Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Not Wearing a Trump Hat or a MAGA Hat, Yet the Hate Pours In ---Demonics Not Acceptable 

 Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:  Not Wearing a Trump Hat or a MAGA Hat, Yet the Hate Pours In ---Demonics Not Acceptable


                                 posted by Amelia Gora (2020)

Reply to Trump Haters, et. als.: next to Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John F. Kennedy, Trump is similar....can't say that for the other Warmongering Presidents! am a longtime researcher 40+ years, write a lot ....even did articles on BMJ - British Medical Journal, etc..did Coronavirus article......think demonics need to stop talking smack about a President who's not for perpetual wars and talks peace.... .... as for Cults.... i've spoken with some of the members from WACO Texas while doing research years ago... and saddened whenever reminders come up on TV...the Killing of Innocents was not OK .... i was shocked to find out that some of them are researchers and they started to check out the U.S. Constitution of 1787 and found that some of the words were changed.... interesting..... you're accusing me to be part of a CULT ? wrong, I'm part of the Royal Family - one of Kamehameha's descendants and I have a Police Number assigned to me, one that is called Genocide Activist Ongoing list and lady you're now on it..... because you're a hater, a threat, a danger to myself and to our family who maintains a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation called the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom. Suggest you be very careful because we not the guys who hate... we are the real aloha ones....goodbye.


Facebook thread - 

Eighty-eight faculty members at the university penned a letter saying Barrett should delay her Supreme Court nomination until after the Nov. 3 election.
Dozens Of Amy Coney Barrett's Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination
Dozens Of Amy Coney Barrett's Notre Dame Colleagues Call For Halt To Nomination
Eighty-eight faculty members at the university penned a letter saying Barrett should delay her Supreme Court nomination until after the Nov. 3 election.
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  • Jealous people. It was in the 1950s when they started such screening. It really is only up to the president to decide. Not for the political gauntlet or those who hate to share their hatred towards a person who respects the u s constitution!
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    • Amelia Gora
       ah yes, because that worked fantastically for Merrick Garland.
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    • Amelia Gora
       rgbt was one of the few who respected our constitution. No one wants someone’s religion playing into politics we don’t all agree on. Simple.
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      • Amelia Gora It's actually explicitly *not* just for the president to decide; that's why we have hearings in the first place. And three branches of government. This isn't a dictatorship, you know...
      • Amelia Gora
        ...what makes you so sure they are jealous or that she's a jurist that respects our Constitution...these people know her in a way that we don't...let's face it...we don't know what her Judicial record...she has only been a federal judge for three years
      • Amelia Gora
          Surely you aren’t saying they shouldn’t voice their views. You know, freedom of speech and all that.
      • Jess Reynolds
          my hero
      • Top Fan
        Amelia Gora
          did you have this same opinion in 2016 when Republicans left the seat vacant for 9 months because it was an election year?
      • Amelia Gora
          think much?
        •  · 
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      • Trump is the first president ever to admit he loves his people. Thinking this judge is on the same page. Cant. Say the same about the hating democrats aching for war. Conflicts. And genocide!!!
        Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
        • Mariah Mahoney I’m real #Trump4MoreYears
        • Amelia Gora
            you’re absolutely painfully blind and gullible if you truly think this.
        • Amelia Gora
            it’s the same as all politics, saying what you want to hear. He doesn’t care about anyone than his own family. Unless you’re rich he doesn’t care about you , most politicians don’t. Don’t drink the kook aid.
          • Amelia Gora
              yes those who vote for him. He hates the rest of us. I believe he took an oath to be the leader of the nation. Instead, he only likes his gullible cult.
          • Amelia Gora
            , I’m not even sure what you’re trying to get across here. Can you please edit your comment so that it makes sense?
          • Amelia Gora
              ARE YOU ON CRACK, LADY???? I have 2 a active Marine Grandsons. Have you been in a coma? He calls his supporters “disgusting”.He calls the military “suckers&losers”. Our deceased gold star hero’s “it’s not like he got anything out of it”. He said it right to his 5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️General John Kelly’s father’s face. Democrats don’t lock people in cages. Democrats Separates families. Democrats don’t put people’s babies & children up for adoption . Democrats don’t rip women’s uterus’ Out of their body . You are out of your mind , Lady. Republican GEORGE W BUSH Started this WAR. His Father Republican George HWBush BEGAN DESERT STORM. REPUBLICAN EISENHOWER BEGAN VIOLENCE. So you are ignorant, Drunk or High So shut UP
          • Top Fan
            Amelia Gora
              OMG!!! Are you for real??? Trump loves his people??? That would be why he downplayed the virus at the beginning and still is!! You must be part of the CULT!!!!!!
          • Reply to Trump Haters, et. als.: next to Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John F. Kennedy, Trump is similar....can't say that for the other Warmongering Presidents! am a longtime researcher 40+ years, write a lot ....even did articles on BMJ - British Medical Journal, etc..did Coronavirus article......think demonics need to stop talking smack about a President who's not for perpetual wars and talks peace.... .... as for Cults.... i've spoken with some of the members from WACO Texas while doing research years ago... and saddened whenever reminders come up on TV...the Killing of Innocents was not OK .... i was shocked to find out that some of them are researchers and they started to check out the U.S. Constitution of 1787 and found that some of the words were changed.... interesting..... you're accusing me to be part of a CULT ? wrong, I'm part of the Royal Family - one of Kamehameha's descendants and I have a Police Number assigned to me, one that is called Genocide Activist Ongoing list and lady you're now on it..... because you're a hater, a threat, a danger to myself and to our family who maintains a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation called the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom. Suggest you be very careful because we not the guys who hate... we are the real aloha ones....goodbye.



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