The following was sent to many:
Corrections of Rents and Leases for RP2691 at Kawaiahao, Honolulu, Oahu and other properties
5:50 AM (15 hours ago) |
$500,000 Rents and Leases per Month Due for the Ongoing Use of Pehu's and Keekapu's Properties RP2691 at Kawaiahao, Honolulu, Oahu
7:41 AM (21 hours ago) |
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees
U.S. President Obama, et. als.
My name is Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Alodio/Ano Alodio lands are our legal claims.
The KSBE/Kamehameha Schools, Trustees are Not related to our Royal Families who have the prima facie documents of superior titles to many of the lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
Reference: 1851 Speech of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli regarding alodio and Fee Simple lands to Aliens, etc.; etc.
This letter is to inform you that the lands of Pehu and Keekapu has owners and rents and leases are due to Keekapu's last husband named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu son of Keawe and Peke/ Peke Davis, who was her sole heir.
Keawe was the son of John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Peke/Peke Davis was the daughter of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Isaac Davis. She was also the hanai/ adopted daughter of Kamehameha, John Young/Olohana, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was also married to Kaheana and had stepchildren. Their father was Keo.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was with/ married to Opunui's daughter Kapehe/Kapehe opio/Kapopo and had Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and David Keawe/Keawepoo. Opunui was son of Kekualoa (daughter of John Kapena) and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Their great grandfather was Poonui of Maui.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who married Wahinealoha/ Meleana.
Wahinealoha/Meleana was previously married to others including Moo and John Booth son of saloon owner, Englishman named Joseph Booth. Joseph Booth was an Alien who could not own Alodio lands.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who had a daughter/ hanai daughter named Mele Keawe documented in Liber 165 page 457.
Mele Keawe was married to David Nohola whose Guardian was George Lucas.
David Nohola was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai.
Mele Keawe married Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa the son of Opunui and Kalaikini who had been married to John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Kalaikini was one of the children of Kuheleloa, son of Kauhi, descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Hueu Davis, and Kamehameha.
Kalaikini was the Power of Attorney for Ruth Keelikolani before Charles Reed Bishop.
Kalaikini's son was adopted by her sister Kahananui.
Mele Keawe and Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa had Mary Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa; Annie; and Charles Jr.
Note: Mele Keawe was a recipient of a Trust and when she died everyone wondered what happened to the Trust monies. She was one of the heirs of Peke Davis, Hueu Davis and her earlier husband Noholoa.
Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had Mary Castro and others named (siblings)
Mary Castro married John Gora who was also a Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Hueu Davis, Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop on record - et. als. descendant/heir and had Amelia Gora,siblings.
Rents and Leases are Due for the Pehu, Keekapu, Kekuanaoa (other families involves our father's families and those descending from Paalua, the oldest son of Kekuanaoa, and his stepchildren John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani. An adopted son named John M. Kapena was a treasonous person documented. Nuuanu, et. als. Properties because we are the legal alodio/ano alodio title owners.
We are the alodio/ano alodio land owners and not the Aliens Fee Simple owners.
The KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates building sits on Pehu's property, Royal Patent 2691, Land Commission Award 685, Survey Notes, the "Greer Map", etc.asproof.
Pehu's lot was from Keekapu's parents named Honokaupu and her mother Kaneikaawa. Honokaupu's lot - Royal Patent 5705, Land Commission Award 243 is also shown on the "Greer Map" a short distance away the area where City Hall stands and the area where the yearly Santa Claus decorations are put up.
Pehu's and Keekapu's lands includes Fort Street Mall where Walmart stands, etc.
$500,000 per month for Royal Patent 2691 Land Commission Award 685, and the use of several offices/ a floor, for our records, etc.
The account that will be used for the purposes of the Rents/Leases are under xxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxx.
I and other Royal Family members, descendants/heirs of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu are the Landlords and will be the managers/overseers of the lands, buildings, listed for the Account.
Monies shall be deposited in the account with an email and a Posted letter showing that payment has been submitted at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
According to HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 6, page 758, the "Landlord's claim for rent is a lien and has priority over ordinary debts."
Failure to pay will result in eviction for your entity which cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodio lands, etc.
Have a Good Day!
Amelia Gora, descendant of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva who had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio heir of Keekapu, Pehu et. als., a Royal person, Royal Family member, One of our Royal Families Representatives, Landlord of record, Private Property owner, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative
p.s. The above is for RP2691, there are many other properties owned by our families including those leased out to Andy Anderson, and others. Rents and leases are also due for RP1125; RP5667; RP2540; RP1270, RP2280 Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, etc.
Due date for the above billing is in 30 days or July 10, 2016 and other lands rents and leases will be due by July 31, 2016. A listing of the other lands will be forthcoming.
(Note: some names removed for privacy)
Legal Notice
Landlord Notice No. 2:
Amelia Gora shared her post.
found the frauds..."obtain an allodial title in fee simple" vs. Kamehameha Ill "alodio" for kanaka maoli and "fee simple" for ALIENS! refs,..Indices of Land Commission Awards (1929) and Kamehameha III speech of 1851
From: Amelia Gora <>
Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 9:43 PM
Subject: Corrected copy sent 6/9/2016
To: Amelia Gora <>
Corrections of Rents and Leases for RP2691 at Kawaiahao, Honolulu, Oahu and other properties
Amelia Gora <>,,,,,
Office of the Chief of Police <>,
"" <>,,
Switzerland Government <>,
"" <>,
Irish Government <>,,
$500,000 Rents and Leases per Month Due for the Ongoing Use of Pehu's and Keekapu's Properties RP2691 at Kawaiahao, Honolulu, Oahu
Amelia Gora <>
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