E kipi ana lâkou nei. 'A'ole na'e o lâkou pono'î akâ o ka lâkou mau keiki me na mo'opuna.O ke ali'i e ola ana ia wâ e ku 'ôlohelohe ana ia, a o ke aupuni e kûkulu 'ia aku ana, oia ke aupunipa'a o Hawai'i ne.This people(the missionaries) are going to rebel; not they themselves, but their childrenand grand children.The ruler at that time will be stripped of power,and the government established then will be thepermanet government of Hawai'i.Prophesied by David Malo.
There seems to be something missing in the, "before" and "after" can you quote the book, page and where we can get this information please?