US Minister John Levitt Stevens Warped Morality

US Minister John Levitt Stevens Warped MoralitySeveral years ago, I wrote a series of articles after doing some in depth researchand critical thinking of questioning the various aspects tied to our issues that affect us.So, this is a continuity of the subjects related to them.As I have cited before, concerted effort to takeover the Hawaiian Kingdom manifested in1826 by the then US president John Quincy Adams. He coined the argument that the U.S. must have Hawai'i before another country takes it. By 1841, the efforts became moreconcentrated as we recognize the men involved in seeing to it that the Hawaiian Kingdomwould one day be theirs. The constant plotting had not ceased until after the 1959Statehood Organic Act when the USA felt it safe and untouchable.The likes of US President William Harrison was a known expansionist who was consideredshallow-minded. US President Tyler (1841 - 1845) was a strict constructionist and an avidpro-slavery slave owner who extended the Monroe Document to included the HawaiianIslands in 1842. It was he that initiated the annexation of Texas which ended with a JointResolution for statehood and setting precedent in the United States on international matters.Chester Arthur (1881 - 1885) as US President; although personally honest, he closed hiseyes to unethical practices, incompetency, and graft in his office. All the while the Secretaryof State, James Blaine, continued to sway influence over US Congress throughout severalpresidential administrations. Blaine ran against Cleveland but lost the election.Cleveland (1885 - 89 and 1893 -97) warned, "... on foreign affairs, conscience should alwaysbe the one dominant force." During this time, James Blaine was accused of being unethicalin conduct as Speaker of the House. Remember James Blaine; he is a major player alongwith Lorrin Thurston.Benjamin Harrison became US President in 1889 to 1893. He was the son of former USPresident, William Harrison and had a firm defence of American interests. He was apro-annexationist and the failure of annexing Hawaii to the United States really enragedhim. This was especially gripping since he approved of Blaine to enlist Thurston todestabilize the Hawaiian Kingdom and used US Minister Stevens to invade Hawaii to proclaimit for the "PGs" which formed the Republic of Hawaii.McKinley succeeded Grover Cleveland as US President in 1897. He was a staunchpro-annexationist as was US Miister John L. Stevens. Fortunately, but too late, he was shotand died on 14 September 1901. Poetic justice? Hawaiians thought so.As revealed, these covert and overt actions of the United States of America is long-standing.They didn't wake up one day and say, "Oh! Hawaii wants freedom and democracy by belongingto the United States of America; so let's do it." The fact is the Hawaii Nationals already haddemocracy and freedom as a Kingdom of Hawaii. Albeit the US Americans were the ones tryingto prevent that from us.There is no need to wonder what the intentions of the United States were and when. The BostonWASP missionaries were only doing their blind patriotic duty in carrying out the doctrines ofManifest Destiny and brought the WASP bible and the plow to set the wheels in motion while the U.S.military brought the rifle. This presents a clearer picture of why the USA invaded Iraq and other countries.He Hawaii au,Tane
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