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Chasco Fiesta

Views: 107
Exhibition powwow at the Chasco Fiesta which is in honor of all Native Americans. This is only 30 seconds. Normally I do not attend any powwows because I believe in cultural privacy. However for the last 90 years they have held this festival in honor of all Native Americans. This is the first time I attended because I do not believe in invading someone's cultural privacy. After 10 years of not attending LOL... I decided to FINALLY attend this exhibition which is open to the public.Of course the moment I walked into the area the Lakota speaker started speaking about some Hawaiians and Chinese who were sent to internment camps along with some Japanese... while looking straight at ME LOL I know that it was not a coincidence. In fact every time I am near natives they see the native in me and STARE AT ME LOL I actually like looking at native people though and liked seeing the little kids as usual.Well he spoke about assimilation and how "they" want us to be assimilated and basically be white. I know that some people MISTAKENLY think that one's name and/or phenotype conflate to what and WHO one values. I don't know about other people but I make it VERY clear that the Hawaiian Kingdom wins HANDS DOWN to the U.S. in significant ways. Of course a few mistakenly think that I graduated from UH-Manoa and that the way that I think about Hawaiians and how our nation still exists is due to the UH-Manoa Hawaiian Studies program. NO OFFENSE to the Hawaiian Studies program and/or to the teachers there but I graduated from the University of Washington and I am still NOT brainwashed against my kupuna *LOL* But being that some people like try be pilau to Hawaiians... they falsely accuse me of attending Hawaiian Studies classes at UH-Manoa which shows how pilau they are towards Hawaiians because I never enrolled in any Hawaiian Studies classes or in Hawaiian language classes at UH-Manoa. DUH! My kupuna purposefully had me attend then graduate from UW instead of from UH-Manoa for perhaps this reason LOLI got detention for ditching Ekelesia at Kamehameha Schools though. Why? Because I felt as though they were trying to brainwash me against my kupuna so I nevah like go! Therefore... I got detention and that is the ONLY reason why I ever got detention in my entire life LMAOI learned a few things from the speaker who is Lakota. I won't post that here.Well I have a "thing" for being photographed and photographing other native people. Personally I do not like to be photographed because I believe that 2D and 3D images can be used as a tool to harm some people. That is partly why my business pic is flipped 180 degrees because while it's me... it's not REALLY me LOL As well as my pic with my sunglasses. Of course my husband laughs about it but I am very particular about the images (both 2D and 3D) that I show not only of myself but of other native people. Most of the time the images are either blurred or changed in some way. For example the video is mostly of the people sideways and/or of their posterior. It's done so purposefully though some pseudo intellectuals always feel compelled to give their input about my business LOLIn this case this is an exhibition powwow and they have made it clear the photography and video are allowed. Thus I ONLY have 30 seconds of it.While they were honored they in turn honored people like veterans, police officers, firemen, people in public and in community service, etc in gratitude for being warriors. Yes a part of me wanted to get up too in that march (because I do alot of community service that benefits some indigent and less fortunate people) but oh well LOLThey welcomed people to join them though but I didn't. You can't see the bales forming a circle but I refused to cross the circle in order to enter THEIR circle LOLI have pics as well. Check my PERSONAL (not my business/work one) Facebook for pics.Hope y'all enjoy the video.

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