Easier said than done

"Keep your hands to yourself!"...It really is easier said than done...z64112846.jpg 4_14_6.gif526751836_f089c3531e.jpgToday was one of those "Wat da heo is going on?!" days. 4_6_104.gif I come in to work & see my CCC standing outside the class with one of the boys. I already know him & the kid I watch ("Jake") got into it... It's practically an every day event. They did. Apparently "Jake" got into it with one of the girls too & exchanged some "words" he knows are not allowed. He always gets into other people's business, which we've talked to him about before. To solve that, he got kicked outta class & is now only allowed in when I come in. The boy he got into it with now sits in front of the teacher. The girl he got into it with got written up for a bunch of things that I'm sure were written up about before. Two out of three problems solved... Better than nothing. Then come to find out, the whole class had some huge "irritate Miss S. day" (the teacher) thing going on & totally got on her last nerve. How do we know? It was made apparent when she turned on the lights after the movie & started gassing everybody & even kept them in for a couple minutes of recess. Yikes. All of the rest of the kids that were irritating her all got moved around too. *sigh*. Then during recess, I find out a girl told "Jake" "hi" & he told her "go $%^& yourself". 4_3_2.gif. I wouldn't have known had she not come into class & told the teacher, while I was standing right there. I gave the kid gas when he came in. His temper pretty much stopped right there. The rest of the day went pretty smooth after that. 4_1_204.gifsilenceisgoldenjk3.gif the48cb3a7.jpg spongebob.gif
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