PART 1 UTUBE # Fw: Russell Means Speaks Out (part 1 & 2 ) w/ Editor Hadassah Broscova Carpe Articulum Magazine

Tony Castanha
Oct 4 (9 days ago)
*fyi - very interesting conversations w/ Russell Means.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Firefly  
Date: Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 3:13 AM
Subject: CORRECTION ...PART 1  UTUBE #    Fw: Russell Means Speaks Out
(part 1 & 2 ) w/ Editor Hadassah Broscova Carpe Articulum Magazine
To: lilia  

PART  1-----

Firefly (Lilia Adecer Cajilog)
Tawo Seed Carrier
POB 1456
South Pasadena, CA 91031


Part 1
Part 2

Russell Means Speaks Out (part 1 & 2) w/ Editor Hadassah Broscova
Carpe Articulum Magazine

Uploaded by russianhadassah on Aug 29, 2011

A powerful interview covering his life's work, world views, and dying
of cancer... a deep introspective and intimate journey through what
makes Russell Means tick. He is a powerful, pivotal figure and one of
the only international spokespersons championing the plight of the
Native American Indian and other indigenous tribes worldwide. To lose
him would be a devastating blow as he has given his life to raising
awareness and fighting for the rights of oppressed persons everywhere,
calling specific attention to over 155 years of broken treaties with
the Native American Peoples. To help with his cancer treatments,
please donate via His beautiful wife Pearl Means
is a pillar of strength in these difficult times. This is a rare
privilege to see her speaking openly. We hope this is not the last
interview he is able to give. They have given him three months to
live. May all health return to him soon... For more information on the
International Literary Magazine, Carpe Articulum Literary Review,
Journal of the Stars, or the Editor-in-Chief Hadassah Broscova, see This video copyright (c) 2011 Carpe Articulum
Foundation/Carpe Articulum LIterary Review

Firefly (Lilia Adecer Cajilog)
Tawo Seed Carrier
POB 1456
South Pasadena, CA 91031

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  • If Your Native Like This Page! Let See How Many Natives Are On FB
    Leonard Peltier’s Statement for Russell Means:

    "Greetings my relatives and friends

    I wish I was there to talk with you in person and share with you the sorrow that I feel with the passing of Russell Means, my brother, my friend, and inspiration on many levels. Russell Means will always be an icon whenever the American Indian Movement is spoken of and whenever people talk about the changes that took place, the changes that are taking place now for Indian people.

    One thing about Russell I always remembered, and I think someone else once said it, you may have loved him, or you may have disliked him, but you couldn’t ignore him. I’ll always remember when an elder said one time, I was at a ceremony and I asked what this half shaped moon circle on the ground meant, and he said it was a symbol of the circle of life, the never ending of the circle of life, and I said there is only half a circle, and he said the other half was unseen, it is the spirit world. For Indian people it never ends, we don’t have a linear existence, so I know I will see Russell again, and I take comfort in that thought. For men like Russell Means don’t come along in a lifetime very often. He was truly an inspiration for all of us younger guys at the time. He had good words to say, he was eloquent when he spoke them, and he spoke English as clearly and precisely and as articulate as any one I have ever heard speak. And he knew what he was talking about. And I know all of you out there, as well as myself, will always remember our friend, our brother and fellow activist, and how he stood with us to recapture the freedoms we’ve lost, and protect the ones that we still have, and bring about a better future for our people, and all people of this Mother Earth, who’s nature is in peril.

    I really don’t know what else to say about our brother Russell, other than to Russell himself, “We’ll see you again my brother Russell, in some other time and in some other place, we will always be your friend, and we will always look forward to seeing your face. Mitakuye Oyasin ”

    In the spirit of Crazy Horse, and Russell Means.

    I’ll close for now.

    Leonard Peltier

    — with Terry Wells and 10 others.
    Leonard Peltier’s Statement for Russell Means: "Greetings my relatives and friends I wish I was there to talk with you in person and share with you the sorrow that I feel with the passing of Russell Means, my brother, my friend, and inspiration on many levels. Russell Means will always be an icon whenever the American Indian Movement is spoken of and whenever people talk about the changes that took place, the changes that are taking place now for Indian people. One thing about Russell I always remembered, and I think someone else once said it, you may have loved him, or you may have disliked him, but you couldn’t ignore him. I’ll always remember when an elder said one time, I was at a ceremony and I asked what this half shaped moon circle on the ground meant, and he said it was a symbol of the circle of life, the never ending of the circle of life, and I said there is only half a circle, and he said the other half was unseen, it is the spirit world. For Indian people it never ends, we don’t have a linear existence, so I know I will see Russell again, and I take comfort in that thought. For men like Russell Means don’t come along in a lifetime very often. He was truly an inspiration for all of us younger guys at the time. He had good words to say, he was eloquent when he spoke them, and he spoke English as clearly and precisely and as articulate as any one I have ever heard speak. And he knew what he was talking about. And I know all of you out there, as well as myself, will always remember our friend, our brother and fellow activist, and how he stood with us to recapture the freedoms we’ve lost, and protect the ones that we still have, and bring about a better future for our people, and all people of this Mother Earth, who’s nature is in peril. I really don’t know what else to say about our brother Russell, other than to Russell himself, “We’ll see you again my brother Russell, in some other time and in some other place, we will always be your friend, and we will always look forward to seeing your face. Mitakuye Oyasin ” In the spirit of Crazy Horse, and Russell Means. I’ll close for now. Leonard Peltier Source:
    Leonard Peltier’s Statement for Russell Means:

    "Greetings my relatives and friends

    I wish I was there to talk with you in person and share with you the sorrow...
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