Video Blog #32: Asserting & Exercising Your Hawaiian National Rights - (Part 6) -

Video Blog #32: Asserting & Exercising Your Hawaiian National Rights - (Part 6) - from Kaleo Farias III on Vimeo.

Find out from Kaleo Farias how the United States Federal Government and the "Fake State" of Hawai'i has involuntarily stole your “Birth Name,” your “Birthright,” and your “Right” to “Assert and Exercise your Human Right,” or “National Right” in your own Homeland and Country of Hawai’i. This applies specifically and directly to everyone whose ancestors were from the Kingdom of Hawai’iand for those of you who were born in Ko Hawai’i Pae Aina, the Hawaiian islands.

This is Part 6 of “Asserting & Exercising Your Hawaiian National Rights.” Enjoy!!!

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Find out from Kaleo Farias how the United States Federal Government and the "Fake State" of Hawai'i has involuntarily stole your “Birth Name,” your “Birthright,” and your “Right” to “Assert and Exercise your Human Right,” or “National Right” in your own Homeland and Country of Hawai’i. This applies specifically and directly to everyone whose ancestors were from the Kingdom of Hawai’iand for those of you who were born in Ko Hawai’i Pae Aina, the Hawaiian islands.This is Part 6 of “Asserting & Exercising Your Hawaiian National Rights.” Enjoy!!!

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