A landmark decision was handed down by the state yesterday that puts more than 12 million gallons of diverted water back into eight Maui streams. State Commission on Water and Resource Management Chair Laura Thielen called the amendments a monumental change. Under the new standards, a minimum amount of water will stay in the designated streams, feeding the natural waterways before the point of diversion. Alan Murakami, with Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation says it?s the first time that an interim instream flow standard has been set while a major sugar company is still operating and actively using the diversions. Officials at HC&S had hoped for a broader decision on all 27 streams so they could better assess the overall impact to their operations which currently employ 800 people through the irrigation of 30,000 acres of sugar cane. The commission plans to assess the progress after a year. (Posted: 9/26/08) Courtesy: Pacific Radio Group and 2008

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  • What is landmark about recognizing the fictional government entity in allowing them to make a decision on water that they have no say in? What would be more landmark is making the decision for themselves without the reaper of our profits telling us what it is we can and can not do. Laura Thielen is an aide of thievery for the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the State. Both fictional entities in the jurisdiction of Ko Hawaii Pae 'Aina.

    • Right on Hale! I said this before and I'll say it over and over again...I do not trust anything, any corporation who's whole existence derives from and depends on the for profit, plundering, de facto private corporation, the United States of America!

      Any legal corporation, any attorney, any lawyer, any judge, has sworn an oath to the Circuit Courts which are really the Kanaka Maoli's Hawaii Postal Savings Bank. These courts (our bank) was created by the de facto specifically to, please sink this in your heads, to make us believe that they own our land, our water, our resources. They do not. We do not have to ask them for anything.

      I like the story of the baby elephant who was tied to a post and tried to yank away but could not and by the time the elephant was full grown with a tiny rope tied to its leg that it could with one little tiny yank, pull away from the post but because of learned helplessness remained there and believed that if it yanked the rope it still would not get away.

      It's time to yank away. We can yank away. I know there's so many Kanaka out there that are scared to yank away from a foster parent. We get attached and develop a certain kind of sick love for this foster parent who will never ever have our best interests in mind. Our real parents, our ancestor's, Kamehameha Ekolu is that parent who set it up so that in this day and age, when the United States dollar is dropping in value and all of the big corporations are tumbling and being swallowed by bigger corporations (the real pyramid scheme), we, Kanaka Maoli, descendants of humans from the country of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, are not bankrupt, our Treasury our Bank is still intact backed by silver and gold. We have a PIKO! United States of America DOES NOT HAVE A PIKO! We have a past Ko Ha wai i I(our piko) pae aina and a future that weaves in and out of our piko, I. With just the few of us that know this, believe it and honor it we are making headway by leaps and bound.

      We are currently offering koe nae na kuleana o na Kanaka in all parts of East Maui specifically to take control of ALL the water back. By posting this, there will be some people that'll read this and make it harder for us to process documents. Yes, we get hit by all sides in an effort by the de facto to stop what we are doing.

      Soon, we will not have to go through any de facto corporate entity specifically created to keep the lie going.
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