The Reign of the overlords ends with Truths...

Bishop Estate, Hawaii’s Overlords
Since the monkeys that claimed to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom purchased Charles Reed Bishop’s interest in the Estate of his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop in 1898 for $800,000,
Note: Liber 142 page 142 shows that Charles Reed Bishop transferred his LIFE INTEREST to the Bishop Estates Trustees.
Trustees are Not heirs.
it has become the tool to continue to suppress the Hawaiian people. Now known as Kamehameha Schools, they continue to create the image they are the keepers of the Kamehameha Legacy, yet everything they do is a blatant attempt to destroy that Legacy.
One of the many issues is how did Bishop Estate become one of the largest landholders in the Hawaiian Islands, and becoming the largest private Trust in America, worth more than 7 billion dollars in 2015?
A 2009 letter from Mr. Paul Lucas, senior attorney from Kamehameha Schools, to Uncle Sonny Paalua provides some of the answers “In this case the heir of Lot Kapuaiwa was judicially determined to be his daughter Ruth Keelikolani, who left all of her lands to her cousin Bernice Pauahi Bishop”.
Note: Lot Kapuaiwa was NOT the father of Bernice Pauahi, he was a one of the probates, Lot denied that she was a sister.
There is no historical issue that Ruth Keelikolani was born in 1826, and Lot Kapuaiwa was born in 1830, making it impossible for Ruth to be the daughter of Lot, history records they had the same father, and different mothers.
Based on Bishop Estate claims that Ruth Keelikolani was the daughter of Lot Kapuaiwa, they lay claim to their sister, Victoria Kamamalu, and their fathers Mataio Kekuanaoa’s lands Awarded during the process created by Kamehameha III, commonly called the Mahele. Just one Award alone, to Lot Kapuaiwa, the ahupuaa of Keauhou in Kona, is more than 130,000 acres. Between Ruth, Lot, Victoria, and their father, Mataio, they were awarded 100’s of thousands of acres of land throughout the Hawaiian Islands. As it turns out the bulk of Bishop Estates land, comes through this one family.
Bishop Estate claims they obtained its rights to these vast amount of lands through the Will of Ruth Keelikolani, who inherited rights of Lot Kapuaiwa,(her half-brother) Victoria Kamamulu, (her half-sister) and Mataio Keakuanaoa (her father) to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, then from the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, to Bishop Estate.
Now nobody in their right mind could not reasonably claim that Bishop Estate, or Kamehameha Schools, a Trust and corporate body is “of the blood” to Ruth Keelikolani, Lot Kapuaiwa, Victoria Kamamalu, or Mataio Kekuanaoa, right?
Hawaiian Kingdom law and even modern state of Hawaii law says ‘all those who are not of the blood of the ancestor, shall be excluded from such inheritance. (see Civil Codes of the Hawaii Islands (1859), Laws of Descent, section 1454, and HRS 532-8)
Note: Supreme Court Ruling also says that Trustees are Not heirs and do not inherit. What we have here are treasonous persons who have ongoing identity theft issues, etc.
These Overlords still are living the lie in 2015, depriving the lawful heirs of these lands, the use and revenues of these lands, to perpetuate the myth, that they are the keepers of the Kamehameha Legacy.
Note: We the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom based on the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, article XIV, have documented 534 Pirates, pillagers, treasonous persons, etc. to date. see below or link at
They have corrupt police arrest Uncle Sonny on his own land, for Trespassing, their corrupt Police officers refuse to investigate the theft of his property from his home, and they continue to promote schemes to convert the Hawaiian Kingdom into an Indian Tribe.
Note: Whose land is Sonny Paalua on? We have Protective Orders for kanaka maoli who also help to take care of our families interests.
Our family is part of Mataio Kekuanaoa's families.....descending from Paalua/Kapaalua/Palua who had the following documented children: 1) Kaawa 2) Kauhi 3) Mahina (w) 4) Kekolohe/Kekalohe Kuapuu (w) and 5) Uiha/Kaluauiha/Kekoauiha (w).
Our families did not utilize the Paalua/Kapaalua/Palua name.
What can be done? Time to get Hawaiian lands, back in Hawaiian hands!
Replies Rainbow Connection If We Hold On Together I Will Follow Him