiveness and double standards on display are hardly new.
The US’ stance during the Tunisian popular revolution ranged between complete lack of interest (when the protests began brewing in December 2010), to sudden enthusiasm for freedom and democracy (when the revolts led to the ousting of longtime President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali on Jan. 14, 2011).
The same foreign policy pendulum repeatedly swung both ways during the Egyptian uprising. The US political definitions of Hosni Mubarak shifted from that of a friendly leader to that of a loathsome dictator who had to go for the sake of Egyptian democracy.
It took Tunisians 28 days to overthrow their leader, and Egyptians 18 days to oust Mubarak. During these periods, US foreign policy in the two countries — and the Middle East as a whole — seemed impossible to delineate in any concrete statements. Hillary Clinton was an emblematic figure in this diplomatic discrepancy.
Now Clinton is back, speaking in a lucid language which leaves no room for misinterpretation. When it comes to the security and interests of Israel — as opposed to those of the entire Middle East region and all its nations — Clinton, like other top American officials, leaves no room for error. Israel will always come first.
Clinton’s forceful language was triggered by the decision of humanitarian activists from over 20 countries to travel to Gaza in a symbolic gesture to challenge the Israeli blockade of one of the poorest regions on earth. The 500 peace activists on board 10 boats will include musicians, writers, Nobel Laureates, Holocaust survivors, and members of Parliament.
“We think that it’s not helpful for there to be flotillas that try to provoke action by entering into Israeli waters and creating a situation in which the Israelis have the right to defend themselves,” Clinton told reporters on June 23. Of course, the foreboding language offers another blank check to Israel, giving it permission to do as it pleases. If Israel repeated the same scenario it used to intercept and punish activists abroad the first flotilla on May 31, 2010 – killing nine activists in the Mavi Marmara — then it would constitute another act of “self-defense,” according to Clinton’s avant-garde rationale.
Responding to Clinton’s comments, Irish MEP Paul Murphy told the Irish Examiner on June 24: “It is not true that we will be entering Israeli waters. We will be sailing through Gaza waters.” He added, “Clinton’s comments are disgraceful. She has essentially given the green light to Israeli Defense Forces to use violence against participants in the flotilla.” Indeed, Israeli diplomats will be utilizing Clinton’s advanced verbal and political support for the Israeli action in every platform available to them.
According to Clinton, the entire business with the flotillas is unnecessary. “We don’t think it’s useful or helpful or productive to the people of Gaza,” she told reporters in Washington, adding that, “a far better approach is to support the work that’s being done through the United Nations.”
The United Nations had already declared the Gaza siege illegal. Various top UN officials have stated this fact repeatedly, and the international body had called on Israel to end the siege. Notable among the many statements was a 34-page report by UN human rights chief Navi Pillay. Published on Aug. 14, 2009, the report “accused Israel of violating the rules of warfare with its blockade stopping people and goods from moving in or out of the Gaza Strip,” according to the Associated Press. The Gaza blockade,” Pillay stated, “amounts to collective punishment of civilians, which is prohibited under the Geneva Conventions on the conduct of warfare and occupation.” Before the 34 pages could be thoroughly examined, both the US and Israel dismissed the findings. Now Clinton is suddenly urging all interested parties to work through the same institution that her department has repeatedly undermined.
Pillay’s report was issued nearly two years ago. Since then, little has been done to remedy the situation and to bring to an end the protracted Palestinian tragedy in Gaza. In fact, UNRWA has recently put Gaza’s unemployment at 45.2 percent, allegedly amongst the worst in the world. The UN report, released on June 14, claimed that unemployment in the first half of 2011 had increased by 3 percent. Monthly wages were also shown to have declined significantly. It seems the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is not only bad, it is progressively worsening.
This time, Clinton is speaking from a power position. As diplomatic pressure from Israel finally dissuaded Turkey from allowing the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) from joining the flotilla, it seems the Mavi Marmara won’t be setting sail to Gaza anytime soon. As if to confirm that the IHH decision was motivated by political pressure, Clinton “spoke to her Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu to express her happiness at the announcement” (according to Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News, June 21).
With political victory in mind, the State Department travel warning of June 22 read like a legal disclaimer issued by the Israeli foreign ministry. It warned US citizens to avoid any attempt to reach Gaza by sea. Those who participate in a flotilla risk arrest, prosecution, deportation and a possible 10-year travel ban by Israel.
In a region that is rife with opportunities for political stances — or at least a measurable shift in policy — the US State Department and its chief diplomat have offered nothing but inconsistency and contradiction. Now, thanks to a group of peaceful civil society activists, including many pacifists and elders, the State Department is getting its decisive voice back. And the voice is as atrocious and unprincipled as ever.
— Ramzy Baroud (www.ramzybaroud.net) is an internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor of PalestineChronicle.com.
Posted by
RAMZY BAROUD | ARAB NEWSJun 28, 2011 21:11
4) Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago, maintained by the Royal Families, subjects, citizens, kanaka maoli who are not "indigenous" people, remain Sovereigns, kanaka maoli, other citizens of various races who supported a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation whose Queen and subjects/citizens were placed under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, genocide by a thieving, criminal, Pirate nation(s) who were and remain BANKRUPT and continue to owe $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893, etc. along with England, the Morgan bankers, the Bank of England, the WORLD BANK, etc. to the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/the Kingdom of Hawaii/the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago, Royal families, et. als.
The Royal Families are the owners of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Queen Liliuokalani Trust, Queen Emma's Trust, King Lunalilo's Trust, etc. Trusts pirated by criminal deviants the claimed Trustees who did invest int he Goldman-Sachs stock markets. Oppositions were made and documented.
Watch the following film for understanding:
Goldman Sachs moving for one world bank: Ron Paul
European & American state aid is interlocked into the International Bank of Settlements, which is tied to World Bank, which is tied into the IMF ...
by sugarpuddin88 | 1 year ago | 5,818 views
Note: The use of the terminology "indigenous" utilized by the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, and 1982 by the WORLD BANK, whose major shareholder is the United States supports the FAKE State which created the Office of Hawaiian Affairs/ OHA and pretending that it is the Hawaiian government.
The Criminal Mecca of the United States/United States of America:
The facade of a Hawaiian government aka OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs as regarded by the United States through the entity State of Hawaii who Premeditated and supported the usurpers, the treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Islands, the Pirates, racketeers, American businessmen known as Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, Charles Reed Bishop, et. als.
The entity State of Hawaii is but an non-principled group of pirates acting under the auspices of Pirates of the World, the U.S., England, bankers - Morgan, Bank of England, WORLD BANK, etc. with a track record of Plundering Upon Innocents in the Hawaiian Islands and the World Today as seen in the above documented evidence.
It is truly dispicable, and beyond comprehension for many who fail to realize that the ONE WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER continues to suppress, maintain slaves, kill off, decimate the masses, plan WARS to assume all nations lands, assets, resources, wealth, acting as if democracy is the intent.
The castouts, throwaways, mercenaries, scums and scoundrels that squatted on lands which belongs to others, who have made money off of theft, criminal, racketeering are here to acquire the World.
What Everyone Needs to Do:
Oppose moves by criminals around the World!
We, in the Hawaiian Islands, must continue to Oppose the Governor Abercrombies move to sign into law and have a ceremony of a claimed transfer of the Hawaiian government by an illegal entity OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs to another illegal entity which owes rents and leases for use of our families lands known as the State of Hawaii.
We are Not "indigenous" people.
Read, Print, Keep for your records the article:
OPPOSITIONS TO S.B. No. 1520, etc. With Evidence/References - Thanks to Tane, Chris, Kili, Shane, Many, Many Others....
available at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/oppositions-to-sb-no-1520-etc www.theiolani.blogspot.com opednews.com etc.
Take Notice Everyone.....and Wake Up All of Your Leaders of the 195+ Nations in the World......empower yourselves with knowledge.......... educate yourselves through the following videos:
Barack Obama - "Fellow citizen of the World" "Global citizenship" "it is the only way"
Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium Expert on New World Order, etc.
New World Order
Dare you allow wrongs to continue - all harm intended for you, your loved ones, your friends, and all Innocents in the World today?
aloha, love.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
Royal Families House of Nobles,
One of the Representatives of the
Hawaiian Genealogical Society,
a living, human being
U.S. President Barack Obama
Governor Neil Abercrombie
Many Interested Others
Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2000 Opposition to S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, as amended herein, S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1., etc includes SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim’s strategy for privatizing public resources, etc.. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, In Esse, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
This is to inform you opposition to S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, as amended; S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1, etc. includes SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim’s strategy for privatizing public resources, etc. is hereby documented, along with all or similar bills, laws similar or likened to, the Akaka Bill, etc.
Because Kamehameha's descendants exist, King David Kalakaua's descendants heirs/exist, and Queen Liliuokalani descendants/ heirs exist.
Premeditation of assuming the Hawaiian Islands are on record.
Placing Queen Liliuokalani under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc. is on record.
Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations/treaty(ies) broken.
Placing Queen Liliuokalani's subjects /citizens numbering 40,000 under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc. is on record.
Genocide activities has been discovered, uncovered in research and is on record. Includes Kalaupapa the leper colony, etc.
Criminal greed is on record, includes criminal conversions, fraud, deceit, treason, etc.
Criminal claims to Pearl Harbor made by American businessmen, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees, the U.S. government, etc.
Failure to protect the lives, health, safety of all in the Hawaiian Islands are on record. See attached articles about GMO/Genetic Modification Organisms; cell phones; water; toxins in the environment,
Many other facts are on record:
The latest - June 2011: