What is Activism?

It's funny how the Hawaiians and U.S. Americans have a negative view on activism. Don't they know that their country endorsed and was founded on activism? Activism brought changes; some good and some bad. The fact remains; you snooze - you lose. Civil rights never happened without activism. The Ku'e petitions and petitions or pleading with the monarchs was activism. If people complain among themselves and do nothing to stop the corruption; than the problem continues and affects everyone.The problem then becomes oneself for not being active in one's governance. Don't they understand and know what democracy or republicanism is all about? I guess it's true when one says, "They are incapable of governing themselves." Activism is the only way to preserve one's rights. Unfortunately, many don't get it and will suffer from their lack of activism.Voting in elections is being active. Without being active, tyranny and dictatorship takes power. If they want their voices heard; then activism is the only way it can be accomplished. Dictators don't want the people to be active or practice activism; thus, the campaign to discourage activism. People have an obligation and duty to be active; that's the Hawaiian way as Kingdom's subjects and for those U.S. Americans that profess democracy and republicanism. Right now, the U.S. Americans have allowed the corporate oligarchy to rule their country. The sheeple can bleat all they want on the way to the slaughterhouse. The activist cannot be controlled in that manner.Go tell it from the mountain!Will you be a responsible activist?
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  • With cause and effects that activism involves, there are many issues affecting us. There are many layers of issues that affect rulings which generally are ignored within the U.S.A. and in particular in Hawai'i and how it relates to us:

    1. Consistent Racial Profiling within the Racist U.S. WASP Mainstream Society.
    2. Traditional Application of the Doctrines of Manifest Destiny.
    3. Violations of the Laws of Occupation.
    4. Disparity of Prosecution - Blue-collar Crimes vs. White-collar Crimes.
    5. Societal Socio-Economic Establishment with Racial & Gender Manipulation and Discrimination.
    6. Divide and Conquer Corporate Oligarchy Strategy and Techniques.
    7. Educational, Sales & Marketing Techniques for Propaganda, Conditioning,
    8. Forced Assimilation for Compliance to Sociopathic Corporate Powers.
    9. Enslavement Through Earning Power vs. Cost of Living.
    10. Demonizing with Religious Discrimination and Profiling.

    Each of these are full-topics of discussion, discernment, and resolution. Semantics can be utilized to obfuscate the principles of human rights, democracy, and God-given freedoms. Use and abuse depends on one's activism or compliance to the established norm. It's who's leading whom and what the general, popular mind-set dictates.

    This all leads to our concepts as we perceive them to be and our interpretations of how they are expressed. In the end, it greatly depends on who holds the bullwhip.
    That's my take on it.

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