Racism in Hawaii

    Racism in Hawaii has been a problem that has been going on forever, but for me, i didn't start really noticing racism till i was in the 8th grade.  I have a "Haole" cousin, she wasn't "Haole" in the sense that she was from Europe or the continent.  She was actually born and raised on O'ahu, she is also 25% Hawaiian, it just so happens that she looks as though she is pure haole because shes white, with freckles and blue eyes.  I was visiting with them one summer and noticed while we were playing that an older kid, who was in high school, started picking on her and calling her names.  They called her names like "Haole" , "Redneck", "blondy" and so forth.
     The person that was calling her names was actually another "Haole" person, she and her family just moved in next door the year before from California.  She didn't have blond hair, or freckles, she was tan, blue eyed and brown hair.  She thought because she lived here for a year and surfed she was officially a "Local".  When i approached her to ask why she was picking on my cousin her response was said without hesitation, "Because she could".  If that doesn't show the type of power that white people have then i don't know what does.
     Racism here in Hawaii starts not with the old, but with those who are still very easily influenced, like children.  When children are young they follow those around them, learning words and sounds, unfortunately, some people think children, because they are young that they do not understand what is going on, which i could say that they do not completely comprehend everything going on, but they do know most.  I've seen and heard some children mimic and copy what is said around them.  
     To conclude, i'd say that racism here in Hawaii is something that is an everyday struggle, but it can definitely be fixed and adjusted as long as everyone is trying to demolish the thought of race.  Race shouldn't be the deciding factor for anything.

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  • Hana Bailey,

    We are all more African than we are anything else !  Some people will have a harder time accepting this than others. But .....
    ................................WE ALL NIGGGGAAAAAZZZZZZ NOW !!

  • Just TWO lines of "human beings" left:
    ................................................................#1.) Africans
    ................................................................#2.) Africans......
    ..............................................................................in denial


  • It's funny the many ways non-Hawaiians feel entitled to our land, culture, and experience. 

    Thanks for sharing!


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