Believe in alii

Mahalo Hwnwahine and all friends, I am from the alii line as my name implies, MAORI PUANANI O TAHITI with my mama Harriette Malipua Gifford. She was the only one who married outside the line to an immigrant but nonetheless, I am born HRH. My name was kapued by the government and instead of my birth certificate, mama received a letter of dispute from the "haole" government scolding her and humiliating her for giving me a beautiful hawaiian alii name. I have learned recently as I tried to restore my name, the reason my name was pilikia for the government was because I am more than just Maori's beautiful flower of Tahiti, my famous ancestor who I was named after was LAA MAKA HIKE O TAHITI and my mama was from the kauaian line of kings. I am having a plenipotentiary judge help me restore my name and I use it proudly as I should. I am from the royal family of kauai and the flower of the KING. My line goes back to 100 a.d. on mama's side.Thank you for listening as I am grateful to ke akua for preserving me this far. Mahalo

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  • Aloha  cousin i am also from the same lineage as you , and the lineage here in oahu and maui, and bigisland and molokai this is why my name is Tina WAHINE KEA NUE NUE OKALANI mY MOM IS A HANAKAHI AND MY GRANDMOTHER IS A GILMAN. i THANK JESUS I MET WITH MY FAMILIES ON HERE IT WAS A TO MEET YOU MY HIGHNESS OF KAUI, i COME FROM THE OAHU GENNEOLOGY AND MY ANCESTORS ARE FROM KAUI, AMUI AND MOLOKAI AND BIGISLAND TOO . I do have your moms name here as a gifford on our scroll god bless you my cousin and yes aloha.

    • puukana is from tahiti maori i am kawannakoa blood ,a nd kawelo is who she married given name is kane to oahu royal genneologies to robinsons families,. I am the first blood to the kawannakoa this is how you and I  are related , makanani is lovell families they are kamaka families . My great grandmother is puukana from tahiti straight from tahiti and i am a kaumualii from grandpa george on the second kingdom , hannah kane mom is my 4gggg  puukana is the first and only the first to george kaumaualii. kawelo side will be piikoi to cheif kappakea i go boths ides because i am ulumaheihi wahine ea great granddaughter and my great grandfather is a laanui too , amking my line covers all th royal blood to the kingdom of the secon mornarchy while my grandfather hanakahi making me 4gggg to royal alii King Kamehameha on my great grandmother who is Queen keopulani .It makes my line show to the 1974 chant of keawe because harriet kapu kawahaea bothe sides of my families are bolyn making me two sides same thing  to Cheif Kapaakea and his families and again same way in kawelo too. so both sides of my families are any one who would like to see proof of my status and is of royalty and is looking for me this is who i am , iam of the keawe chant 1974 cheif kappakea and piikoi to prince kuhiokalanianaole and all the royals my side covers all back and back forward and forward and one hidden genenoloy to who i really am , related too.from kapapoko and maikai families too all blood relation and is the real campbells families too . both back and back .
      • my kekoa side and kaapas side on kawahas is my relatives to campbells, and my side to aharriet kapu kawahaea is campbells again real campbell is archibald cleghorn campbell.  I AM ALSO THE REAL BLOOD TO QUEEN EMMA HOW MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER WHO IS KULAULA IS YOUNG FAMILIES TO FANNY YOUNG.
        • I have a bolyn line ,  My dad is a matildo he is spanish german irish on this side , i was told he is not my real dad. I was hanaied campbell when i was young in the history it says i was hanied campbell, to be clear that no one would know i am of the real line i was swithched at birth and i was raised to see how life was going to be in the hawaiian realm and out side too, when my mom wanted to tell me the story i would keep on pushing her away and jesus would tell me through her.  When i read the bible. so my great aunty gave me a name when i was young , her name is edith kekoolani gilman when my grandmother was alive too caroline the name is Tina Kekoolani gilman. When iw as young i seen mostly all my families and my grandmother and i knew all the old timers because my mom kept me with them , i was also taken cared of by Uncle Ray kANE aunty nona beamer and aunty genoa keawe and also was around witht he whole families like all of them mostly and hawaiian kingdom, alot of people denies who i am i know aht my mom told me who i am and for this she did not want tosay no more becuae id id tell a good friend when i was young , and i came back and i did not have to tell her anything she knew already.

          • tina kekoolani gilman is a relative of mines i used tina kekoolani gilman because i am of kane and gilman too these are my families from the real oahu geneologies



      • i do not carrie the blood of ememrsons which is on the cummins side i am realted to cummins as cousins because they are realted to me on my grandpas kawelo and alos on my gilman side of my grandmother.
  • Aloha...I do not say what is not true and why it has taken me time to speak this. One of my kupunas told me "listen to your mama" and "mama, I am listening and doing what I should have done back in the seventies"...My great grand uncle's name was Walter Papanuihanaumoku Malina, he was a namesake after Papanuihanaumoku who lived back in 470-500 a.d....His sister was my great grandmama, Haliaka Malina Gifford and her son, my grandpapa, Samuela Gifford Jr...From both grandpa and grandma, I am from Ulu and Nanaulu line. Paumakua, Puna, Manokalanipo and Laa were a few of my greats grandpapas. Anyone listening, perhaps we are related. I notice in some articles, the name Stewart is mentioned. That name is in my family through my Grandpa Gifford's european line. This would be out of kauai. Anyway, aloha. I do not recognize any other sovereignty on kanaka land except our own. Flags flown representing other homelands repulses me when I see them flying in the wind over kanaka soil because none should fly except ours and only ours. ONI PA'A
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