Hawaii is an independent country


By 1893 Almost 100% of Hawaiians were literate and were involved in political issues of the day (Hawaiian and English issues). Hawaiians were not confused of who they are! The effect of the culture bomb is annihilating the Hawaiians beliefs, language; place Names and destruction of the environment were all part of Americas plans. With this idea this makes native people believe the myth instead of the truth. “Theft is holy,” Seems as if taking and colonizing land that is not yours was God’s plan. We feel the pain of the aboriginal people but the Hawaiian political power was different because we as kanaka were recognized with treaties around the world. Nation of state gave Hawaiians recognition in most countries like, England, France, British and even the U.S of A but somewhere in the “Annexation” this legal documents of Hawaii being part of the Nations of State was hidden from the Hawaiian people by the U.S.A. Once recognized by Nation of State the lands can only be given away but the sovereignty must stay! By November 28, 1842-43 the Hawaiians were legitimatized of a Kingdom and sovereignty. So why does America give Hawaiian people the worst lands to live on instead of, lands that are flushing with plants animals and water! Stand up for Aloha ‘Aina! Hawaii is the key to America’s domination over the Pacific . “look deeper than what’s in front you, the taro patches are still there, it’s just over grown, just like the Hawaii Kingdom.” “No be lazy” –Aunty Pualani Kanahele

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  • Yes all of the above is true. "No be lazy" politically it is, complex at least, that is how it is on Oahu. Maoliworld is a good example of multi-platforms. As of this moment the most important issue that, personal opinion, I feel is important is water. How many people are on to this issue at the moment? Who are the players? What islands have this frontal fight? Specifically where are the areas in peril, put all this together and add DHHL water policy and we have a huge problem and a large mess in the kanaka communities. The no-be-lazy takes frontal stage, but where do we begin?
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