SB609 as it is posted on the capitol website is the bill that is being heard tomorrow at 10 am at the Hawaii State Capitol Room 225.
There have been some suggested amendments that have been discussed. These amendments do not become official until the committees vote on any changes and that will happen at the conclusion of tomorrow’s hearing. It is still important that people know what is being proposed in the suggested amendments.
1) Reduce the overall number on the KIRC from 7 to 5
2) Re-insert the language requiring 1 PKO Member on the KIRC
3) Change Two Members from a PKO List provided to the Governor and make it one member appointed by the Governor from a list provided by Native Hawaiian Organizations
4) Three NOT Four KIRC members constitutes a quorum
5) Anyone appointed to the KIRC who has completed 2 consecutive terms must wait at least 4 years to be appointed again.
6) And finally “The chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources shall hire an executive director who shall serve at the pleasure of the chairperson.”
Until any of these proposed changes are actually voted on in the hearing tomorrow, they do not technically exist. We should still be aware of them and in the presentation of testimony tomorrow, it is fine to address how anyone feels about these proposed changes. Anything could happen before the end of the hearing so it’s important to pay close attention to what is being discussed by the committee members. Once the committee members vote, an official SB609SD1 will be posted along with a committee report articulating exactly what the new language is. Then we will have a chance to address the amended bill when it is scheduled for hearing again if it passes and crosses over to the House side.
Please continue to voice your opinion in testimony and by showing up at tomorrow’s hearing. As the ‘Ohana goes through its communications process we will continue to post updates on the PKO website and provide the public with the official ‘Ohana position on any of the bills going through the legislature and any amendments that are made to them.
Aloha ‘Āina
Senate HWN/WLH Hearing 2/12/11
(You Tube Video Link)
Are you taking any more testimony on this bill?
Well, we can for you, Governor.
Chairman, I appreciate your indulgence, and it was not really my intention to get involved in the Leg. As you know, it’s not generally my intention to get involved in the legislative process, but since this bill that you are considering amending is my legislation I thought that perhaps I should speak out on it, and today I speak in opposition to these amendments.
I understand fully that if there are administrative or management problems – fiduciary problems as you characterize them – with the current situation of the management of Kaho’olawe, it is clearly within the purview of this Legislature to take control of this situation – and you ought to – and you ought to be having hearings on any of these issues that you perceive. But what the bill does, in fact, is not only about its management but these amendments actually change the policies behind the creation that resulted in the return of Kaho’olawe to the people of Hawai’i. The two policies I speak of are these: first of all this State has always taken the position that with respect to Hawaiian issues that certain groups have, because of their involvement in the issues, become trustees for that particular responsibility. For example, we have groups that are responsible for the bones that are being returned of our ancestors to Hawai’i. We have other groups that have been responsible for other aspects, for the list of people who are signing up to register as native Hawaiians. In the instance of Kaho’olawe, that was the Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana. They became the trustees because of what they did to ensure the return of Kaho’olawe: people went to jail, people died, people gave up their children so that we can have this island. It is not something that simply ought to be dismissed as a natural current of events, as another piece of state real estate. So the first policy you are going to decide with the passage of these amendments is whether the state of Hawaii will continue to honor its obligation to those who have paid for the trusteeship of various Hawaiian issues, lands, and policies. You are more than changing and reducing members; you are reducing the commitment to the Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana and to the price they paid.
The second policy that is involved in these amendments has to do with our own trusteeship and stewardship of this land. When the Island was returned after many years and the involvement of many people, the first thing that happened was I did not personally, as Governor of Hawaii, believe that we should treat this property, this special island, the same way that we treated the rest of State lands – as another piece of ceded soil – it had to be taken further, for more protection. And I feel like probably I was justified in that, given the recent lawsuit about how and what the state can do with ceded lands and how the United States Supreme Court refused to recognize the special, unrelinquished claim that Native Hawaiians have in Ceded lands – so this property was not placed back into the DLNR inventory, it was set aside with a special commission to say that it actually belonged to the Hawaiian Nation. You can talk about it coming back to the state of Hawai’i, but it was specifically set aside by the people of this state, by their elected representatives, as the first piece of sovereign soil. That is the policy behind this statute. If the Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana doesn’t have insurance, do something that will insure them, but do not remove Kaho’olawe from its special status, this is not another piece of Leg. So, in all due respect to my fellow Senators and politicians- who I love dearly, by the way- I have to tell you that in my opinion you are not adding a few seats or putting together a different process. You are changing the agreement that this state made with the Hawaiian people. Thank you very much.
Read, what is the issue here...I don't have time for your wonderful help with FEMA! That is not where this posting is coming from.
We are disscussing FEMA and Kahoolawe during Hurricans. And you are talking about your own personal help from the US Government FEMA from somewhere else. We are talking about helping ourselves and not asking for a handout!
Secondly, from my experience FEMA did not help anyone here in Waianae, I know cause I was there trying to get help for our people here in Waianae. So, if ones simple mind wants to contradict can you at least give some to when, where, how, and what type of help one received. I don't think a stuff animal and a white t-shirt is considered help!
This basically matches up with where we are at for O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama:
Taken from another website to give a reasoning as to why we should move forward and the backwards:
Hawaiian Nationals Mana‘o I‘o
Kanenuiakea (the Correct Name for Kane Religion)
Kanenuiakea is the indigeneous religion of the kupuka'aina, the lineal descendants, of Wai`anae. It has been practiced continuously for over eight hundred years in the Wai`anae Wahipana. Kanenuiakea is a much older spirituality than the Hawaiian religions that worshipped Ku or Lono. It was not a religion of blood sacrifice as they tended to be. Its main values were aloha (love, compassion), pono (righteousness, morality), kaulike (justice, equality), ohana (family), `aina (land), malama (care, caring), kokua (help, responsibility). These are agrian values of the soil and the sea.
Kanenuiakea is universalistic, life-affirming, ecologically committed, caring and compassionate, just, moral, loving of and connected with all of creation. Kanenuiakea is a complete spirituality involving the emotions (devotional), the intuition (mystical), the intellect (cognitional) and the physical (actional). Such a comprehensive religion owns all of life and does not fear one or more of life’s functions and project evil on that area (thus needing a devil or sub-humans from other races). Kanenuiakea was the oldest and most developed form of spirituality in the Hawaiian Islands and was practiced on O`ahu (centered in the Wai`anae Wahipana, with its most sacred heiau at Kukaneloko), Mau`i, and Kau`ai--and with important centers of other islands as well.
I spoke to Chuck Burrows after, and told him he was mentioned in the hearing as the responsible person for bringing the future and funding to forefront of this Bill SB1 609. Shrinking cost, true, and to move forward seemed more likely in this process that we stepped backwards 2,000 years. It was more like the sisterhood collectively was carving out the ‘peepee’ in their political amendments at this hearing. That is they were carving out our Na Ki'i mana. The evidence of carving out the penis can be viewed at the Honolulu Academy. A sad sight! Our first legal access to Kahoolawe was based on Public Law 95-341 back in 1978. A trip planned by the PKO and logistically set up as a Freedom of Religious Access and those of us that participated (hesitantly it may be) walked the journey across the island and returned in a day’s time, 15 plus miles back in '78. This hearing was removing that valued practice and political will of the people.
Molokini is appreciated; however, if that means regulations from Mars, Venus, and the Moon we will have too many people spending a whole lot of time in courts as they already are out here in Waianae.
Secondly, speaking of the evil doings--already the military are cleaning up starting April here in Waianae offshore Maili. The arsenals are from WWII which contains unused uranium. There is a notion that the ocean will break down U 235 back to its original state. Therefore, this nuclear waste is deemed safe, weak and low for humans by the Atomic Energy Commission. This is false! William Aila wants this clean up to happen; I am opposed to this type of clean up. The debris will be labeled 'construction debris' and placed on our 'aina' as land fill after it is shredded off shore and its nuclear toxicity spilled back into our offshore Waianae Coast.
Kahoolawe will follow through after Maili 'hopper' (bogus) clean-up. We (fishermen) had a small 'kine' conversation on the Capital veranda in between the hearings on Saturday. Another reason why I opposed the bill was because of the conjoining Molokini to the existing problems of our accesses to Kahoolawe. It adds a larger mess to our already weighted down responsibilities 'Alaloa'.
As for the cost--bogus lie only because we use money out of our pockets from the onset of stopping the bombing and today education for our children such as Kamaile Academy--our children recently visited ‘O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama.
When I had my confrontations with Sus Ono DLNR Director under then Governor John Waihe'e over Kahana Bay--Ono said, "We the Na Kanaka are squatting on state land." Again at the Federal Building at a Civil Rights Commission Hearing that resulted in "Breach of Trust' Sus Ono said, "They can never be an inventory of the ceded lands."
What Waianae forgot at this hearing that Dr. Emmet Aluli chastised and too listened to the sides of the victims of the Nanakuli Rape Case--that were children. This is the case that was headlined across different foreign countries. This man Dr. Emmet Aluli not only risked his life to stop the bombing on O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama, but he gave his time to our children. I got a call from Emmet Aluli to go to Ala Moana Hotel and stop the public hanging of these victims. I was living in Hauula at that time. I met De Cambra, Enos, Kahikini and many others that went to the hotel conference room and it was packed to hear only one side of the story for an immediate public hanging. If one listens to the Saturday hearing panelist-- questioning of Dr. Emmet Aluli one will hear the alluding to this sad history.
Malama Solomon--Senator--if one studies her body language, I thought for a moment I was sitting in "Three Coins Restaurant on Kapiolani Blvd. Revolution was never a bad thing in our minds; however, it is what was needed to 'Stop the Bombing' on Kahoolawe.
It is true--many of us who participated in organizing our people back in 1974 enacted a whole list of native Hawaiians against our better judgment for the sake of solidarity and Lokahi. Repeat, I say it was against our better judgment because we knew at the 1978 Con Con it was a 'no go' for the ‘Native Hawaiians Only’ voting list to participate in an American election. Bill Patty was sitting in the audience at this past Saturday hearing of SB1 609. Rethink yourselves in this process as to what our future holds.
As for the Hurricane, FEMA has not rendered services to our people in Hawaii--so therefore like all Pacific Islanders we can manage our natural disasters on the island of Kahoolawe. The insurance carriers can be paid for by each individual if necessary, we don't need to expand an unnecessary expenditure for fiduciary reasons.
I did not understand the questioning of Wm Aila as to whether he was for the Senators or the PKO --this had caused hard feelings, confusion and massive hemorrhage in our culture values and practices. Was Senator Clayton Hee handing a rope to Wm Aila to hang himself or playing the 'kipuka' fear mongering as if Wm Aila was a wild cow thrashing between two trees or his rights of passage to the Fake State of Hawaii.
The amendments carve out our children, our future and the 'aina' that holds the ‘iwi’ of our ancestors’ mana.
De Facto Military Occupation of Pennsylvania
Kurt Nimmo
February 10, 2010
WPXI in Pittsburgh reported on February 9 that the Army National Guard will remain in the city “indefinitely” in response to the weather. “The guardsmen are paired up with police and medics across town, turning dozens of humvees into welcome wagons,” the news channel reported.
This represents the de facto military occupation of Pennsylvania and martial law. Martial law is defined as the imposition of military rule by military authorities on an emergency basis when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively. This is apparently precisely the case in Pennsylvania. It remains to be seen if the military or the civilian government is in control there.
Note the soldier near the end of this video. He is identified as an Army Specialist, not National Guard. Specialist is one of the four junior enlisted ranks in the U.S. Army above Private First Class.
The Army National Guard is part of the National Guard, ostensibly under the control of state governors. However, members of the Army National Guard are federally recognized armed force members in the active or inactive service of the United States and are a reserve component of the United States Army.
The traditional role of the National Guard was abolished with the 2007 Defense Authorization Act (aka the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act). It increased the president’s powers to federalize National Guard units and to use federal troops in domestic situations.
Prior to the change, the nation’s governors protested the proposed unprecedented shift in authority from the states to the federal government. “This provision [the 2007 Defense Authorization Act] was drafted without consultation or input from governors and represents an unprecedented shift in authority from governors as commanders and chief of the Guard to the federal government,” the governors stated in a sharply worded letter that was transmitted to Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress in August, 2006.
51 governors, including some from U.S. territories, had signed the letter, an indication of broad bipartisan support that emphasized the depth of opposition among state executives to encroachments by the federal government in violation of the Tenth Amendment.
In January, Obama stepped up the ongoing process of federalization when he signed an executive order creating the Council of Governors. ““Obama signed an executive order establishing a panel to be known as the Council of Governors, which will be made up of 10 state governors, to be selected by the president to serve two-year terms. Members will review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States, the White House said in a statement,” the UPI reported on January 11.
In Pennsylvania and other eastern states hit by historically severe snowstorms are now experiencing “military activities” under the guise of helping citizens. Or maybe that should be civilians.
Citizens need to be warned that they are in essence under military occupation and if the above report is any indication the occupiers plan to stay “indefinitely.”
“Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people's] freedom and subversive of their quiet.” said Thomas Jefferson in 1775. “The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force,” he said in 1807.
Maybe it was adverse in Jefferson’s day. Now? A lot of people seem to support deploying soldiers during snowstorms.