
  • Aloha,
    Her hubby is 1/4 Indian and yet the majority of Natives there are Democrat..She really hasnt done anything for the Native Indians there..While her neighbor Russia purchases nuclear weapons I am sure she is well prepared being that she has been a Govenor for how long? So IMHO, and as a matter of fact does it really matter who becomes what?
    The US cannot make restitution for the Native Hawaiian yet it can bail out demonic croonies to the sound of how many billions of and that is democracy...? What about our homeless kanaka anyone bailing them out or the kanaka that purchased homes that foreclosed any relief for them?
    Our focus should be on ground work laying foundation to concrete efforts of re-building re-establishing our Kingdom...everything else is Akaka..oh remove the A
  • Aloha, folks!

    I would still vote for take on his support for the Akaka Bill, that he hasn't met with Kanaka Maoli independence groups, yet. I believe that he would change his vote if he knew the facts, and the wheeling and dealing between Alaska Power, Sen. Inouye, & Akaka, Sen. Ted Stevens (AK) on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge proposed drilling, in exchange for support for the Akaka Bill. The same with Tribal nations, Obama plans to meet with other tribes beside the Crow in Montana. The people that I met in South Dakota had no idea that there were Kanaka Maoli pursuing independence, The major Indian newspapers (Indian Country today)never cover Kanaka Maoli issues, only what OHA feeds of course the Akaka Bill seems like the only way to go for Kanaka Maoli. We need to get the info out as to differing strategies for Hawaiian independence. And gain support for the independence movement...Strength in indigenous numbers. McCain is still an ol' boy colonizer - and Palin, still a Midwest racist. There's a difference between claiming native heritage and not knowing your culture, and actually walking the talk.
    In Indian country, `Skins know who is real or not. Don't see a lot of `Skins jumpin' on the Palin bandwagon.
    • Ironically President Bush was set to veto the Akaka Bill. Senator McCain is strongly against it too... yet some people are still voting for Obama.

      If people think that they can "change" Obama's mind... then good luck. To date Democrats are still trying to push it through.

      Meanwhile to date President Bush and Senator McCain are both Republicans who have made it clear that they do not and will not support the Akaka Bill. They do not have to have their "minds" changed. They already know that the Akaka Bill is kukae. They don't need any "convincing."

      Aloha, Lana
      • It's true that they won't pass it, but it's because they believe it's racist that Hawaiians get anything. That to me just says they're already dead set against any sort of reconciliation. With Bush's history already of invading countries and Mccain wanting to go into Iran already, I'm positive they won't listen to anything about what we want. They aren't against the Akaka bill because it's wrong.
        • Aloha e Komatose.

          The bottom line though is that Republicans strongly oppose it while Democrats support it. Of course I align myself with the party that strongly opposes it but I am not naive to believe that Republicans respect Hawaiians. To me both Republicans and Democrats have slapped our kupuna in their face and continue to slap us in our face but Democrats are the ones who created it. I hold them accountable whereas the Republicans oppose it and Bush was set to veto it.

          In an ideal world this would not happen. Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world but I am not naive when it comes to Republicans. IMO both parties screw over Hawaiians in some way.

          Aloha, L
          • So true Lana! Sadly either direction doesn't help us.
  • I can settle this simply. Do NOT vote for either party candidates if you want real changes. The media of course is the shit-stirrer to obfuscate the real agenda which is to protect the corporate elite. They have given you these four baboozes to select from while the more viable candidates for the people have been snubbed, belittled and barred through fear of binding the hands of the elite oligarchy that runs the country. So, if it's your intention of voting for either party, there is no sense in voting at all. It will be the status quo for the oligarchy whom the troops fight for their liberty, freedoms, and interests, throught a selective and controlled, bogus democracy.

    The best candidates have been Kucinich, Nader, Paul, and McKinney. Both parties should actually be kicked out of Congress and replaced by a "second" party and not one with two names. The brainwashed propaganda that controls the public is that to vote for someone outside of the two parties; your voice won't be heard and so it's futile to vote other than democrat or republican.

    Did you ever think that you fund both parties through the government? Taxpayers pay for the elections (Primary) to vote for either party by culling it down to ONE representative of those two parties. It would interest you to know at least one state has elected someone not in either party as their congress person. Shouldn't the rest of the states follow suit? If you really believe in democracy, break up the monopoly of the democrat and republicn parties. Put in representatives from other parties to get a good mix; then it will be more of a democratic republic.

    The media has made Obama - Palin the obfuscating issue in this election while Biden and McCain are set behind riding on the tail of these two controversial characters. McCain are the to real candidates. All one has to do is assassinate Obama and Biden is President. McCain becomes president and they have time to groom Palin like they did Bush in the event McCain dies of old age. It's a win-win situation for the corporate elite who is orchestrating everything to get their way. Any other candidate not approved by them will be the monkey wrench thrown into their gears. Meanwhile, their media has caused such an uproar and the people are caught in their whirlwind suckered into taking sides of one party or another to dostract everyone as to who is the real controller of the people's destiny as slaves indebted to them as indentured slaves. Think about it.
    • Aloha kākou,

      My nationality is Po'e Hawai'i and my culture is Kanaka Maoli, and as a citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom (prior to the illegal occupation by the U.S. agents of genocide) I cannot and nor do I wish to vote in the U.S. elections. What Americans do is their business, not mine. I respect their rights and privileges in their own country, but not when they impose theirs in my country.

      My business is to do what I can as a Kupa (citizen) to educate our people and promote our independence from the occupying U.S. government.

      As far as I can tell whatever political party prevails in their election schemes does not further our interests, and nor does it matter to me. We will continue to be occupied by a foreign government until we take control of our own destiny through the restoration of our own government. We will do better to focus our energies on educating our citizens on our rights to determine our destiny and to encourage our citizens on what we must do to bring about real change. Onipa'a a imua!
    • Aloha e Tane.

      My parents don't vote at all and they stated it best, "Politicians are crooks." While it's true that both parties are a part of the status quo voting for another party is also voting for the status quo.

      Everyone who is able to vote will make their choice. However choosing another party is just as bad since they are partly responsible for the status quo of Hawaiians too.

      I vote Republican partly because the Democrats voted for "statehood" and it was their vote that helped create the status quo of Hawaiians. They also created the Akaka Bill.

      Ironically to advocate another party is to advocate the same thing. Same power in the hands of the wealthy.

      FWIW last election I voted for Nader. This year it will be McCain.

      Aloha, L
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