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Daniel Kailikoa Coakley, Hawaiian Olympian

Views: 112
Kailikoa's parents are KS Alumni who were told their son would never make it to the olympics. He joined a swimming team from the Phillippines to prove them wrong. Purchase a T-shirt for SUPPORT!

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    Here's a coming home e-mail I just received from this morning from Kailikoa's mom Lani:

    Aloha Everyone!

    It's so good to be back in Kohala!
    Getting off the plane at Kona... walking down the steps onto the tarmac with the wind blowing and the sun shining... So country compared to Beijing's airport. But nothing beats coming home. I loved the grandeur of the Imperial and Summer Palaces, but it can't compare to our island's open spaces and the contrast of the black lavafields against the blues of the sky and ocean.

    I learned to appreciate China's differences, especially the restroom facilities. I wished there were more Western facilities, but as I began to understand the health issues, their way is better for them. Also, it's amazing how the masses move in a very orderly manner. It's quiet for a big city. No cars honking constantly, sirens blaring, people shouting and tvs or radios blasting. Although the language is a barrier, they try to be accomodating. The athletes from African and South American countries said the Chinese treated them very nice and respectful and were also amazed at the level of order.

    There is this strong sense of National pride in China. Some of us from Hawaii with Chinese backgrounds began to feel that connection too as we passed the countryside. Looked like Hawaii... and I could almost feel that homesickness that my Chinese ancestor felt, that longing to return to his homeland. So proud to be a part of that history. We are so Hawaii... proud to be a part of whatever we are a part of... no matter what it is. We cheered for the Philippines and USA as well as all the Hawaii people, whatever country they were representing. We gave leis to France's 50 free silver and bronze medalists as well as to the parents of Cesar Cielo, the Brazilian gold medalist. We gave leis mostly to the workers. Ironically, the "Hawaiian" shell leis were made in the Philippines.

    Daniel left Beijing last Monday, because he had to check into his college this past weekend. He didn't get to go on the Great Wall or Imperial Palace tours. Fortunately, Jason (Bolles asst coach who went to the Olympics with him) took Daniel down to his college in South Florida. Jason's wife, Tracy, said that it was a sad departure. They have shared a house and they all have really grown close, like family.

    Again, we want to thank all of you for supporting Daniel (Kailikoa) on his journey to the Olympics. Daniel had the swim of his life at the Olympics, and now it is time to move on to other things.

    Mahalo for the kind words, even if he didn't get the gold, or to the semi-finals. Thank you for appreciating what it takes just to get to the Olympics. That's the thing with Hawaii people... we're just happy to be from Hawaii, and we're just proud that someone made it somewhere, no matter how it ends... whether it's on American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Making the Band or what.

    While some people may feel that winning is everything, Hawaii people say, "Surf's Up!" Have fun and enjoy the wave. Thanks for riding the wave with us and for making this Olympic journey an exciting experience. It was pure joy! We wouldn't have been able to do it without all of your support. Thanks, you guys for the aloha!

    2012, London!

    P.S. Got a note from Dawn, who filmed Daniel on his Olympic journey. She says:
    I had a meeting with KHON
    Airing our show on Thursday, September 18 at 9:00pm
    then again on Sunday, the 21st at 10:30pm.
  • Here's a copy of an e-mail I received this morning from Daniel Zane "Kailikoa" Coakley' mom Lani:

    Aloha Everyone!

    For all of you who were looking for Daniel on tv, he didn't make it to the finals, so he didn't get to be on tv. They don't show anything on tv here except for the Chinese athletes, so I guess the USA didn't show PHI athletes either. The 50 free had over 90 participants, the slowest time was 35.19 seconds, and the fastest time was 21.46 in the preliminaries. Daniel was ranked somewhere in the 30's. His time was 22.69. In the finals, the gold medalist, Cesar Cielo swam a 21.30. Amazing time, as the world record is 21.28 by AUS, Eamon Sullivan. Cielo goes to Auburn University, which has been trying to recruit Daniel. So happy for Cielo! Saw his parents after the finals and gave them leis with Daniel Coakley tags. They know each other.

    We have been following Cielo because he, Nathan Adrien and Daniel were the youngest Olympic qualifying 50 free swimmers swimming in the Grand Prix. Cielo is 20 or 21 by now, Nathan Adrien is 19 and Daniel is 18. Last year Nathan broke Tom Jager's US record for the fastest 17-18 year old in US history. Tom Jager's record was 22.86, Nathan's time is 22.76. If Daniel makes his Olympic time, 22.69, at a US meet, he will break Nathan's record.

    The PHI coaches are happy about Daniel's time. He is right up there with the world class swimmers, and considering that he had only 1/2 year to prepare for the Olympics, from straight out of Kohala to a big-time training program. He did the best with what he had to work with. There is no room for mistakes in the 50 free, from the block to the dive to the stroke, breathing, turn and touch... no mistake. The only thing Jeffrey said that he saw after viewing the video, was that Daniel slowed down toward the end. He was leading the pack in his heat, and he could've possibly finished first in his heat with a better time, but he slowed down. Daniel said that he had to take 3 breaths at the SEA Games for his 22.80 time, and we think he didn't take a breath for this swim because many Olympic swimmers don't breathe in the 50 free. He wasn't ready for the "no breath" swim. All in all though, it looks good for 2012, which is what the PHI is looking forward to.

    The Aionas left for Japan the other day, but they have been having the time of their lives. Sammie has been giving away those Daniel shell leis and getting good deals in exchange. They also went to some baseball games and got invited to dine with the players' families.
    They left before we went to our 2nd tour, which was of the Summer Palace and an ancient village. Daniel got sick on Saturday, the day he spent with his brothers, so he went back to the Athlete's village early and left for Florida on Monday. From Sat thru Mon, Ka'aloa, Jeffrey, Kaiwi and I have been sick... real sick. We think it's because we ate at McDonalds. They tell us not to drink the water, but we forget that the ice and soda syrup is mixed with water. In the other restaurants they are careful not to give us anything but bottled water, hot tea or bottled soda.

    I love the ancient history, the buildings, furniture, artwork... and just imagine myself as Marco Polo seeing these magnificent buildings and grandiose lifestyle of silks, fireworks, stone carvings... All the stuff Marco Polo saw was real, but could not be imagined by the Italian mind back in his day.

    Mahalo to all in Kohala and Hawaii and the Hawaiians abroad for all the support!!! It's nice to see other Hawaii people here in Beijing. In fact, we will be having dinner with Ken Wills' family tonight and they will invite other Hawaii people. Luckily, I had saved some leis that Maile Marquez made that I can present to them.

    Thanks, everybody for your support. Everybody else has been shopping except me. The boys think the clothes here is cool-looking. Ka'aloa and Jeffrey went to a live Kung-Fu show and Ka'aloa was stoked! I watched a modern-day opera by Chi
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