Chronology of Hawai'i's Unlawful Takeover and U.S. Beligerent Occupation1820 - present - Missionary American influence.1826 - 1887 - U.S. covert activities against Hawai'i.- U.S. Foreign Policy and Breach of Treaties affect Hawai'i.1887 - present - Influential powers in U.S, scholars of manifest destiny, expansionism, and imperialism plot forHawai'i takeover.- Blaine and Thurston plot to destabilize and takeover Hawai'i's government with Harrison's approval;U.S. settlers increase markedly.1893 - present - Invasion of Hawai'i and belligerent occupation begins.- Set-up of U.S. Puppet Provisional Government (controlled U.S. American).- Republic of Hawai'i protected and supported by the U.S.A.- Queen's protest induces Cleveland to withdraw P.G.'s Treaty of Annexation.- Within Cleveland's constitutional power, he appoints Blount to Hawai'i and investigate the incident.- Blount Report reveals U.S. illegal intervention and complicity in takeover.- Cleveland declares Republic of Hawai'i ipso facto, self-declared without people's consent in Hawai'i.- Racist Morgan Report absolves the U.S. participants and condemns the Queen for the incident.None of the committee members or Morgan went to Hawai'i to investigate; instead got theirwritten testimonies ignoring the Queen and the people from testimony. U.S. officials gave oraltestimony. Morgan was hoping to send all the blacks on the continent to Hawai'i.- Turpie Resolution of 1831set a hands-off policy of Government officials and other nations to notinterfere. Cleveland asserted that the people of Hawai'i should choose their government. His handstied, he no longer could help restore the Queen and was forced to recognize the Republic of Hawai'icongress supported.- The Queen's Formal Protest and the People's Ku'e Petitions of 1897 is submitted to Congress.- Republic of Hawai'i sends the 2nd treaty which is again rejected because they couldn't get2/3rds vote as required under the U.S. Constitution.- Hawai'i's short-lived victory turns into betrayal of trust and justice committed by U.S.A. ignoring thepeople's choice and supporting their Republic of Hawai'i through the Newland's Resolution of 1898without a treaty and by simple majority used due to their Spanish-American War in pursuit of theirultimate goal; to take control of and own Hawai'i.- US DOJ in 1988 questioned where Congress derived its authority to annex Hawai'i by joint resolutionwithout a treaty.- (U.S.) Republic of Hawai'i is renamed U.S. Territory of Hawai'i.- neo-colonialization to enforce U.S. assimilation.- U.S. forsees UN mandate to be enacted in 1960 for Human Righrs and decolonization process;thus the U.S. hastily passes the Statehood Act for Alaska and Hawai'i. Hawai'i is then taken off theNGO roll.- Statehood voting process is irregular and only one option given. With no international oversight andthe irregularities committed, the Statehood Act is null and void.- The Akaka Bill is an attempt to effectively steal Hawai'i once and for all by creating a faux governingentity to have Hawai'i nationals of kanaka maoli blood to give up their national rights while ignoringnon-kanaka maoli nationals. This attempt is for the tribal status of Hawaiian native Americans tonegotiate away the lands, resources, and territory.- U.S. belligerent occupation of 116+ years continues till today. The only recourse is for the U.S. tode-occupy the still existing Kingdom of Hawai'i. The U.S. still makes a mockery of justice, freedom,and honor.
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  • Aloha Tane,
    Your blog posts are so informative and well said. It is important that we do our own research and know the truth of our history, but it helps having someone explain it to us as thoroughly as you do.
    Mahalo nui.
  • The reason many Americans prefer to validate the Morgan report rather than the Blount Report is because it exonerates the U.S. Americans and their dubious government. Morgan was a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan from Alabama. He was an expansionist arguing for annexation of the Republic of Hawaii. He also advocating sending blacks to Hawai'i, Cuba, and Philipines and eradicating them from the contiguous 48 states. The Formal Abdication signed by Lili'uokalani Dominis, was written our for her by them and to humiliate her further, made her sign it as Lili'uokalani Dominis, and not her legal signature as Queen; thus the abdication was illicit and null and void. This means, the Queen never abdicated.

    Here we see U.S. Actions from it's invasion to Statehood is all unlawful and illegal and riddled with lies, fraud, and deceit. These instruments they use as being valid are all null and void. They can call Mars purple till they're blue in the face; but that doesn't mean Mars is purple. They can enslave their own citizens; but that doesn't mean they are a free people in a democratic society, because they're not and we know it.

    When the U.S. falls; it will fall hard and they won't be able to put it back as before. God Bless Hawai'i! LOL.....
  • Aloha,

    This reminds of my research paper. I sent a message to Mana regarding these events and useful for lyrics for the AKAKA BlLL!
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