Papal Bulls that Formed Manifest Destiny

Papal Bulls that Formed Manifest DestinyThere are three bulls (edicts, or executive orders, if youwill) issued by the Papacy with which we should concernourselves. The Dum Diversas, issued by Pope Nicholas V in1452, authorized King Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any"Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers" toperpetual slavery, thereby ushering in the West African slavetrade.The Romanus Pontifex, also issued by Pope Nicholas V in 1455,sanctioned the seizure of non-Christian lands, and encouragedthe enslavement of non-Christian people in Africa and theAmericas. Specifically, it gave the green light to "invade,search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens andpagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoeverplaced," all for profit, and in the name of Jesus Christ.The Inter Caetera, signed by Pope Alexander VI in 1493,states, "... we (the Papacy) command you (Spain) ... toinstruct the aforesaid inhabitants and residents and dwellerstherein in the Catholic faith, and train them in good morals."This papal law sanctioned and paved the way for Europeancolonization and Catholic missions in the New World.These three edicts opened the floodgates for everything thatfollowed, the raping, pillaging, kidnapping, genocide andenslavement of millions. They established the groundwork forthe global slave trade of the 15th and 16th centuries, and theAge of Imperialism. Speaking of organized crime, at this timeI'm reminded of a famous line from the movie The Godfather,referring to the drug trade: "In my city, we'd keep thetraffic in the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animalsanyway, so let them lose their souls."[BC Columnist David A. Love is an attorney based in> Philadelphia, and a contributor to the Progressive Media> Project and McClatchy-Tribune News Service.]
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