April 1, 2009Representative Mele Carroll, ChairRepresentative Maile S. L. Shimabukuro, Vice ChairAnd Committee Members on Hawaiian AffairsHouse of Representatives, 2009 Legislature SessionState of HawaiiSubject: HCR 213, HR 183, Requesting Hawaii’s Congressional DelegationWithdraw Its Support For The Hawaii Capitol NationalHeritage Area, SUPPORTALOHA Kakou,My name is Richard Pomaikaiokalani Kinney. On January 17, 1993 after reading Public Law 103-150 I renounced my citizenship to the United States. I come here today as a Hawaiian Nationalist of the Hawaiian Kingdom. I strongly support the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom government that was invaded and occupied thru an Act of War onJanuary 16, 1893 with the involvement of the diplomatic and military forces of the United States.As Sovereign of the Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii, I strongly SUPPORT the passage of HCR 213 and HR 183.Public Law 103-150 is more then just a symbolic apology, it is an admission of guilt. Admission that a great wrong has been done to the Native Hawaiian people. That Great Wrong continues till this day as I give my testimony to this committee.Since the passage of Public Law 103-150 many Native Hawaiians like myself have begun to learn the truth of the history of Hawaii. The history of an Indigenous people going from living in Grass Huts to a Constitutional Monarchy.The Hawaii Capitol National Heritage Area plan is HEWA. HEWA in that it continues the wrongs against the Hawaiian Kingdom and those like myself who are declared nationals of the Kingdom.After the passage and signing of the Apology Resolution into law by President Clinton, United States should pull down their flag. Withdraw itsPage 2April 1, 2009HCR 213Military forces to the military bases in Hawaii. Allowing the Native Hawaiian people time to gather and decide their future based on the findings in the Apology Resolution.The Congress of the United States should honor its own laws. The Congress of the United States should not be involved in the “Self-Determination” process of Native Hawaiians based on the findings in the Apology Resolution.The introduction of the Hawaii Capitol National Heritage Area Billinto Congress by Senator Inouye without any public hearings in Hawaii is HEWA.Mahalo Nui Loa to Reprensentative Sylvia Luke for her introductions of these very important resolutions. As I’ve told many of my family and friends many times you don’t have to be Hawaiian in blood, as in Spirit is where it counts the most to be Hawaiian. Mahalo Nui for allowing me to give testimony on this important Bill.Attachment: Renouncement DocumentsALOHA KUU AINA HAWAIIRichard Pomaikaiokalani Kinney, SOVEREIGNHawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii87-168 Maaloa Street, Waianae, Hawaii, 96792Email: HIAHAWAII@aol.com