Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2017-0321 Re: Seven - 7 Day Notice of Rents Due from Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Trustees Defaulted posted by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member/Judge, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Royal Family Member, Royal person, one of the True Trustees of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani through her true Trustee Kaaumoana/Kahakuahaakoi, one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi her sister, one of the descendants/heirs of Abigail Maikai/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu /Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani another sister, one of the descendants/heirs of Keawe/David Keawe/ David Pauahi, and Opunui - Pauahi's/Bernice Pauahi's sons/stepsons/hanai/adopted son
Kamehameha Schools/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees, et. als.
U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others
Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trustees, et. als. and Kamehameha Schools/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees have defaulted due to their failure in answering the seven -7 day Legal Notice for rents, etc.
Both Trusts are not able to show alodio titles to properties belonging to our Royal Families.
Their failure also means that they are maintaining fraud, criminal malfeasance, racketeering, conspiracies documented.
According to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, prosecution by removal and returning the guilty to their country/nation is part of the contractual agreements which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1850.
The Trustees /Trusts were listed in the Judicial Tribunal affecting Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1850. Certified Return Receipt Requested documents were served to U.S. President Obama and also sent to your office. A total of 851 persons/ entities were listed and legally dispossessed. See:
The Trustees/Trusts were legally dispossessed. The continuation of the Trusts shows the perpetuation of fraud, criminal conveyances, racketeering by those who are Not the heirs, sent in regards to lands which has alodio/allodial/lodio titles which they have been criminally claiming over time.
Research has uncovered the criminal activities by aliens who have maneuvered to assume lands of our Royal Families by genocide activities in the Hawaiian Islands documented through oral history, and newspaper articles, etc.
Genocide - Hiding, Tongues Pulled Out/Cut Out, Hanging, Guillotine/Lynching, Shooting, Death by Sharks, Scalping, etc.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Royal Family members whose families have stories of how they had to hide from aliens/foreigners who searched for them with the intent on beating, killing, throwing them on the leper colony in Kalaupapa/Kalawao.
Tongues Pulled Out/Cut Out, Hanging, Guillotine/Lynching, Shooting, Death by Sharks, Scalping, etc. See:
800 were beheaded, etc. See:
Note: Maria Taylor Jack also has stories of beheadings, hangings, and "turkey" hunts of all connected to the alii, compliments of Wilcox...he adds.
Historical note: Maria Taylor is the great grandaughter of U.S. President Taylor who signed the 1849/50 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America - the Treaty was an amity, and friendship treaty.
Forty (40)+ years of history research, 27 years of genealogy research, and 15+ years of legal research has been done with the purpose of finding truth, searching for the Royal Families, problematic issues, etc.
In 1996, or twenty years ago, I filed an Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu which includes genealogies, premeditation plans to takeover the Hawaiian Islands with documented plans made in Makua Valley, an article written for the U.S. Army, parts of information showing the Strategic Plans of taking over the Hawaiian Islands, Aetearoa/New Zealand, and the Samoan Islands maps, information from the book THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea. The entire copy of the book can be read at this link:
[PDF]The Valor of Ignorance - UO Libraries
Our legal claim is that I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kalola (w) documented relative - cousin, step sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Kalola (w) name appears on the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop as the next of kin.
Kalola (w) married Luluhiwalani and had son Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who married Kahananui, who had Ioela. Ioela married Kalola's hanai/ adopted daughter named Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu, who had a daughter named Haili (w) who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora and had John (siblings: Joseph, William, Walter, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis). John married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings).
There are multiple claims to these families including being descendants/heirs of both stepson: David Keawe/ David Pauahi (father of Mele Keawe); and hanai/adopted son: Opunui (father of Kapehe opio and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa.)
Opunui had Kapehe opio and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa. Kapehe opio had Mele Keawe who married William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/Charles Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Annie, Charles Jr.). Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary (siblings: Albert, Harriet, Alberta, Irene, Rudolph, and Joseph). Mary Kauweloa divorced and married Ceferino Maduli and had more children (Vale, Ceferino Jr., Lucia, Fermina, Francis, and Kata). Mary married John Gora and had Leola (adopted by Dad), Elizabeth, myself (Amelia), John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian (dec.).
Charles Reed Bishop had only a life time interest and he did assign the Trustees to be his heirs of his lifetime interest. The Trustees perpetuated a fraud and maintained his Trust.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop had siblings, other marriages, and stepchildren/hanai/adopted children.
Her husband Charles Reed Bishop was married to a Kahele(w), and divorced later.
Note: Charles Reed Bishop wrongfully added his sister's daughter to Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Will allowing non Hawaiians to benefit off of lands, monies that did not belong to them. U.S. President Obama's grandfather was the son of Bernice Pauahi Dunham the niece of Charles Reed Bishop. See:
It was common for the Royal Families to have multiple marriages.
The alodio/allodial/lodio land titles belongs to our families. Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's" as claimed by conspirator, treasonous person Sanford B. Dole who wrote his article in 1872: see also:
I and others have the bloodlines of the Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands. The following is an update of the Royal Families Genealogies.
Note: The Kamehameha Dynasty included Kamehameha through Queen Liliuokalani. Aliens moved to have King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani documented as the Kalakaua Dynasty when they belonged to the Kamehameha Dynasty. King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's mother was Keohokalole/A. Keohokalole who was a hanai of Kamehameha descendant Nahuina (w). She was the daughter of Kapule (k) and Kini (w) who descended from Hanuna (k), the son of Kaoleioku (k) the oldest son of Kamehameha who married Kanekapolei (w).
Genealogies UpdatedMarch 2017
By Amelia Gora (2017)
The following genealogies were arranged by Queen Liliuokalani.
Below Queen Liliuokalani's information are Updates were made based on information gathered as evidence over the years due to false claims that Bernice Pauahi was the "last of the Kamehameha's". All of the updates has credible sources taken from information found in research over time. Please keep for your records and keep with your land documents, evidence, etc.

adopted: Augustine Nuhi (k)



hanai/adopted: Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeha/ Liliuokalani (w)
Abner Paki (k) Kaikaina/Kaikainalii (w) stepchildren:
Abner Paki's brother: Kalaniulumoku (k) children: Kalola (w);
Kaluaikau (w); Alapai (k); Namahana (w);
Abigail Maheha (w); Jane Loeau (w);
et. als.
John Young (k) Kaonaeha/Kuamoo (w) children: John Young Jr; Fanny/Pane(w); Grace/Kamaikui (w); Gini/Lahilahi (w); James Kanehoa Young (k); adopted children: Hueu Davis (k); Kale Davis (k); and Peke Davis; hanai/adopted children of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.
Fanny/Pane (w) and Naea (k) had children: Emma adopted by TCB Rooke, second husband of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (w). Grace Kamaikui/Kamaikui/Kalukona married Isaac Davis and had Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Their true cousin Emma became their sibling.

The Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Trusts/Estates belongs to our Royal Families.
We are the true trustees for Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and Superior Title Owners of both Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Trusts/Estates as found and documented in research.
Both Trusts, their Trustees have failed to respond to the Legal 7 Day Notice, certified, return receipt mailings which included the fact that they were dispossessed from lands that they have no interest in.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli conveyed to our families Alodio/Allodial/Lodio Land Titles in 1848. To Aliens, he conveyed Fee Simple or less than Alodio/Allodial/Lodio Land Titles.
The entity Territory criminally changed our Land System to 'Alodio in Fee Simple' and committed a crime, intended to defraud our families.
Non-owners conveyed properties to the United States of America and perpetuated crimes affecting our monies, lands, mineral rights, etc.
The Trusts, Trustees were legally dispossessed according to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.
The Trusts/Trustees are subject to be taken, removed, expelled from our properties and accordingly by the United States of America.
We realize that there was no annexation, U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani, then U.S. President McKinley gave the Army, Navy, Federal personnel assignments to develop a Territory government which identity thieved our Kingdom of Hawaii claiming to be a "successor".
Limits on the Treaty Power - Harvard Law Review