This is H.C.R. 107, introduced on March 14, 2011:
The investigations into the two executive agreements are based solely from a legal stand point and not from a racial or sovereignty stand point.
Also, you can no more tell the race or ethnic background of an American than you can that of a Hawaiian, so race is not an issue!
This is the latest post on Sai v. Clinton, April 2, 2011:
The U.S. cannot rely on the political question doctrine, non-justiciable issue to be determined by the U.S. Congress as the U.S. officially recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom on July 6, 1844 as an independent nation State. U.S. officials must yield to the U.S. Supremacy clause. The impact will be so huge you can't blame the U.S. for defending in whatever way they can!
The information posted in the link below came out in Maui News too:
The Maui County Council is in support of H.C.R. 107, introduced by Representative Mele Carroll on March 14, 2011, calling for a joint legislative committee to investigate two Executive Agreements, international compacts, entered into by U.S. President Grover Cleveland and Queen Lili'uokalani of the Hawaiian Islands back in 1893.
The first illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Islands occurred on January 17, 1893.
Newly elected U.S. President Grover Cleveland commissioned James Blount to investigate the events that led to the January 17, 1893 Executive Assignment from Hawaii's Queen [the overthrow]. James Blount's investigation concluded that U.S. diplomatic and military representative had abused their authority and were responsible for the change in [the Hawaiian] government. Emphasis added.
This was also noted in U.S. Public Law 103-150, the Apology Bill. That however, is a House Joint Resolution which has no affect
over another country. Although this Public Policy was not put into a treaty to properly apologize to native Hawaiians as well as
Hawaiian nationals for the change in government the U.S. caused to the sovereign people of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the apology itself has resonated serious repercussions in the global community and the external sovereignty of the Hawaiian kingdom is still recognized by many countries, the internal sovereignty is currently oppressed by the belligerent occupation of the United States.
The January 17, 1893 Executive Assignment, International Compact, between the U.S. and the Kingdom triggers the U.S. to implement Hawaiian Kingdom law, this is in accordance to the International Laws of Occupation.
On December 18, 1893 the Queen entered into the Executive Agreement of Restoration, which was conditioned by U.S.
President Cleveland to provide amnesty to insurgents that perhaps were influenced by U.S. Plenipotentiary Minister John L. Stevens who himself was afforded diplomatic immunity to escape treason under Hawaiian Kingdom law.
The December 18, 1893 Executive Agreement of Restoration, International Compact, estops any transactions within the Hawaiian Kingdom jurisdiction and bind the office of the U.S. President under the U.S. Executive Branch of Government until that Agreement has been fulfilled; unless the U.S. implements Kingdom law, in which to date it has not done so!
You can see the monumental impact this will have not only in Hawaii, but globally, as anything recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances and business registrations are all null and void since January 17, 1893.
The Provisional Government was made up of a group calling themselves the committee of safety. They were in fact insurgents and without any authority from the Hawaiian Kingdom!
The Provisional Government, which President Cleveland had pleaded to the Queen to provide amnesty, later changed their name to the Republic of Hawaii in 1894.
The U.S. Congress prevented President Cleveland from restoring the Hawaiian Kingdom in two separate House Joint Resolutions, rendering him a Lame Duck! We now have case law that clearly indicate that Congress of the U.S. has no authority beyond its borders as authority belongs to the U.S. President in his Executive capacity and the Executive Agreements entered into must be honored under the U.S. Supremacy Law as the Law of the Land, overriding State of Hawaii laws and U.S. Federal laws.
Officers of the Court are held to a higher degree to observe the U.S. Supremacy Law as they have taken an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, failure to recognize the two Executive Agreements, International Compacts, will equate to an International War Crime in accordance to the Geneva Convention and U.S. military rules of engagement.
The second illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom occurred on August 12, 1898.
The signatures of around 38,000 Hawaiian Nationals, against the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S. in 1897, known as the Ku'e petitions, resulted in the failure of the U.S. Congress meeting the required votes in order to accept the proposed Bill for a Treaty of Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands. A true victory procured by our kupunas and certain members of the U.S. Congress for the preservation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
That Treaty of Annexation was proposed by the Republic of Hawaii insurgents, not the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Further, the December 18, 1893 Agreement of Restoration would have stopped that transaction had it gone through.
President McKinley via Newlands Resolution annexed Hawaii on July 7, 1898, in which a formal ceremony took place in Hawaii on August 12, 1898. The second illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Islands!
The Hawaiian Kingdom gained its independence as an independent nation State on November 28, 1843 [La Kuokoa] by a Joint Anglo-Franco Proclamation signed at the Court of London.
Timoteo Haalilio was the first diplomatic envoy from the Hawaiian Islands along with William Richards and Sir George Simpson to accomplish that task.
Hawaii's independence was further officially recognized by the U.S. a little over seven months later on July 6, 1844 in its informal recognition of Hawaii's independence back in 1842, by U.S. President John Tayler.
Once independence is recognized it is done, the only way a country can loose it is by a treaty of cession or treaty by conquest none of which happened in Hawaii. Note: a treaty by conquest was only outlawed in 1920, so you can see that the Queen had much to be concerned about even up to the time of her death in 1917.
This is a funny clip about our Hawaiian history on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:
Comparing the Newlands Reslution to Annex Hawaii to a New Jersey law declaring for Jon Bon Jovi day.
This is what happened in Honolulu cocerning H.C.R. 107:
And this concerns the McKinley statute:
The statute displays the words Treaty of Annexation, now they want to recast it! It would only be right to return it to Washington D.C. and exchange it for the Kamehameha statute over there!
I would also suggest that they change the name McKinley High School back to Honolulu High School, there being no treaty of annexation!
If anything check out this short video, it's easy to comprehend:
The U.S. and State of Hawaii has no title to Hawaiian lands!
This is where you can find the rest of the short video's and check out the lawsuit and Keanu Sai's dissertation:
This is where a lot of information can be found:
Some terms to know:
Kanaka Maoli, is a full blooded native Hawaiian.
Kanaka, is a part native Hawaiian.
Hawaiian national is a Hawaiian Subject regardless of ethnic background.
Something to keep in mind:
Kamehameha III, was the last autocratic ruler in the Hawaiian Kingdom as he voluntarily gave up his absolute sovereignty for a Constitutional system of governance comprising of three branches of government, the Legislative branch, which makes laws. The Judicial branch who make decisions on the laws. And the Executive branch that implements the law. Very similar to the U.S. government structure.
The people of the Hawaiian Kingdom was the most literate people in the world as about 90% of its population could read and write.
The Hawaiian Kingdom was the first in the world to make education mandatory among its citizens regardless of class.
It was law for all Konohiki to comprehend Political Economy. William Richards converted a book by Fancis Wayland, late President of Brown University in Providence, Road Island, for the Konohiki to learn.
The Hawaiian Kingdom was not colonized and we are not moving for sovereignty. We are already sovereign because of our recognized Joint Proclamation of Independence back on November 28, 1843.
Queen Lili’uokalani temporarily assigned only her authority as head of state on January 17, 1893, not the entire sovereign body or country!
The 1864 Hawaiian Kingdom Constitution remain in effect as the 1887
Bayonet Constitution was signed under duress by King Kalakaua while the Legislators were out of session and there being no just cause to change anything in the Constitution that could not wait until regular session was convened. The 1887 Hawaiian Constitution is unlawful.