The Hawaiian "Nationalists" (updated to "Nationals") Was One of THREE (3) Political Parties Since 1891.....FREE HAWAII HAS INACCURACIES POSTED!

FREE HAWAII has Inaccuracies Posted..............the evidence is within the following posted article:

The Nationalists is a NON-Hawaiian /NON Kanaka Maoli issue:

Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893, February 10, 1892, Image 1

Image provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link:


Image provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link:  

Note:  Did leave a message for FREEHAWAII but I've noticed over time that they did not post my comments over time..............hmmmm...............but this posting is left for the Whole World to see........


Comment by Amelia Gora 59 seconds ago
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hi Kukuna,

In response to your comments:

"With the Rice v Cayetano Opinion guiding the fakeState,  it looks as though the maka'ainana will face another 1959 experience. "

The Rice v Cayetano Opinion guiding the fakeState is in actuality a criminal move and an 'identity theft' which gives it an appearance that it was a legal Opinion.  The intent was to assume assets, lands, rights of the Native Hawaiians.  The manipulation, change of the terminologies was just an ongoing move to confuse, frustrate the native people and reward the non-Hawaiians aching to get some of the pie which they do not own.

as for the makaainana getting another 1959 experience......if you look at what really happened..... the Executive Order for Statehood was signed by U.S. President Eisenhower.....who disregarded oppositions to Statehood documented over time.........and Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Abel Cathcart, a cousin of my great grandmother.  He stated that he was a Kamehameha descendant, etc.  Because Opposition was made, 'Sovereignty shall be...' comment made by my Paralegal instructor at Chaminade University of Honolulu who is now a Judge.......recording was also made with the knowledge of Judge King.

"If "democracy" is the guiding light in the formation of "the governing entity" by the withering Office of Hawaiian Affairs,  then the notion that the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands would accept political rule by the Hawaiians,  an alien elite,  is far- fetched.  Yet this is the argument that "Free Hawai'i" is discussing.  The reinstatement of government by Hawaiians will be loved by almost everyone."

Had a discussion with someone from OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs recently, and she didn't know that our Hawaiian Government is made up of three (3) parts:  (1) the Sovereign - heirs and successors; (2) the original House of Nobles - their descendants and 3) the House of Representatives.  Only the Sovereign and the House of Nobles are permanent parts of the government, and the House of Representatives are an elected body...........therefore, any other set up is no different from the pirates, treasonous persons such as those who moved to start up the Provisional Government, turned Republic, then Territory, and Executive Order State of Hawaii, etc.

Also, anyone calling themselves Kings, Queens, etc. are likened to the OHA because they fail to heed the original set up.......which can be found in the Case Rex vs. Booth.

The OHA person admitted that she didn't know that..........and that's in Case Law....even a Land Court judge asked me where I found the information.........

"Truthfully,  we all live and breathe every day the rule by "alien elite" ! "  

The U.S. needs to take back their pirates......because they are on record as Premeditating to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, etc.

"With all the trappings of "democracy",  our daily lives run into the fact that a small minority MAKES the final decisions at every turn. 

 So how rational would it be,  for the Hawaiian politicians to be accepted by the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands as a "dominant minority" ??

Big Islander Joseph Nawahi would ask: "Are the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands READY to accept a "dominant minority" made up of Lei- Stand maka'ainana ??"  "

The land owners are here..What Is Is..the Kamehameha descendants are here ..What Is Is....the Permanent Treaty(ies) continue because it was made a Kamehameha.....and his descendants are here....What Is Is......and I continue to document the facts..... through 24+ years of research......the criminals, pirates are here and thanks to the internet, everyone can see who the criminal deviants, the treasonous ones, the terrorists are .....and I did use that term in a letter to the President  BEFORE the U.S. started using the term...."

Descendants of Joseph Nawahi exists, they happen to be descendants of Kalaniopuu, et. als. and am in contact with some of them......many support truth as well....

"This is a mouthful !!  Thank Sweet Jesus for providing the UH Manoa "Brain Trust" to help us understand these problems."

The UH Manoa "Brain Trust" does Not help many to understand the problems because many are perpetuating the untruths, the criminal acts made by many against our people......I found the term "kanaka maoli" in the Census records of 1890, informed Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell et. als. with documented evidence.........and I have also found the use of the term by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III as well..... this is Not the kind of stuff that the UH puts out.....also, our families have put out the oral history of our family which I have been able to verify through aged documents outside of the UH system.....have you ever noticed that some of the so called Professors are actually descendants of those who helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani..........the supporters of UH including Daniel Akaka descends from one Thomas Akaka who helped to plan the dethronement in `1892 and was working with Dr. Mott-Smith in Washington, D.C., etc...........lots of info can be had by doing research outside of the UH System which indoctrinates the students to lies, deceit, criminal perspectives, etc......don't be too trusting of a System which to this day contaminates our language....the use of okinas, etc.......moves to contaminate our environment......they did help to develop Agent Orange, etc.

Your comments are interesting, yet it doesn't reflect accuracy......I give you a grade of C, and for your talents in Artwork/photoshop etc. a grade of A!

 FRAUD and soooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh  moreeeeeee......has been found/uncovered...the UH does not put it out..........

Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!, please share the TRUTH..........there's a lot more to be said but you folks need to realize that so much wickedness has happened over time ...... 
do hope that you realize that when Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III conveyed alodio/ano alodio lands, he actually gave a small business to each one of our ancestors..........because the opportunity to sell, rent, lease, etc. was put forward and intended for the lands to remain forever to the heirs to pass on to their heirs, only heirs of the koko/blood......perpetuity..........
absolutely awesome when you really think about it...........
eyes 068

MAKA ALA................WAKE UP PEOPLE......................

Also, if you feel you're part of our families.........step forward.........prove it......come help.............and join us is EXPOSING THE PIRATES, the SCUM, the SCOUNDRELS, or Updated Term, Terror/Terroristic Threat Makers/Perpetuators of Fraud, Criminal Deviance, Conspirators, Treasonous Persons, Genocide Activists, TERRORISTS of our family(ies), kanaka maoli/subjects, friends, since the time that the criminals put out LIES that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the Last of the Kamehameha's.......we hold some of the evidence that she was NOT EVEN related to us!

Feel like having a good paper work/Palapala fight...............You're Welcome to JOIN US NOW!

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Comment by kukuna o ka la on February 27, 2013 at 2:52am
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Dear Ms. Gora,

With the Rice v Cayetano Opinion guiding the fakeState,  it looks as though the maka'ainana will face another 1959 experience.  
If "democracy" is the guiding light in the formation of "the governing entity" by the withering Office of Hawaiian Affairs,  then the notion that the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands would accept political rule by the Hawaiians,  an alien elite,  is far- fetched.  Yet this is the argument that "Free Hawai'i" is discussing.  The reinstatement of government by Hawaiians will be loved by almost everyone.

Truthfully,  we all live and breathe every day the rule by "alien elite" !

With all the trappings of "democracy",  our daily lives run into the fact that a small minority MAKES the final decisions at every turn.   

So how rational would it be,  for the Hawaiian politicians to be accepted by the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands as a "dominant minority" ??

Big Islander Joseph Nawahi would ask: "Are the present inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands READY to accept a "dominant minority" made up of Lei- Stand maka'ainana ??"

This is a mouthful !!  Thank Sweet Jesus for providing the UH Manoa "Brain Trust" to help us understand these problems.

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  • Re:  Rice vs. Cayetano case............. The Journal of South Pacific Law posted:


    By Damien P. Horigan[*]

    Ewha Graduate School of International Studies

    "[22] Until recently, Native Hawaiians had exclusive control of a governmental entity called the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (“OHA”). Haw. Const. Art. XII, §§ 5 & 6; Haw. Rev. Stat. ch. 10. See also, OHA (last visited April 25, 2001) OHA's future is uncertain at the time of writing due to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Rice v. Cayetano, --- U.S. ---, 120 S.Ct. 1044 [Case No. 98-818, U.S. Supreme Court] (Decided on Feb. 23, 2000). Cornell Legal Information Institute, Supreme Court Collection, Rice v. Cayetano (last visited April 25, 2001)

    In Rice, the U.S. Supreme Court held that Hawaii state constitutional requirement that voters in elections for Trustees of OHA have some Hawaiian blood violated the Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

    A related case from the state supreme court regarding the nature of the OHA Trustees is OHA v. Cayetano, 94 Haw. 1, 6 P.3d 799 (Haw. 2000).

    In response to the Rice decision, on July 20, 2000, Senator Daniel Akaka of Hawaii and Representative Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii introduced companion measures in the United States Senate and House of Representatives to grant federal recognition to a new governmental entity to be created by Native Hawaiians. S. 2899 & H.R. 4904, 106th Congress. On January 22, 2001, a new bill, S. 81, was introduced in the 107th Congress. More recently, on April 6, 2001, Senator Akaka introduced a further revision in the form of S. 746. For the latest, see the “THOMAS” website. Library of Congress, THOMAS (last visited April 25, 2001) "

    There are other interesting points given by the University of the South Pacific which has universities from Argentina to Vietnam (not in the U.S.)....



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    reposted with more info.........
    Political Parties Three (3) Since 1891
    The Hawaiian Nationalists (updated to Nationals ) Was One of THREE (3) Political Parties Since 1891.....FREE HAWAII HAS INACCURACIES POSTED! Posted by Amel…
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