Ken Conklin runnin' his waha pilau again...

Click the link and help drown out this guy's stupid comments. Remind him that Hawaiians had enough of him and his racism and stupidity.

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  • Aloha kaua e Keliiaumoana.

    I looked at it again and it looks like the editors deleted his comment? If so that would be surprising because they allow racists to post/print their pilau.

    E malama pono.
  • One more thing forgot to mention, need to watch the GMO guys on the Awa Kaohi
  • Aloha Keliiaumoana, Pono, and Kealaula,

    It's great to have a space to 'talk story' and collaborate our efforts towards our nation. On Saturday, I went to the Kawa Festival, I do this because at one time the fake state was going to declare Awa as a narcotic. Dr. B. Krauss sent them a letter stating that it was not so, and that it was a medicinal plant that it was used widely throughout the 'first peoples' including herself. So it never happened, however it could in the future. So it's important to pay attention to this problem.

    Anyhow, I met Tongans, Samoans, Japanese, Chinese, Haoles, and people from India all sharing their use of Awa. And voicing their ideas about the use of awa and that's truly important. I also vented to Hawaiians first at KAHEA and their partnership with our oppositions. I spoke to teachers, counselors, about our up coming furlough and how it is going to impact our Na Kanaka keiki in their education and careers. I also spoke to nakoa students that are trying to get their certification for maintaing the heiaus.

    Most important to me was to meet Fale after ten years. I was elated to meet him because I suspect his work is very connected to the heiaus here and especially on Maui. He is a construction worker that studied the chants, genealogies, places with markings in his home town Tonga and throughout the Pacific. I also got to meet his son that was just an infant at that time and this child's beauty is what brought me into the tent. I looked up and I really didn't recognize Fale, I don't know why or how but my mouth just opened up and said,"are you Fale". We embraced after ten years of absence. He gave me his latest map to go with his published book and he also gave me another copy because I bought two books ten years ago and one walked away. I recently xeroxed it and distributed it and I told that to Fale, apologizing. He was so happy!

    I explained to him that my grandfather Orlando Auld under the FDR deal built Ala Moana park, and he built a rectangular shape at the end or beginning of Atkinson and Ala Moana park. And I told him that my grandfather like him was in construction and built most of the waterfront ports in those days. My grandfather was also from the old traditional navigators and he had the old ways in him and left things for us grandchildren to figure out. The rectangular is one of those things that only Fale would understand what I was saying. The Dillingham story is told by stupid haoles, but that's okay I can see my Grandpa's work for I was either not born yet at the time of the construction, and as an infant I have a photo of my dad carrying me in his arms at the park. Around five years old maybe, I marched from one end of the park to the other end (knowing my grandparents to protest) for a Christian blessing. My grandfather, his sons, his church members were noted for traveling to build things throughout the Pacific as well as in the middle east. So I'm a ma'a to things outside of simplicity.

    So when I talk it goes into a deeper chamber than some people. Complexity is difficult for some people or just plain laziness on their part. I always believe that the seat of power is a sacred place and that it spreads beyond a pole and a loin cloth. With out this Maoliworld view, we're just small and pinkie finger size in ones thinking.

    The waha pilau, stay stuck in one small closet or under the bushes like creepy crawly prey and soon we are in a field of black roses. That is the end game.

    Without the sharing and collaborating, we foster only the white mans lies and their Americana culture. In the year 2010 the US and their world sustainability plan will fruit and fall down on our heads because we're not ma'a to their plans. These American vexing vector's are powerful and a pole with a loin cloth just isn't going to cut it. We need to express the truth however, we may say it as in KKKocklin, it's voicing our thoughts and opinions. And yes, I have the right to say masturbation !@#$ and orgasam because that's truly what happen's when you speak the truth from ones naau, piko, guts, olos, clit--what evahs!!

    I have space for people who are hallow in their fallow in ones shallow mind. It's best to put a sock on it! Life is beyond an inch.

    We need to move on and compete with the Trilateral Commission, Altantic Council, NATO, Federal Reserve Board and all Bankers. Obama is going to err on the side of the his brethens and these are our adversaries. The last time I met with Tad Davis, no different than going face to face with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Wayne Woosley all three have tremendous wealth and power that intend to crush us under a bed of roses to meet their means to an end. We're not only 'talking' for a 70 year old man's dream world, we are fighting for our lives and the our future on Maoliworld.

    So let's move on beyond the loin cloth and the pole and gain some momentum for complex thinking to include all of humanity of the world. As Tad Davis alluded to in his military sustainable life forms only exist in the fence, and those of us that live outside the fences, oh well it's just a bed of roses, black roses that is without the space to vent. Kaohi
  • Sounds like the wimpy pecker no can rise and be a man which infact, pinky finger downward jarhead drops straight to hell doing the usual thing of 'first sin' with a white women no less which is a typical status quo reaction.

    Keala is a diva and the gods will bless her with muti orgasams of life. Odin, odin, odin bless Keala a women of great compassion for children and their future. May the wind and waters rise and surround her in blessed protection.

    I think I bettah stop here. Kaohi
    • Yea, Stop The Venting..................
  • from my Son and his reply to KKKocklin.

    I think Ken meant to say, he ki'i'oni'oni O NA hewa kela.Thats what happens when haole hewa try to speak without using their na'au.How does it feel for someone to twist YOUR words and mana'o for a change, ay Ken?

    • Maika'i, follow the link and put this on the Honolulu Advertiser website as well.
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