Calling All "Hawaiian Nationals" Around The World

This is a Kahea to all who say with your mouth and believe in your heart that you are a true and proud "Hawaiian National" of the already recognized and legally authorized "Hawaiian Kingdom Government." We are calling all "Hawaiian Nationals" throughout the World to come forward, to respond, to step up to the plate, to make a stand and a statement that we are still here, like we were when our kupuna's and ancestors signed the "Ku'e Petition" in 1897-1898. They made it clear then, like we need to make it clear now, that we was, we still are and we will forever be "Hawaiian Nationals" that are loyal to our Country, our Queen, our Aina, our Kupuna's and our Ohana. The watching World is watching us. Oh trust me they are. We must all respond and act promptly to this Kahea, that is calling from the mauka to the makai. If you are a proud "Hawaiian National" of the "Hawaiian Kingdom Government please respond to this Kahea. We are about to go on a journey to have every single "Hawaiian National" that we can find to be a part and a participant in our upcoming "Hawaiian National Commercials" that will be airing on television very, very soon. Let's do this, for our love of our Country, our Queen, our Aina, and last but not least our Ohana. Auright bruddahs and sistahs. Like Uncle Luka always says; it's happening." Bruddah Kaleo

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  • As a Hawaiian National of the Hawaiian Kingdom I'll be at the HIAA March on Friday Aug. 21 from Ala Maona Beach Park to the Hawaii Convention Center. Bring your Flags, Signs, Banners and join us. Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
    • Aloha e Kaleo a me Pomaikaiokalani,

      E o mai e Maui a Kama - Have you heard if there be a March on Friday, Aug 21 on Maui? I see in the events that there is one on O`ahu and on Kaua`i...

      Naone Morinaga-Kama
      • Aloha e Naone,

        That is correct. As for Maui, i to have not gotten word as to precisely what they will be doing on Friday, August 21st. Mahalo Nui!

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