I was very patient and sent in the revised chapter three. Mahalo to those who has assisted through this process. I'm very excited. Current research is 139 pages then add in 20 pages of references. I estimate final paper for publshing will be over 350 pages. That does not include the 25 pages already written for discussion. I had to look up other sources to to answer questions! A good way to keep the "mana " flowing."Don't forget, July 17, 2009 - July 19, 2009, The Lawful Hawaiain Govement will be at Sany Beach. I will be filming for 'Olelo. This is a great opportunity to learn more of what Henry Noa has already establisehd over ten years. I will be camping with my daughters. I bought a six-man tent and two sleeping bags! Join us, we look forward to seeing yo there too!Be AKAMAI and learn about what is out there. Do you want total indpeendece or not? A time to learn and self-reflect. In vest in yourself regardless of poltical fondation, it is your kuleana to do your part.namaka'ehaP.S. I know that I will be adding in on international law for my discussion part and how and what the U.S. did. I thank Alexander Luka for his assistance with scholarly reserach along with Kawika Inciong, "Tane" on MW. These two men has contributed endless time and energy with scholarly research. Mahalo Ke akua.
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  • I truly believe the emphasis of what I shared is about knowing yourself and feeling comfortable with regard to knwoing your own ethnic identity. Given the historical analysis of what occurred to Kanaka Maoli, it is not thier fault since the missionaries arrived to Hawaii. Many documents have revealed the true intentions of taking of the Hawaiian Islands and the Apology Bill has replied to those events that led up to it.

    I'm disappointed of what has transpired like many others may feel, however my research focuses on improving academic achievement. I just read a journal yesterday of other countries who parallel to Hawaii. Nonetheless, it is our KULEANA to imrpove as a nation, eveyone is responsible to KOKUA.

    Read to your children daily and give them the tools to develop skills to read and write effectively. Be part of the solution. Talk story and ask your keik what the story was about, who are the characters (people, animal, etc), where is the setting (where is the story taking place), when is it happening (day or night, year, etc.), what is the moral of the story (what is the author trying to say), why is it important to know this and how can he or she connect to the mo'olelo (story). Perhaps your keik visted the Bishop Museum and heard about Kamehameha and the book makes reference to him being born and cared by Naole. There are many ways to skin a "cat" similar to imrpoving reading comprehension.

    Our children need to understand what is being read and I can share without shame the kumu that I had did none of this when I was in elementary. On the other hand, I have made this a lifetime commitment to addressing academic concerns an implemeniting solutions too.

    Imua to all and read to your keiki. Help each one build a stronger foundation in literarcy. Our kupuna did it, we can too!
  • Good job, it was great to see you at Iolani Palace. I did not hear much of what was said, but will reflect as soon as the videos are on view. Kaohi (Luwella)
  • Yes. Mahalo for kind words of wisdom. I'm very grateful for the kokua from na po'e; family and friends. I look forward to defending this research as it will illustrate a history of politcal dominations and economc exploitations of Kanaka Maoli. By identifying barriers that impeded academic achievement thus relevant to developing solutions to increasing literacy among our own po'e. The mana'o shared by the po'e are pertinent to sharing as well as informing others how they feel regardless of what has transpired. Nonetheless, this research along with many others has "mana" that can be used to improve academic achievment.

    On the other hand, the research has idenified the U.S. and their counterparts of the illegal overthrow. Now, based on international and Kingdom laws, I will "tie" in and present it. I'm at the library today researching on internatl laws. Very interesting and informative toward making the connections!

    I'm drinking less soda. Hahahaha...I'm being funny, I think I lost more calories. Take care of our body, definately. Eat healthy and get rest. Sometimes the brain is faster than the body and often wake up at 2 a.m. to do research. It is quiet like a mouse. If it is not resarch, it is genealogy!


  • Aloha mai e Namakaeha,
    Congratulations and best wishes as you pursue your scholarly goals! What a great accomplishment when your dissertation is finally complete. Keep on with your hard work. It will be so worth it in the end. Don't forget to malama kou kino.
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