Tuesday night the 24th of February, many of us concerned Hawaiians will be gathering on the mauka side of the Capitol building to spend the night and will join forces with other Hawaiians all over the world in pule, mele, and oli as the US Supreme Court hears the case OHA vs State of Hawaii in our Ceded Lands battle.The actual vigil begins at 4am on the 25th, but a lot of us are planning on being there from after midnight on, to join our hearts in pule, meditation and aloha for this very important issue threatening all kanaka maoli.LokahiKu i ka pono
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Aloha anake Moani Keala Akaka, Thank you and of the people who stood fast to the truth and for fighting for all of the programs that's been established for the hawaiians, however who is hawaiian? the so called trustees of the state of hawaii, a state agency, of hawaiian affairs, who any registered voter can vote for clearly to me says it all. if anyone who lives and is registered to vote in hawaii can vote for the trustee then they should all be allowed to enjoy the benefits that is therefore created by that state agency. I was at a meeting in Lahaina Maui where trustee Boyd Mossman said that the money that the O.H.A. manages is the states money. I ask him if the Office of Hawaiian affairs is a state agency and the money they manage is the states money then I would like to know how is it that the Defacto state of Hawaii can negociate with it's self on behalf of the heirs to the land that akua has blessed us with. The United States of America's constitution is set up to prevent unconstitutional governmental agencies, I mean if we wanted to become americans and did join the union lawfully then there never would have been this so called O.H.A. in the first place, furthermore there's on such thing as ceded lands because we the heirs never gave up our inherent rights to anyone. Anake moani, e kala mai i'au if I offend you or any Kupuna who tried to work with the crook throughout the years, I know the acts of aggression yesterday was alive and blatant causing our people to shout their mouth and do want they had to do. if you look at the pictures of the past , the only ones you'll see carrying guns is the caucasians, the U.S.A. say that they don't negotiate with terrorist but obviously they did over 100 years ago. then in 1993 they admitted to this crime in the so called apology bill, and we the heirs of Hawaii Nei still want to work with the crooks. A'ole enough is enough, the Kingdom of Hawaii has been Reinstated on march 13 1999 in accordance with International law and we as a people need to find the aloha for each other and not just our other christian brothers and sisters. To all of the good God fearing christians throughout the world who might come across this comment, our country ( the Kingdom of Hawaii ) didn't discriminate back in the day and we the keiki o ka aina aren't discriminating today. Pray for the world, for the day of judgement cometh. soon.