Sunday's update of Kahana Valley.

I hope to see all the sovereignty groups attend to support the Kahana families and those individuals that would like to see justice done. Put the word out to everyone. With the way the economy is; we don't need to have more people needlessly homeless. The assault of DLNR against the kanaka maoli has escalated and needs to stop! We need everyone to come and support our Kahana Valley 'ohana and stop the eviction. These are industrious, hard-working maoli who do not want their families split up. They have a right to be there. The State and DLNR have plans for Kahana Valley once the leases are up. They will not renew them. They are looking at developing it like Ko'olina. So far they have tapped 60% of the water for central and north O'ahu corporate developers, military, and big corporate farms. The food that they families raise goes into feeding Hawai'i's consumers. Already Hawaiian foods are the most expensive in the islands and is getting more scarce. There is a genocide being done and no one's standing against it. Make the stand for all of our sakes. Preserve this ahupua'a and keep the lo'i alive and growing; if not, "No moa poi!" STOP THE KAHANA VALLEY EVICTIONS • KEEP HAWAIIANS ON THEIR LAND Please come to standwith the families as they push to have the evictions forestalled.Please support six Kahana Valley ohana of 40 Plus People. Who will be evicted on Monday, Oct. 27 morning by the DLNR. These families have lived in the valley for generations, but have been unable to obtain leases from the State of Hawaii. Because of a poorly-written 1987 law which prevents the state from issuing new leases. This is in spite of the fact that these families have lived on the land for generations, since Lili'uokalani's birth-mother was the ahupua'a's konohiki. The evictions are cruel and unjust, and demonstrate that the Lingle's administration and the DLNR are willing to make legal exceptions for major players like the Superferry, but will be inflexible for Hawaiian families. According to Annagen Kahala, one of the community's leaders: "We have tried to work with the state... they have put us through loops and we are now being evicted for their mistakes. "These families will join the ranks of the houseless if they are evicted. In times of economic struggle for all people, why would the state destroy homes and knowingly put these families at risk? Please join us for sign waving / POTLUCK SUNDAY 4pm in Kahana. To stand in solidarity with the families of KAHANA. This is an urgent request. Evictions are scheduled for 6am Monday morning. Please kokua. See or call Ikaika at 221-2843 for more information. Make your own signs. Keep it brief. I submitted a few examples: DLNR continues Assault on Kanaka Maoli State wages War against Hawaii nationals. Enough is Enough. U.S. must De-occupy Hawaii U.S. Violating Laws of Occupation War continues in Hawai'i U.S. War and continued Occupation of Hawaii U.S. ongoing war against Hawaii nationals DLNR did it on purpose. Save the Families of Kahana Keep Kahana Valley Families Intact

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