Politics (4056)

Creating S.M.A.R.T Goals

i attended a Housing Rental Workshop yesterday

it was mentioned to use the Smart Goals method...

i am happy to share the Smart goals achievements....to SUCCESS~~~


1), S---for be specific

2). M--be measurable

3). A--to be attainable

4). R--to be rea

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Kaohi: I sympathize with the 'animal spirits' of human nature. "...who were doing their jobs to protect international heads of state." But, who was protecting Kollin Elderts from Christopher Deedy?

Waianae is dripping with totalitarian regime at every level of social problems, in my opinion.  People who left the comfort of their homes to protest, attend APEC 2011, and participate in some form in a confrontation with security were brave souls.

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Kaohi: Education mindset in 2005 and reasons to be concern in 2011: Where are we today and where are we going in the near future with 'globalization' and it's Common Core educational standards?

                                                        Power, Trust, and Resources: 

                                  Why Act 51 Challenges the Hawaii Department of Education
                                                       Speech to Honolulu

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Kaohi: Thank you to Laulani Teal and her Ohana. You were on target of humane treatment for women and children on the curb. Act 54 faults native Hawaiian women and their children as criminals!

Since 2010 January 17, I've been very concern over Act 54 (2007) and it's processes to seek criminal fault towards our native Hawaiian women that are falling through the welfare system.  At the ahu on the Iolani Palace grounds, it was plain to see

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