Uncle Pomai, as a makua to a kupuna and am proudly to say that I'm proud of you for your efforts on trying to save since it's been taken over from a defactos GOVERNENT our identity and our country. You will always to me be a true Kanaka Makua, a real HAWAIIAN and a KANAKA MAOLI. I'm am proud of you cause you stand your grounds and not a fake like all the other Kanaka's out there. Keep up your good work and I'll always be there for you in support. I'm not financially stabled yet to fully support you by paying for a ticket and fly there but be there for you in HEART, HONOR, LOVE, AND RESPECT. So again, keep up the good work cause you have one real PONO person that is on yourside, his name is Jahova and Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, AMENE. Aloha, Aloha Kako.