About a few weeks ago, I was in Hilo for an appointment of some sort. It has taken me a while to speak about this because I just couldn't believe it. I saw this "big bruddah hawaiian" sitting and waiting for his family - I nodded to acknowledge his presence. Next few minutes I didn't see him so I thought he left. I was then speaking with a distant cousin on my puerto rican side of the family - she looks more japanese. We talked about the expense of the family, schooling, kids, etc and I thought to mention some native hawaiian scholarships her kids could apply to. She said, "My kids not hawaiian..." Story went on as I assumed her husband was part hawaiian because of his family marrying into my father's maternal side of the family - lots of them; they could pass for koko. Lo and behold here comes "big bruddah hawaiian" and it was her husband. I honestly didn't recognize him because he put on some weight - we laughed about weight gain and age, etc. I told him, "Brah, I thought you was one hawaiian guy, I neva recognize you."... many mistook him for hawaiian since he put on some weight. And he said, "Yah, I was in the mall (Hilo) and I was walking around minding my business and had the registration for da kine da Kau Inoa and the guy at da table said, brah you hawaiian come registah. I told em 'No, no I no more hawaiian..." The reply back was, "Neva mine you look hawaiian and you get one T-shirt." So, my distant cousin's husband who looks hawaiian - dark guy has a Kau Inoa T-shirt registered as a hawaiian, no verification required and he is NOT HAWAIIAN! I felt ill to my stomach after hearing this story. I want to know if there are other stories not being told. I know that by pinpointing it happened in Hilo we can find the person or persons responsible for the sign up at this mall - I didn't ask what mall. And it really doesn't matter because there is a record of registrations in Hilo somewhere and because of this ONE incident, the LIST should be questioned. My thoughts here now will probably piss off those I know, who know who I am. Why be piss off with me? Be pissed off with what happened, not me. Check your list now Kau Inoa and be sure you have an accurate account because with grant funding received and with any other issues around "the list" it might come into question how valid the list is. Kau Inoa, I'm not going to give the name of my distant cousin's husband because it is irrelevant, just make sure you have copies of birth certificates for each of your registered HAWAIIANS - double check them now.

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  • aloha kakou,

    this has been an interesting discussion, so although my 2 kenikeni are small, i thought i'd add em to the bank.

    although the issue of non-oiwi members of the kau inoa lahui is certainly a huge one, especially as we continue to negotiate our identities and nationhood as kanaka maoli, it's also not the biggest problem with kau inoa, ea? it almost doesn't matter what kinds of people are signing up, when no one really can articulate what they are signing up for (other than to show unity or get a free shirt).

    maybe if we fix the foundation, those who choose to enter the hale will be of like mind and/or like geneology.
    • Aloha e Kahikina,

      I agree it is not the only "pilikia" (and I don't use that word lightly) with Kau inoa. From backing for the Akaka bill to the selling off of Hawaiian lands, there is so much more to it then non hawaiians signing up but non oiwi getting the shirt bothers me cause they are driving around with the bumperstickers and promoting the theft through OHA's list of names...I know what tane means by "let them it is their country not ours" but it is frustrating. but it's very interesting cause I have many non oiwi friends who ask my opinion an even some of the family listened to me and said they would stear clear of Kau inoa when it came to their town...this means we are reawakening and we also need to reawaken the world. so this is why I am adament about standing next to the table and trying to deter people from signing up but...I really think the picture of Pono with his unkauinoa shirt on is so cool. I love it...we need to do more stuff like that. I'm also wondering what "fix the foundation" means to you...Aloha~
      • Aloha e Momi:

        E pololei 'oe! It's frustrating as hell. I just throw my hands up in disgust. With all the witnessing of the devious habits of Kau Inoa and OHA and the ipso facto governments campaign to promote the propaganda, Kau Inoa is fastly losing its credibility and validity. Poho! If they (Kau Inoa/Oha/ Akaka Bill) were pono, they wouldn't have to go through such extremes. It would sell itself no matter which way it was sliced. This emphasizes the fact that it's a U.S. American sleight of hand. It is blatantly repugnant and seditious that none need to be a rocket scientists to see what's going on. Only zombies would accept it without reason. More people should bring out the unethical practices in signing up with Kau Inoa and the other issues through the various medias. London Bridges fell and so will Kau Inoa and Akaka Bill. I urge people to write all the U.S. senators and tell them of our ku'e to their ficticious intended bill. They don't want to hear it from the same old people. If you haven't written to them; I urge you to do it naow.

        • Maika`i kou mana`o e Tane,

          Yes, I know alot of those zombies....lol! but if OHA isn't going to do the job of "betterment for Hawaiians" I guess we are going to have to educate others of their dirty deeds...Talk about london bridges...Thanks Tane....
  • Hey gurl.....Well, guess what!? I have relatives who signed up and got a shirt and can't prove they have Hawaiian and they were laughing because they got that shirt with no proof of being Hawaiian and this was two years ago..... yup, go figure huh! They also live in the mainland but came back for a family reunion!!

    They seem to have a very lenient policy of registration...ttyl....
    • Hi Lynette,

      Yup after we get a bunch of Kanakamaoli testimony we should send OHA the link to this conversation so they can see that we know and we are posting on the world wide net what they are doing and they can't do a thing about all this information coming out. Many of us like Tane and many others on this website use to post on OHA's forum a while ago before it got shut down. Haole tried to go on and constantly turn it into a racist thing..On maoliworld we can say what we want and OHA has no control over the topic most of which I see is not in their favor. I think it is great..maoliworld has been an awesome way for us to reconnect but more importantly network without being administrated by OHA internet administrators. Mahalo, Momi
      • Those were the days, eh, Momi? We just lay into them and they couldn't do much. I went to their meeting some years back to defend our stance and they shut us down. They were more concerned with a strategy to get all the Kanaka maoli to support the Akaka Bill; Hawaiian Civic club, et al. I was so pissed with them that they won't listen. Now, hoka on them!!! Their reasoning for the Kau inoa has evolved fot they, a foreign country, to establish a government for our nation which already exists. It's we the people that need to re-recognize our inherent sovereignty and existing nationwhich is under U.S. belligerent occupation; not the other way around. They already recognized us as a sovereign nation through compacts and treaties. The latest was the Apology Bill. They are still a foreign country and so is OHA being part of their unlawful State of Hawai'i. This occupier cannot recreate a government for us; that we need to do for ourselves. Please tell the lolos, that there is no such thing as a nation within a nation in its purest definition. There is no self-determination when US Congress has plenary authority over us. Even though they make statements that we are separate of the native Americans and have a unique status which we would not receive funding from them; the thing is we would still be under the Indian affair policy under the Dept. of the Interior and not on parity with the State Department which deals with foreign nations.

        OHA and the semantics used is to obfuscate the facts. Pretty words people want to hear that pacify the masses into believing a lie. Don't get hooked, people! That's what they want....to dupe you into believing something that is not! Pay attention! Many are behind it because of government funding which is stupid. If for education, it's already in the lawbook with no child left behind. In it they recognize native Hawaiians as indigenous.

        That is irrelevant when you think that Hawaii is controlled by people 5,000 miles away who are not concerned about us and our rights. US continental people illegally settle in Hawaii and bring their society and county laws here to Hawaii. We have our own laws; some similar to theirs. We thrived before their invasion and occupation and we can do it without their control again. What some lack is confidence mostly through ignorance of not knowing our history and facts. Poho!

        Kau inoa was first just for a census; then to create their faux governing entity; and now for support of the infamous Akaka Bill. They have admitted it finally because we forced their hand. With all their failures and our strong arguments; they now want to have a summit with Hawaii nationals. What does that tell you?

        They never wanted to hear from us but now they do. Maka'ala and don't concede. They are a US entity and not for the Hawaiian Kingdom nationals. They are still doing their spin to have us voluntarily subjugate ourselves to them and Washington. Their greatest fear is that we get together in unity; that's why they promote a division among Hawaiians and other Hawaii nationals. They already see us unified but are propagandizing otherwise to make us believe we are divided.The veil is slowly lifting and eveyone is seeing the truth; but U.S. Americans don't like it.
        • Mahalo e Tane,

          Just like ten years ago on the forum...you always have words of wisdom. I'm with you all the way on what you say...we have to maka`ala. We don't need 20 mill to teach our people and the world the oia`i`o about our occupied nation and it is not going to come from the u.s. So yes, I agree rerecognize ourselves and teach the keiki so they don't grow up like us thinking we are colonialized american. I'm just learning myself but I understand your mana`o...mahalo...there is such a wealth of knowledge on this website...I appreciate it. I'm not surprised OHA did that to you cause they were doing it all along on the forum until they finally shut it down. but we know why...cause they were "afraid" of what we were saying cause people might start believing us (and it was the truth). I love the truth getting out on the pakaukau. Maoliworld has brought all of us together and although your knowledge is way beyond mine as far as the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc...(you so akamai) we all have our little talents to share on this venue and maoliworld is bringing us all back together...It's more personal...there is more aloha...but you know, "those were the days"...we rattled their cages...they didn't know what to do with us. lol! Mahalo nui e Tane...we are still making noise and rattling cages together...aloha~ Momi
  • its kinda funny because back in time hawaiians werent the only ones part of the kingdom. also during the time of the overthrow there were huis that included hawaiians and non hawaiians being that the main goal was for the better wealth of the lahui. for more information 596 7873 rip it up
    • Yes, in those days there were non hawaiian nationals I agree. but that does not mean these non hawaiians who signed up for kau inoa were educated (obviously cause they signed up) and do they know the real issues Hawaiians are faced with today? Do they know how it is to see a non hawaiian telling us how our ancestors did things...Chanting louder then the rest of the halau and running to the front line at hula practice...I've seen this so much. The Hawaiian Nationals who weren't of koko swore their allegiance to Ko pae`aina o Hawai`i. They didn't sign their names on the dotted line to get a t shirt. For the record my kanaka maoli ancestors signed the ku`e petitions and I agree with them 100%. I'm sure non of those non hawaiians who signed up for kau inoa, #1. Know the issues...#2. Care about our people and our welfare. All they wanted was a t-shirt which OHA wasted twenty mill on propaganda to distort the truth more and they are going with their little tables all over the u.s. looking for unsuspecting, gullible, non educated Hawaiians to sign their names on the dotted line for the propaganda and that is wrong. It is hewa.

      I can also see Tane's point. What gets to me is when I get a group email from a loved family member telling everyone to sign up if they have not yet. From the united states...of course I gave them my take on things...this is not a hawaiian vs. haole issue. IT is the mismanagment of OHA...We would benefit from non hawaiians becoming our allies and I do not try to judge someone until I hear or see what they are all about so I'm not stereotyping anyone but then again their are many non kanaka maoli who have their hidden agendas and that is what the issue is. Most of my non hawaiian friends wouldn't be so maha`oi to go sign up for kau inoa...but why are they doing it...so they can make there way into our nation and infringe apon us their own beliefs? or do they want what is best for all Ko pae`aina o Hawai`i.? Big question...Like I said, a whole hula group signed up so they could all have matching shirts and look the same while they danced. They didn't care one bit about our nation.


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