Jurisdiction in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina

The authority given by law to a court to try cases and rule on legal matters within a particular geographic area and/or over certain types of legal cases. It is vital to determine before a lawsuit is filed which court has jurisdiction. State courts have jurisdiction over matters within that state, and different levels of courts have jurisdiction over lawsuits involving different amounts of money. Jurisdiction in the courts of a particular state may be determined by the location of real property in a state (in rem jurisdiction), or whether the parties are located within the state (in personam jurisdiction). Natives. All persons born within the jurisdiction of the United States, are considered as natives. ~~!Bouvier’s Law Dictionary
Two Parts Required To Complete Jurisdiction
IN REM - adj. from Latin "against or about a thing," referring to a lawsuit or other legal action directed toward property, rather than toward a particular person. Thus, if title to property is the issue, the action is "in rem." The term is important since the location of the property determines which court has jurisdiction and enforcement of a judgment must be upon the property and does not follow a person. "In rem" is different from "in personam," which is directed toward a particular person.
IN PERSONAM - adj. (in purr-soh-nam) from Latin for "directed toward a particular person." In a lawsuit in which the case is against a specific individual, that person must be served with a summons and complaint to give the court jurisdiction to try the case, and the judgment applies to that person and is called an "in personam judgment." In personam is distinguished from in rem, which applies to property or "all the world" instead of a specific person. This technical distinction is important to determine where to file a lawsuit and how to serve a defendant. In personam means that a judgment can be enforceable against the person wherever he/she is. On the other hand, if the lawsuit is to determine title to property (in rem) then the action must be filed where the property exists and is only enforceable there.
The property is located in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and is under the jurisdiction of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina. We do not have to enter or plea or ask for recognition from a foreign court, especially a foreign court that is a foreign court in the country they claim to represent. This is why we, Kanaka Maoli Oiwi, can vest up our interest in Palapala Koe Nae and our Royal Patents. So, if someone tells you that what we are doing is illegal, please ask them what jurisdiction they are referring to. If it is Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, then no, we are just exercising our lawful rights under the law of our Constitution set up for us by the visionary King Kamehameha III, who SAW what the foreigners were up to and could see into the future at our predicament now setting up a system of Patents for Kanaka that is just amazing. If they are representing the jurisdiction of the de facto private corporation, the United States Military, currently illegally occupying Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, then yes, explain to them that we don't fall under that jurisdiction. Very important, especially if these people are Kanaka Maoli "fighting" for sovereignty. How do they expect to gain sovereignty if they espouse such things as we are doing illegal things with koe nae, which by the way sends thousands of smiles to the de facto. Ahhhh, yes, let's pit them against one another. Let's send people from this group that represents this leader to this other class and have them stand outside and pass out fliers to the attendees to go to the OTHER meeting and then bash everything the speaker in the class is saying. That's the way the de facto works. Separate them and when you do that and if you are on Maoli World and you read this you know I'm talking about you. I would never do such a thing to another group who are striving just like the rest of us for one thing and one thing only and that is Sovereignty. If you don't understand koe nae come into a class. We are not a group, we are just individuals that have found a remedy to land issues. You are not required to join and you are so totally not asked to cut your allegiance to your leader of whatever group you are a part of. But, before you stand outside and say that what is being said in class is illegal please have your facts straight because we have ours straight. PAU!!!

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