Maui News - February 12, 2011

Contrary to the February 4 Haku Mo`olelo column, many lineal descendants and supporters of Queen Lili`uokalani and the Hawaiian kingdom, whom the writer describes as "Hawaiian sovereignty claimants," are united on numerous points regarding our cultural, social and political heritage

One such commonality we share and remain unified on is our opposition to the Akaka Bill and all such deceptive legislation and/or foreign declarations, i.e., Hawai`i state legislative bills SB1 and HB1627.

Though we may differ on how best to reach our mutual goals - social equality, human rights, economic justice - we nonetheless do not ascribe nor condone the violence and hostilities Americans across the US continent have brought upon themselves and the world as we have witnessed recently in American politics and now in the Middle East region.

Unity amongst the people of Hawai`i is a fact. It has been for some time now. To imply Hawaiians are in disunity simply because most of us will not sell out our heritage is out of date and obsolete at best.

Perhaps the writer would have observed and understood this had he been looking elsewhere besides Fox News and their vitriol contributors such as former Ambassador John Bolton. All he wants to do is blow up and kill the people who don't comply with his demands.

Foster Ampong

Wailuku, Maui
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  • Foster,


    John Bolton is a sissy candidate for 2012 presidency.  The 'tea party' wants control of  bankers wallet, by a factor of 10.  Ten, ten calling in all the cards for a new deal to cash in on Obama game seems the targeted goal of the 'Tea Party'.  I'm not much on rabbits and their hoping political carrot chasing game, I'd rather be a turtle and take my time.  So yes, 'blow up and kill the people' may seem poetic but sadly it's the truth and we must stand up to the myths that we are divided.  Take care.. Kaohi

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